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姓名: 王飞 出生年月: 1986.5

性别: 硕/博导: 硕导

民族: 开设课程: 作物栽培学,作物学实验

职称: 副教授 研究方向: 水稻栽培生理

学位: 农学博士












1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:夜间温度对水稻籽粒蛋白质含量和蒸煮食味品质影响的生理机制及其栽培调控,58万元,2021.1-2024.12主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:水稻育种进程中气孔密度的变化规律及其与光合作用的关系,20万元,2016.1-2018.12主持;

3. 国家重点研发计划:长江中下游北部双季稻区水稻品种筛选与模式集成,120万,2017.7-2020.12主持;

4. 国家重点研发计划:湖北双季双直播水稻高产高效的温光配置规律和生理机制研究,120万元,2016.1-2020.12主持;

5. 校自主创新基金:再生稻模式产量与资源利用效率协同提高的栽培调控机理研究,40万,2020.5-2023.4主持;

6. 国家自然科学国际合作项目:再生稻模式产量与资源利用效率协同提高的栽培调控机理研究,200万,2021.1-2025.12参与。

7. 863”计划:“绿色超级稻新品种培育项目”的第5课题“绿色超级稻高产栽培与田间管理技术”,1600万,2014.1-2018.12参与。



1. 2020年省级虚拟仿真实验教学一流课程:水稻生产与栽培调控虚拟仿真实验(主持)

2. 2021年度专业学位研究生教学案例:机收再生稻绿色丰产高效栽培技术(主持)


1. 全国农牧鱼业丰收奖——农业技术推广合作奖, 2019, 湖北省再生稻产业协同推广机制创新与实践. 王飞(13/35.

2. Fei Wang, Shaobing Peng*. Yield Potential and nitrogen use efficiency of Chinas super rice. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (2017) 16: 1000-1008Journal of Integrative Agriculture2019年度最具影响力论文,并入选“第五届中国科协优秀科技论文农林集群”,获三等奖.




1. Xiaoxiao Li, Liying, Huang, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Inter-annual climate variability constrains rice genetic improvement in China. Food and Energy Security (2021) 00: e299.

2. Liying Huang, Xiaoxiao Li, Yunbo Zhang, Shah Fahad, Fei Wang*. dep1 improves rice grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency simultaneously by enhancing nitrogen and dry matter translocation. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (2021) Accept.

3. Desheng Yang, Shaobing Peng, Chang Zheng, Hongshun Xiang, Jianliang Huang, Kehui Cui, Fei Wang*. Effects of nitrogen fertilization for bud initiation and tiller growth on yield and quality of rice ratoon crop in central China. Field Crops Research (2021) 272: 108286.

4. 王飞, 黄见良, 彭少兵*. 机收再生稻丰产优质高效栽培技术研究进展. 中国稻米 (2021) 27: 1-6.

5. Lilian Wu, Hugo J. de Boer, Zixiao Zhang, Xueliang Chen, Yanying Shi, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. The coordinated increase in stomatal density and vein dimensions during genetic improvement in rice. Agronomy Journal (2020) 112: 2791-2804.

6. Desheng Yang, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Response of photosynthesis to high growth temperature was not related to leaf anatomy plasticity in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science (2020) 11: 26.

7. Le Xu, Xiaoxiao Li, Xinyu Wang, Dongliang Xiong, Fei Wang*. Comparing the grain yields of direct-seeded and transplanted rice: A Meta-Analysis. Agronomy (2019) 9: 767.

8. Liying Huang, Desheng Yang, Xiaoxiao Li, Shoabing Peng, Fei Wang*. Coordination of high grain yield and high nitrogen use efficiency throughlarge sink size and high post-heading source capacity in rice. Field Crops Research (2019) 233: 49-58.

9. Liying Huang, Fan Sun, Shen Yuan, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Responses of candidate green super rice and super hybrid rice varieties to simplified and reduced input practice. Field Crops Research (2018) 218: 78-87.

10. Liying Huang, Fan Sun, Shen Yuan, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Different mechanisms underlying the yield advantage of ordinary hybrid and super hybrid rice over inbred rice under low and moderate N input conditions. Field Crops Research (2018) 216: 150-157.

11. 王飞, 彭少兵*.水稻绿色高产栽培技术研究进展. 生命科学 (2018) 30: 1129-1136.

12. Fei Wang, Shaobing Peng*. Yield Potential and nitrogen use efficiency of China’s super rice. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (2017) 16: 1000-1008.

13. Shen Yuan, Travis Luc Goron, Liying Huang, Lilian Wu, Fei Wang*. Rice leaf lateral asymmetry in the relationship between SPAD and area-based nitrogen concentration. Symmetry (2017) 9: 83.

14. Guanglong Zhu, Shaobing Peng, Jianliang Huang, Kehui Cui, Lixiao Nie, Fei Wang*. Genetic improvements in rice yield and concomitant increases in radiation- and nitrogen use efficiency in Middle Reaches of Yangtze River. Scientific Reports (2016) 6: 21049.

15. Lilian Wu, Shen Yuan, Liying Huang, Fan Sun, Guanglong Zhu, Guohui Li, Shah Fahad, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Physiological mechanisms underlying the high-grain yield and high-nitrogen use efficiency of elite rice varieties under a low rate of nitrogen application in China. Frontiers in Plant Science (2016) 7: 1024.

16. Guanglong Zhu, Guohui Li, Depeng Wang, Shen Yuan, Fei Wang*. Changes in the lodging-related traits along with rice genetic improvement in China. PLoS ONE (2016) 11: e0160104.

17. Fei Wang*, Robert A. Coe, Shanta Karki, Samart Wanchana, Vivek Thakur, Amelia Henry, Hsiang-Chun Lin, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng, William Paul Quick. Overexpression of OsSAP16 regulates photosynthesis and the expression of a broad range of stress response genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLoS ONE (2016)11: e0157244.

18. Liying Huang, Fan Sun, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Genotypic Differences of Japonica Rice Responding to High Temperature in China. Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 1-11.

19. Fengxian Yao, Jianliang Huang, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Shaobing Peng, Fei Wang*. Dry matter and N contributions to the formation of sink size in early-and late-maturing rice (Oryza sativa L.) under various N rates in Central China. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (2016) 18: 46-51.

20. Zhe Hu, Liying, Huang, Shaobing Peng, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Jianliang Huang, Fei Wang*. Premature heading and yield losses caused by prolonged seedling agein double cropping rice. Field Crops Research (2015) 183: 147-155.

21. Fei Wang, Shaobing Peng, Kehui Cui, Lixiao Nie, Jianliang Huang*. Field performance of Bt transgenic crops: A review. Australian Journal of Crop Science (2014) 8: 18-26.

22. Fei Wang, Cheng Ye, Liyang Zhu, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Shaobing Peng, Yongjun Lin, Jianliang Huang*. Yield differences between Bt transgenic rice lines and their non-Bt counterparts, and its possible mechanism. Field Crops Research (2012) 126: 8-15.

23. Fei Wang, Zaiping Jian, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Shaobing Peng, Yongjun Lin, Jianliang Huang*. Effects of N treatments on the yield advantage of Bt-SY63 over SY63 (Oryza sativa) and the concentration of Bt protein. Field Crops Research (2012) 129: 39-45.

24. Xinyu Wang, Le Xu, Xiaoxiao Li, Guodong Yang, Fei Wang, Shaobing Peng*. Grain yield and lodging-related traits of ultrashort-duration varieties for direct-seeded, double-season rice in central China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (2021) Accept.

25. Le Xu, Shen Yuan, Xinyu Wang, Zhifeng Chen, Xiaoxiao Li, Jing Cao, Fei Wang, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng. Comparison of yield performance between direct-seeded and transplanted double-season rice using ultrashort-duration varieties in central China. The Crop Journal (2021) Accept.

26. Liying Huang, Fei Wang, Yi Liu, Xiaohai Tian, Yunbo Zhang*. Whether optimizing seeding rate and planting density can alleviate the yield loss of doubleseason rice caused by prolonged seedling age? Crop Science (2021) 61: 2759-2774.

27. Liying Huang, Fei Wang, Yi Liu, Yunbo Zhang*. Night Temperature Determines the Interannual Yield Variation in Hybrid and Inbred Rice Widely Used in Central China Through Different Effects on Reproductive Growth. Frontier in Plant Science (2021) 646168.

28. Jiang Wang, Penghao Fu, Fei Wang, Shah Fahad, Pravat K Mohapatra, Yutiao Chen, Congde Zhang, Shaobing Peng, Kehui Cui, Lixiao Nie, Jianliang Huang*. Optimizing nitrogen management to balance rice yield and environmental risk in the Yangtze River’s middle reaches. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2019) 26: 4901-4912.

29. Le Xu, Xuewu Zhan, Tingting Yu, Lixiao Nie, Jianliang Huang, Kehui Cui, Fei Wang, Yong Li, Shaobing Peng*. Yield performance of direct-seeded, double-season rice using varieties with short growth durations in central China. Field Crops Research (2018)227: 49-55.

30. Shen Yuan, Lixiao Nie, Fei Wang, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng*. Agronomic performance of inbred and hybrid rice cultivars under simplified and reduced-input practices. Field Crops Research (2017) 210: 129-135.

31. Depeng Wang, Jianliang Huang, Lixiao Nie, Fei Wang, Xiaoxiao Ling, Kehui Cui, Yong Li, Shaobing Peng*. Integrated crop management practices for maximizing grain yield of double-season rice crop. Scientific Reports (2017) 7: 38982.

32. Depeng Wang, Ma. Rebecca C. Laza, Kenneth G. Cassman, Jianliang Huang, Lixiao Nie, Xiaoxiao Li, Grace S. Centeno, Kehui Cui, Fei Wang, Yong Li, Shaobing Peng*. Temperature explains the yield difference of double-season ricebetween tropical and subtropical environments. Field Crops Research (2016) 198: 303-311.

33. Zaiping Jian, Fei Wang, Zhongzheng Li, Yutiao Chen, Xiaochun Ma, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Shaobing Peng, Yongjun Lin, Hongzhi Song, Yong Li, Jianliang Huang*. Grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency response to N application in Bt (Cry1Ab/Ac) transgenic two-line hybrid rice. Field Crops Research (2013) 155: 184-191.

34. Kai Wang, Hongying Zhou, Bangju Wang, Zaiping Jian, Fei Wang, Jianliang Huang, Lixiao Nie, Kehui Cui, Shaobing Peng*. Quantification of border effect of grain yield measurement of hybrid rice. Field Crops Research (2013) 141: 47-54.



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