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序号 第一作者 通讯作者 论文题目 来源 收录年份
1 万虎

1.Jin,   Byung Rae


Identification   and functional characterization of an epsilon glutathione S-transferase from   the beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) PESTICIDE   BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2016
2 张志林



Identification   and field verification of sex pheromone from the mirid bug, Adelphocoris   suturalis CHEMOECOLOGY 2016
3 丁芳



Serological   detection of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' in citrus, and   identification by GeLC-MS/MS of a chaperone protein responding to cellular   pathogens SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016





Increased   water salinity applied to tomato plants accelerates the development of the   leaf miner Tuta absoluta through bottom-up effects SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016





MS5   Mediates Early Meiotic Progression and Its Natural Variants May Have   Applications for Hybrid Production in Brassica napus PLANT   CELL 2016
6 许忠平



Metabolic   engineering of cottonseed oil biosynthesis pathway via RNA interference SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
7 张枝盛



Effects   of tillage practices and straw returning methods on greenhouse gas emissions   and net ecosystem economic budget in rice wheat cropping systems in central   China ATMOSPHERIC   ENVIRONMENT 2016
8 尹良芬



Identification   and Characterization of Three Monilinia Species from Plum in China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
9 吴志坤



Evaluation   of Linkage Disequilibrium Pattern and Association Study on Seed Oil Content   in Brassica napus Using ddRAD Sequencing PLOS   ONE 2016
10 鲁少平



Phospholipase   D epsilon enhances Braasca napus growth and seed production in response to   nitrogen availability PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2016
11 骆翔



Genetic   distance revealed by genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms and their   relationships with harvest index heterotic traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus   L.) EUPHYTICA 2016
12 夏向东



Mechanism   of metamifop inhibition of the carboxyltransferase domain of acetyl-coenzyme   A carboxylase in Echinochloa crus-galli SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
13 米甲明



Stacking   S5-n and f5-n to overcome sterility in indica-japonica hybrid rice THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED GENETICS 2016
14 谭晨



Genome-Wide   Gene/Genome Dosage Imbalance Regulates Gene Expressions in Synthetic Brassica   napus and Derivatives (AC, AAC, CCA, CCAA) FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
15 王永刚



Molecular   evidence of RNA polymerase II gene reveals the origin of worldwide cultivated   barley SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
16 赵耀



Bt   proteins Cry1Ah and Cry2Ab do not affect cotton aphid Aphis gossypii and   ladybeetle Propylea japonica SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016

1.Gautam,   Mayank;




Genetic   and Epigenetic Changes in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Extracted from   Intergeneric Allopolyploid and Additions with Orychophragmus FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
18 张大为



Genome-Wide   Gene Expressions Respond Differently to A-subgenome Origins in Brassica napus   Synthetic Hybrids and Natural Allotetraploid FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
19 马晓松



Genome-Wide   Association Study for Plant Height and Grain Yield in Rice under Contrasting   Moisture Regimes FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
20 姜洁锋



Development   of broad-spectrum bacterial blight resistance into thermo-sensitive genic   male sterile lines PLANT   BREEDING 2016
21 范旭东



Identification   of a divergent variant of grapevine berry inner necrosis virus in grapevines   showing chlorotic mottling and ring spot symptoms ARCHIVES   OF VIROLOGY 2016
22 张小磊



Insecticide   resistance monitoring and correlation analysis of insecticides in field   populations of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (stal) in China   2012-2014 PESTICIDE   BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2016





Large-scale   developing of simple sequence repeat markers and probing its correlation with   ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) fiber quality MOLECULAR   GENETICS AND GENOMICS 2016
24 安霞



Isobaric   Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantitation (iTRAQ)-Based Comparative   Proteome Analysis of the Response of Ramie under Drought Stress INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016
25 谢家廉



Genome   and Transcriptome Sequences Reveal the Specific Parasitism of the   Nematophagous Purpureocillium lilacinum 36-1 FRONTIERS   IN MICROBIOLOGY 2016
26 张凯



Characterization   and directed evolution of BliGO, a novel glycine oxidase from Bacillus   licheniformis ENZYME   AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY 2016
27 Abdelnabby,   Hazem


2.Abdelnabby, Hazem

Impact   of direct and indirect application of rising furfural concentrations on   viability, infectivity and reproduction of the root knot nematode,   Meloidogyne incognita in Pisum sativum MICROBIAL   PATHOGENESIS 2016
28 谢家廉



A   Novel Meloidogyne incognita Effector Misp12 Suppresses Plant Defense Response   at Latter Stages of Nematode Parasitism FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
29 肖扬



Population   genomic analysis uncovers environmental stress-driven selection and   adaptation of Lentinula edodes population in China SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
30 白晴



Biological   and Molecular Characterization of Five Phomopsis Species Associated with Pear   Shoot Canker in China PLANT   DISEASE 2016





A   Mitochondria-Targeted PPR Protein Restores pol Cytoplasmic Male Sterility by   Reducing orf224 Transcript Levels in Oilseed Rape MOLECULAR   PLANT 2016
32 1.张淑真; 2.张小磊



Susceptibility   of field populations of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, to a   selection of insecticides in Central China PESTICIDE   BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2016
33 徐莹



Improved   water management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in no-till rapeseed-rice   rotations in Central China AGRICULTURE   ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 2016
34 葛均筑



Climatic   Conditions Varied by Planting Date Affects Maize Yield in Central China AGRONOMY   JOURNAL 2016
35 张枝盛



Emissions   of CH4 and CO2 from paddy fields as affected by tillage practices and crop   residues in central China PADDY   AND WATER ENVIRONMENT 2016
36 朴琳



Optimized   tillage practices and row spacing to improve grain yield and matter transport   efficiency in intensive spring maize FIELD   CROPS RESEARCH 2016
37 郑薇薇



RNA   sequencing to characterize transcriptional changes of sexual maturation and   mating in the female oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis BMC   GENOMICS 2016
38 左青松



Effects   of nitrogen rate and genotype on seed protein and amino acid content in   canola JOURNAL   OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 2016
39 1.朱祖青; 2.周锋



Carbendazim   resistance in field isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in China and its   management CROP   PROTECTION 2016





Seed   Quality Traits Can Be Predicted with High Accuracy in Brassica napus Using   Genomic Data PLOS   ONE 2016
41 邹珺




Co-linearity   and divergence of the A subgenome of Brassica juncea compared with other   Brassica species carrying different A subgenomes BMC   GENOMICS 2016
42 杨义伶 1-2.外单位 Overexpression   of MeDREB1D confers tolerance to both drought and cold stresses in transgenic   Arabidopsis ACTA   PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM 2016
43 王刚正 边银丙 Diversity   and effect of Trichoderma spp. associated with green mold disease on   Lentinula edodes in China MICROBIOLOGYOPEN 2016
44 陈连福 边银丙 Genome   Sequence of the Edible Cultivated Mushroom Lentinula edodes (Shiitake)   Reveals Insights into Lignocellulose Degradation PLOS   ONE 2016
45 1.王刚正; 2.龚钰华 边银丙 Identification   of and antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against Pseudomonas putida   from rot fruiting bodies of Pleurotus eryngii SCIENTIA   HORTICULTURAE 2016
46 董乔琳 蔡丽 Inhibitory   Effect of Camptothecin against Rice Bacterial Brown Stripe Pathogen   Acidovorax avenae subsp avenae RS-2 MOLECULES 2016
47 江洋 曹凑贵 Transgenic   Bt (Cry1Ab/Ac) rice lines with different genetic backgrounds exhibit superior   field performance under pesticide-free environment FIELD   CROPS RESEARCH 2016
48 裴岩杰 陈鹏 G-lignin   and hemicellulosic monosaccharides distinctively affect biomass digestibility   in rapeseed BIORESOURCE   TECHNOLOGY 2016
49 1.张晓丽; 2.刘信强 陈桃 Histone   H3 Lysine 9 Methyltransferase DIM5 Is Required for the Development and   Virulence of Botrytis cinerea FRONTIERS   IN MICROBIOLOGY 2016
50 毕凯 陈桃 Integrated   omics study of lipid droplets from Plasmodiophora brassicae SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
51 陈小林 陈小林 Roles   of Peroxisomes in the Rice Blast Fungus BIOMED   RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2016
52 吕学良 程家森 The   Microbial Opsin Homolog Sop1 is involved in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum   Development and Environmental Stress Response FRONTIERS   IN MICROBIOLOGY 2016
53 吕学良 程家森 A   Small Secreted Virulence-Related Protein Is Essential for the Necrotrophic   Interactions of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with Its Host Plants PLOS   PATHOGENS 2016
54 吴超 崔克辉 Heat-induced   phytohormone changes are associated with disrupted early reproductive   development and reduced yield in rice SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
55 董舒超 丰胜求 A   pqr2 mutant encodes a defective polyamine transporter and is negatively   affected by ABA for paraquat resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana JOURNAL   OF PLANT RESEARCH 2016
56 魏玮 付艳苹 Nox   Complex signal and MAPK cascade pathway are cross-linked and essential for   pathogenicity and conidiation of mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
57 杨潇湘 付艳苹 A   HOPS protein, CmVps39, is required for vacuolar morphology, autophagy,   growth, conidiogenesis and mycoparasitic functions of Coniothyrium minitans ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY 2016
58 Mushtaq,   Muhammad A. 葛贤宏 Comparative   Leaves Transcriptome Analysis Emphasizing on Accumulation of Anthocyanins in   Brassica: Molecular Regulation and Potential Interaction with Photosynthesis FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
59 郭孟配 郭孟配(边银丙) First   Report of Stipe Rot Disease on Morchella importuna Caused by Fusarium   incarnatum - F. equiseti Species Complex in China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
60 何莹 何莹 First   Report of Apple stein grooving virus Infecting Rosa chinensis in China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
61 刘小青 何月平 Identification   of the secreted watery saliva proteins of the rice brown planthopper,   Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) by transcriptome and Shotgun LC-MS/MS approach JOURNAL   OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY 2016
62 邓宗汉 洪登峰 Map-based   cloning reveals the complex organization of the BnRf locus and leads to the   identification of BnRf (b), a male sterility gene, in Brassica napus THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED GENETICS 2016
63 李世鹏 洪登峰 BnaC9.SMG7b   Functions as a Positive Regulator of the Number of Seeds per Silique in   Brassica napus by Regulating the Formation of Functional Female Gametophytes PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY 2016
64 Ahmed,   Shakeel 胡学博 The   Transcript Profile of a Traditional Chinese Medicine, Atractylodes lancea,   Revealing Its Sesquiterpenoid Biosynthesis of the Major Active Components PLOS   ONE 2016
65 占传松 胡学博 Comprehensive   Analysis of the Triterpenoid Saponins Biosynthetic Pathway in Anemone   flaccida by Transcriptome and Proteome Profiling FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
66 Fahad,   S. 黄见良 Exogenously   Applied Plant Growth Regulators Affect Heat-Stressed Rice Pollens JOURNAL   OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE 2016
67 Fahad,   Shah 黄见良 A   combined application of biochar and phosphorus alleviates heat-induced   adversities on physiological, agronomical and quality attributes of rice PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2016
68 Fahad,   Shah 黄见良 Responses   of Rapid Viscoanalyzer Profile and Other Rice Grain Qualities to Exogenously   Applied Plant Growth Regulators under High Day and High Night Temperatures PLOS   ONE 2016
69 Fahad,   Shah 黄见良 Exogenously   Applied Plant Growth Regulators Enhance the Morpho-Physiological Growth and   Yield of Rice under High Temperature FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
70 朱志贤 黄俊斌 Detection   and quantification of Fusarium commune in host tissue and infested soil using   real-time PCR PLANT   PATHOLOGY 2016
71 黎妍妍 黄俊斌 Genetic   Diversity and Pathogenicity of Ralstonia solanacearum Causing Tobacco   Bacterial Wilt in China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
72 李刚华 黄求应 Physiological   profiles associated with ceasing growth of unfertilized eggs produced by   unmated queens in the subterranean termite Reticulitermes chinensis BIOLOGY   OPEN 2016
73 陈桃 姜道宏 Arabidopsis   Mutant bik1 Exhibits Strong Resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae FRONTIERS   IN PHYSIOLOGY 2016
74 刘四 姜道宏 Fungal   DNA virus infects a mycophagous insect and utilizes it as a transmission   vector PROCEEDINGS   OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOI:10.1073/pnas.1608013113    出版年: NOV 8   2016   2016



金双侠 Transgenic   Bt cotton driven by the green tissue-specific promoter shows strong toxicity   to lepidopteran pests and lower Bt toxin accumulation in seeds SCIENCE   CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2016
76 1.李建英; 2.朱丽珍 金双侠 Transcriptome   analysis reveals a comprehensive insect resistance response mechanism in   cotton to infestation by the phloem feeding insect Bemisia tabaci (whitefly) PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2016
77 Adedze,   Y. M. N. 靳德明 Genomic   composition and yield heterosis of the partial inter-specific hybrid rice   between Oryza sativa L. and Oryza glaberrima Steud. JOURNAL   OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 2016
78 1.陈菜金; 2.贺文闯 靳德明 Genetic   Diversity and Phenotypic Variation in an Introgression Line Population   Derived from an Interspecific Cross between Oryza glaberrima and Oryza sativa PLOS   ONE 2016
79 孟子烨 雷朝亮 The   complete mitochondrial genome of fungus-growing termite, Macrotermes   natalensis (Isoptera: Macrotermitinae) MITOCHONDRIAL   DNA 2016
80 Ali,   Arif 雷朝亮 Effect   of UV-A radiation as an environmental stress on the development, longevity,   and reproduction of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera:   Noctuidae) ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2016
81 桑文 雷朝亮 UVB   Radiation Delays Tribolium castaneum Metamorphosis by Influencing Ecdysteroid   Metabolism PLOS   ONE 2016
82 1.郭梨锦;   2.林杉 李成芳 Effects   of Conservation Tillage on Topsoil Microbial Metabolic Characteristics and   Organic Carbon within Aggregates under a Rice (Oryza sativa L.) -Wheat   (Triticum aestivum L.) Cropping System in Central China PLOS   ONE 2016
83 1.张枝盛; 2.陈建 李成芳 Effects   of nitrogen fertilizer sources and tillage practices on greenhouse gas   emissions in paddy fields of central China ATMOSPHERIC   ENVIRONMENT 2016
84 郭梨锦 李成芳 Tillage   practices and straw-returning methods affect topsoil bacterial community and   organic C under a rice-wheat cropping system in central China SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
85 尤佳琪 李国庆 Multiple   criteria-based screening of Trichoderma isolates for biological control of   Botrytis cinerea on tomato BIOLOGICAL   CONTROL 2016
86 吴明德 李国庆 Characterization   of three mycoviruses co-infecting the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia   nivalis VIRUS   RESEARCH 2016
87 张静 李国庆 Botrytis   pyriformis sp nov., a novel and likely saprophytic species of Botrytis MYCOLOGIA 2016
88 万虎 李建洪 Enhancing   the insecticidal activity of recombinant baculovirus by expressing a   growth-blocking peptide from the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua JOURNAL   OF ASIA-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY 2016
89 尹海辰 李建洪 The   Environmental Plasticity of Diverse Body Color Caused by Extremely Long   Photoperiods and High Temperature in Saccharosydne procerus (Homoptera:   Delphacidae) FRONTIERS   IN PHYSIOLOGY 2016
90 刘茜 李勇 Varietal   difference in the correlation between leaf nitrogen content and   photosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants is related to specific leaf   weight JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE 2016
91 Tabassum,   Muhammad Adnan 李勇 Rice   (Oryza sativa L.) hydraulic conductivity links to leaf venation architecture   under well-watered condition rather than PEG-induced water deficit ACTA   PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM 2016
92 熊栋梁 李勇 Leaf   density explains variation in leaf mass per area in rice between cultivars   and nitrogen treatments ANNALS   OF BOTANY 2016
93 1.孙佳莉; 2.叶苗 李勇 Nitrogen   can improve the rapid response of photosynthesis to changing irradiance in   rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants CIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
94 Tabassum,   MA (Tabassum, Muhammad Adnan) 李勇 Influence   of leaf vein density and thickness on hydraulic conductance and   photosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) during water stress SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
95 周建男 李再云 Distinct   subgenome stabilities in synthesized Brassica allohexaploids THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED GENETICS 2016
96 朱斌 李再云 Extraction   of the Constituent Subgenomes of the Natural Allopolyploid Rapeseed (Brassica   napus L.) GENETICS 2016
97 程伟 廖玉才 Host-induced   gene silencing of an essential chitin synthase gene confers durable   resistance to Fusarium head blight and seedling blight in wheat PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2016
98 宋修仕 廖玉才 An   antibody that confers plant disease resistance targets a membrane-bound   glyoxal oxidase in Fusarium NEW   PHYTOLOGIST 2016
99 戴宝生 林忠旭 Genomic   heterozygosity and hybrid breakdown in cotton (Gossypium): different traits,   different effects BMC   GENETICS 2016
100 聂新辉 林忠旭 Genome-wide   SSR-based association mapping for fiber quality in nation-wide upland cotton   inbreed cultivars in China BMC   GENOMICS 2016
101 李夕梅 林忠旭 Structure,   evolution, and comparative genomics of tetraploid cotton based on a   high-density genetic linkage map DNA   RESEARCH 2016
102 程小毛 刘超 Identification   of quantitative trait loci associated with oil content and development of   near isogenic lines for stable qOC-A10 in Brasscia napus L. CANADIAN   JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE 2016



刘克德 Generation   of tribenuron-methyl herbicide-resistant OsCYP81A6-expressing rapeseed   (Brassica napus L.) plants for hybrid seed production using chemical-induced   male sterility PLANT   BREEDING 2016

1.Mahmood,   Sammina;


刘克德 Development   of INDELs markers in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) using re-sequencing   data MOLECULAR   BREEDING 2016
105 刘晓艳 刘晓艳 Two   new species of genus Lasiosina Becker from China (Diptera, Chloropidae) ZOOTAXA 2016
106 Firoz,   Md. Jahangir 罗朝喜 Exploring   mechanisms of resistance to dimethachlone in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum PEST   MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 2016
107 范飞 罗朝喜 Occurrence   of Fungicide Resistance in Botrytis cinerea from Greenhouse Tomato in Hubei   Province, China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
108 1.宋杰辉;   2.韦薇 罗朝喜 Rice   false smut fungus hijacks the rice nutrients supply by blocking and mimicking   the fertilization of rice ovary ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY 2016
109 1.高长斌; 2.周贵龙 马朝芝 Helitron-like   transposons contributed to the mating system transition from out-crossing to   self-fertilizing in polyploid Brassica napus L. SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
110 郑曼曼 聂立孝 Seed   priming in dry direct-seeded rice: consequences for emergence, seedling   growth and associated metabolic events under drought stress PLANT   GROWTH REGULATION 2016
111 蒋庆伟 聂立孝 Response   of first flood irrigation timing after rice dry-direct-seeding: Productivity   and greenhouse gas emissions in Central China AGRICULTURAL   WATER MANAGEMENT 2016
112 陶冶 聂立孝 Lower   global warming potential and higher yield of wet direct-seeded rice in   Central China AGRONOMY   FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2016

1.Hussain,   Saddam;


聂立孝 Comparative   Transcriptional Profiling of Primed and Non-primed Rice Seedlings under   Submergence Stress Frontiers   in Plant Science 2016
114 Hussain,   Saddam 聂立孝 Physiological   and Biochemical Mechanisms of Seed Priming-Induced Chilling Tolerance in Rice   Cultivars FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
115 王慰亲 聂立孝 Pre-sowing   Seed Treatments in Direct-seeded Early Rice: Consequences for Emergence,   Seedling Growth and Associated Metabolic Events under Chilling Stress SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
116 陈振中 牛长缨 Pupal   diapause termination in Bactrocera minax: an insight on 20-hydroxyecdysone   induced phenotypic and genotypic expressions SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
117 董永成 牛长缨 Bactrocera   dorsalis male sterilization by targeted RNA interference of spermatogenesis:   empowering sterile insect technique programs SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
118 朱剑 牛长缨 The   effect of silencing 20E biosynthesis relative genes by feeding bacterially   expressed dsRNA on the larval development of Chilo suppressalis SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
119 黄兴 彭定祥 Identification   of small auxin-up RNA (SAUR) genes in Urticales plants: mulberry (Morus   notabilis), hemp (Cannabis sativa) and ramie (Boehmeria nivea) JOURNAL   OF GENETICS 2016
120 Ullah,   Sana 彭定祥 Effects   of Fertilization on Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) Growth, Yield and Fiber   Quality SUSTAINABILITY 2016
121 黄兴 彭定祥 Identification   and expression of Aux/IAA, ARF, and LBD family transcription factors in   Boehmeria nivea BIOLOGIA   PLANTARUM 2016
122 1.金文祥; 2.陈灵 彭良才 Tween-80   is effective for enhancing steam-exploded biomass enzymatic saccharification   and ethanol production by specifically lessening cellulase absorption with   lignin in common reed APPLIED   ENERGY 2016
123 1.王艳婷; 2.范春芬 彭良才 Genetic   modification of plant cell walls to enhance biomass yield and biofuel   production in bioenergy crops BIOTECHNOLOGY   ADVANCES 2016
124 王德鹏 彭** Temperature   explains the yield difference of double-season rice between tropical and   subtropical environments FIELD   CROPS RESEARCH 2016
125 彭严春 孙东发 Allelic   variation of LMW-GS composition in Chinese wheat landraces of the   Yangtze-River region detected by MALDI-TOF-MS BREEDING   SCIENCE 2016
126 王继斌 孙东发 QTL   underlying some agronomic traits in barley detected by SNP markers BMC   GENETICS 2016
127 任喜峰 孙东发 SNP-based   high density genetic map and mapping of btwd1 dwarfing gene in barley SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
128 刘飞 涂金星 Overexpression   of barley oxalate oxidase gene induces partial leaf resistance to Sclerotinia   sclerotiorum in transgenic oilseed rape PLANT   PATHOLOGY 2016
129 杜春芳 涂金星 Dynamic   transcriptome analysis reveals AP2/ERF transcription factors responsible for   cold stress in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) MOLECULAR   GENETICS AND GENOMICS 2016
130 秦毛毛 涂金星 Heterodimer   Formation of BnPKSA or BnPKSB with BnACOS5 Constitutes a Multienzyme Complex   in Tapetal Cells and is Involved in Male Reproductive Development in Brassica   napus PLANT   AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 2016
131 宋莉萍 涂金星 Ectopic   Expression of BnaC.CP20.1 Results in Premature Tapetal Programmed Cell Death   in Arabidopsis PLANT   AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 2016
132 赵新旺 涂金星 Breeding   signature of combining ability improvement revealed by a genomic variation   map from recurrent selection population in Brassica napus SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
133 夏胜前 涂金星 Altered   Transcription and Neofunctionalization of Duplicated Genes Rescue the Harmful   Effects of a Chimeric Gene in Brassica napus PLANT   CELL 2016
134 郭凯 涂礼莉 Fibre   elongation requires normal redox homeostasis modulated by cytosolic ascorbate   peroxidase in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) JOURNAL   OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2016
135 李阳 涂礼莉 GbEXPATR,   a species-specific expansin, enhances cotton fibre elongation through cell   wall restructuring PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2016
136 李旭凯 涂媛苑 Distinct   Geographical Distribution of the Miscanthus Accessions with Varied Biomass   Enzymatic Saccharification PLOS   ONE 2016
137 满建国 外单位 Water   and Nitrogen Use of Winter Wheat under Different Supplemental Irrigation   Regimes CROP   SCIENCE 2016
138 Anwar,   S (Anwar, Sumera) 外单位 Uptake   and distribution of minerals and heavy metals in commonly grown leafy   vegetable species irrigated with sewage water ENVIRONMENTAL   MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2016
139 Ali,   Usman 外单位 L-asparaginase   as a critical component to combat Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL): A   novel approach to target ALL EUROPEAN   JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 2016
140 陈淑琳 外单位 Fitness   and Competitive Ability of Botrytis cinerea Isolates with Resistance to   Multiple Chemical Classes of Fungicides PHYTOPATHOLOGY 2016
141 陈淑宁 外单位(罗朝喜) Sensitivity   of Colletotrichum Species, Including C. fioriniae and C. nymphaeae, from   Peach to Demethylation Inhibitor Fungicides PLANT   DISEASE 2016
142 张雅姝 万虎 Molecular   cloning and characterization of a phenylalanine hydroxylase from the common   cutworm Spodoptera litura JOURNAL   OF ASIA-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY 2016
143 徐朋飞 万虎 SeGSTo,   a novel glutathione S-transferase from the beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua),   involved in detoxification and oxidative stress CELL   STRESS & CHAPERONES 2016
144 黄礼英 王飞 Genotypic   Differences of Japonica Rice Responding to High Temperature in China AGRONOMY   JOURNAL 2016
145 王飞 王飞 Overexpression   of OsSAP16 Regulates Photosynthesis and the Expression of a Broad Range of   Stress Response Genes in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) PLOS   ONE 2016
146 朱广龙 王飞 Changes   in the Lodging-Related Traits along with Rice Genetic Improvement in China PLOS   ONE 2016
147 吴礼莲 王飞 Physiological   Mechanisms Underlying the High-Grain Yield and High-Nitrogen Use Efficiency   of Elite Rice Varieties under a Low Rate of Nitrogen Application in China FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
148 朱广龙 王飞 Genetic   Improvements in Rice Yield and Concomitant Increases in Radiation- and   Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Middle Reaches of Yangtze River SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
149 马小方 王国平 Genetic   diversity and evolution of Apple stem pitting virus isolates from pear in   China CANADIAN   JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 2016
150 翟立峰 王国平 Characterization   of a novel double-stranded RNA mycovirus conferring hypovirulence from the   phytopathogenic fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea VIROLOGY 2016
151 张明亮 王令强 A   Novel FC116/BC10 Mutation Distinctively Causes Alteration in the Expression   of the Genes for Cell Wall Polymer Synthesis in Rice FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
152 Ali,   Suliman A. I. 王满囷 Effects   of the antennal sensilla distribution pattern on the behavioral responses of   Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) FLORIDA   ENTOMOLOGIST 2016

1.Diakite,   Mory Mandiana;


王满囷 Identification   of chemosensory gene families in Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera:   Bostrichidae) CANADIAN   ENTOMOLOGIST 2016
154 周爱明 王满囷 Ant   tending impairs performance of Aenasius bambawalei by manipulating the   honeydew composition produced by Phenacoccus solenopsis JOURNAL   OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY 2016
155 Ali,   S. A. I 王满囷 Morphology   and ultrastructure of the antennal sensilla of Sitophilus granarius   (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) BULLETIN   OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2016
156 孙晓 王满囷 Functional   characterization of a pheromone-binding protein from rice leaffolder   Cnaphalocrocis medinalis in detecting pheromones and host plant volatiles BULLETIN   OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2016
157 孙晓 王满囷 Interactions   of two odorant-binding proteins influence insect chemoreception INSECT   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2016
158 曾芳芳 王满囷 Identification   and Comparative Expression Profiles of Chemoreception Genes Revealed from   Major Chemoreception Organs of the Rice Leaf Folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis   (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) PLOS   ONE 2016



王满囷 Temporal   interactions of plant - insect - predator after infection of bacterial   pathogen on rice plants SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
160 1.郑志川; 2.李东振 王满囷 Predicted   structure of a Minus-C OBP from Batocera horsfieldi (Hope) suggests an   intermediate structure in evolution of OBPs SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
161 Ahmed,   Nevin 王沫 Effect   of commercial Bacillus thuringiensis toxins on Tyrophagus putrescentiae   (Schrank) fed on wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ACAROLOGY 2016
163 1.程文杰; 2.外单位 王小平 Male-Biased   Capture in Light Traps in Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Results   from the Studies of Reproductive Activities JOURNAL   OF INSECT BEHAVIOR 2016
164 1.谈倩倩; 2.冯莲 王小平 Differences   in the pre-diapause and pre-oviposition accumulation of critical nutrients in   adult females of the beetle Colaphellus bowringi ENTOMOLOGIA   EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA 2016
165 全为礼 王小平 Do   differences in life-history traits and the timing of peak mating activity   between host-associated populations of Chilo suppressalis have a genetic   basis? ECOLOGY   AND EVOLUTION 2016
166 刘文 王小平 Juvenile   hormone facilitates the antagonism between adult reproduction and diapause   through the methoprene-tolerant gene in the female Colaphellus bowringi INSECT   BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2016
167 王雁翔 王雁翔(洪霓) First   Report of the Tospovirus Tomato necrotic spot associated virus Infecting   Kiwifruit (Actinidia sp.) in China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
168 黄晨 王永模 Water-oats   harbors two strains of the striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis   (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) with temporal divergence in mating behavior APPLIED   ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY 2016
169 王永模 王永模 High   Spatial Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity in Chinese Populations of   Sitobion miscanthi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) JOURNAL   OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 2016
170 李海勃 文静 Fine   mapping and candidate gene analysis of an anthocyanin-rich gene, BnaA.PL1,   conferring purple leaves in Brassica napus L. MOLECULAR   GENETICS AND GENOMICS 2016
171 庄静 吴刚 Effects   of elevated CO2 on the development and physiological metabolic activities of   Nilaparvata lugens in response to the infection of Trichoderma asperellum INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF PEST MANAGEMENT 2016
172 孟嘉蓉 吴刚 No   impact of transgenic cry1C rice on the rove beetle Paederus fuscipes, a   generalist predator of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016


 2.Abdelnabby, Hazem

肖炎农 Construction   and verification of a gene knockout system in the nematophagous fungus,   Purpreocillium lilacinum (Hypocreales: Ophiocordycipitaceae) APPLIED   ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY 2016
174 向星洁 肖扬 Genetic   diversity and population structure of Chinese Lentinula edodes revealed by   InDel and SSR markers MYCOLOGICAL   PROGRESS 2016
175 龚文兵 肖扬 Genetic   dissection of fruiting body-related traits using quantitative trait loci   mapping in Lentinula edodes APPLIED   MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
176 景沛 谢国生 OsCCD1,   a novel small calcium-binding protein with one EF-hand motif, positively   regulates osmotic and salt tolerance in rice PLANT   SCIENCE 2016
177 冉鸿昌 谢甲涛 Co-infection   of a hypovirulent isolate of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with a new   botybirnavirus and a strain of a mitovirus VIROLOGY   JOURNAL 2016
178 李坤飞 谢甲涛 Characterization   of a novel Sclerotinia sclerotiorum RNA virus as the prototype of a new   proposed family within the order Tymovirales VIRUS   RESEARCH 2016
179 向小钊 徐章逸 Development   of crossbreeding high-yield-potential strains for commercial cultivation in   the medicinal mushroom Wolfiporia cocos (Higher Basidiomycetes) JOURNAL   OF NATURAL MEDICINES 2016
180 马敏 杨凤连 A   garlic substance disrupts odorant-binding protein recognition of insect   pheromones released from adults of the angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga   cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) INSECT   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2016
181 Shah,   Adnan Noor 杨国正 Allelopathic   potential of oil seed crops in production of crops: a review ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2016
182 Shah,   AN (Shah, Adnan Noor) 杨国正 Beryllium   in the environment: Whether fatal for plant growth? REVIEWS   IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY 2016
183 Shakeel,   Qaiser 杨龙 Optimization   of the cultural medium and conditions for production of antifungal substances   by Streptomyces platensis 3-10 and evaluation of its efficacy in suppression   of clubroot disease (Plasmodiophora brassicae) of oilseed rape BIOLOGICAL   CONTROL 2016
184 杨丹 杨龙 Characterization   of the Mycelial Compatibility Groups and Mating Type Alleles in Populations   of Sclerotinia minor in Central China PLANT   DISEASE 2016
185 1.李兴华; 2.李清波 杨特武 Responses   of plant development, biomass and seed production of direct sown oilseed rape   (Brassica napus) to nitrogen application at different stages in Yangtze River   Basin FIELD   CROPS RESEARCH 2016
186 周彬 杨细燕 Identification   of Multiple Stress Responsive Genes by Sequencing a Normalized cDNA Library   from Sea-Land Cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) PLOS   ONE 2016
187 赵毕妍 姚璇 BnaABF2,   a bZIP transcription factor from rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), enhances   drought and salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis BOTANICAL   STUDIES 2016
188 刘春晴 易斌 Comparative   Analysis of the Brassica napus Root and Leaf Transcript Profiling in Response   to Drought Stress INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016
189 孙程明 易斌 Genome-Wide   Association Study Provides Insight into the Genetic Control of Plant Height   in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
190 孙程明 易斌 Genome-Wide   Association Study Dissecting the Genetic Architecture Underlying the Branch   Angle Trait in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
191 徐莉萍 易斌 Genome-wide   association study reveals the genetic architecture of flowering time in   rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) DNA   RESEARCH 2016
192 刘莉 尹昌喜 Exogenous   Jasmonic Acid and Cytokinin Antagonistically Regulate Rice Flag Leaf   Senescence by Mediating Chlorophyll Degradation, Membrane Deterioration, and   Senescence-Associated Genes Expression JOURNAL   OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 2016
193 游景茂 游景茂(刘浩) First   Report of Southern Blight Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii on Macleaya cordata in   China. PLANT   DISEASE 2016
194 郑文平 张宏宇 Influence   of the silencing sex-peptide receptor on Bactrocera dorsalis adults and   offspring by feeding with ds-spr JOURNAL   OF ASIA-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY 2016
195 汪善勤 张宏宇 Small-Scale   Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) (Diptera:   Tephritidae) Using Probability Kriging NEOTROPICAL   ENTOMOLOGY 2016
196 Tariq,   Kaleem 张宏宇 The   Effect of Ultraviolet-A Radiation Exposure on the Reproductive Ability,   Longevity, and Development of the Dialeurodes citri (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)   F1 Generation ENVIRONMENTAL   ENTOMOLOGY 2016
197 Tariq,   Kaleem 张宏宇 Identification,   characterization and target gene analysis of testicular microRNAs in the   oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis INSECT   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2016
198 彭威 张宏宇 Identification   and Characterization of Sex-Biased MicroRNAs in Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) PLOS   ONE 2016
199 董小龙 张宏宇 The   noa gene is functionally linked to the activation of the Toll/Imd signaling   pathways in Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) DEVELOPMENTAL   AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY 2016
200 Tariq,   Kaleem 张宏宇 miR-8-3p   regulates mitoferrin in the testes of Bactrocera dorsalis to ensure normal   spermatogenesis SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
201 姚志超 张宏宇 The   dual oxidase gene BdDuox regulates the intestinal bacterial community   homeostasis of Bactrocera dorsalis ISME   JOURNAL 2016
202 胡祖权 张静柏 Production   of a phage-displayed mouse ScFv antibody against fumonisin B1 and molecular   docking analysis of their interactions BIOTECHNOLOGY   AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING 2016
203 何昕 张献龙 GhATAF1,   a NAC transcription factor, confers abiotic and biotic stress responses by   regulating phytohormonal signaling networks PLANT   CELL REPORTS 2016
204 王琼珊 张献龙 Small   RNA-mediated responses to low- and high-temperature stresses in cotton SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
205 周婷 张献龙 ROS   Homeostasis Regulates Somatic Embryogenesis via the Regulation of Auxin   Signaling in Cotton MOLECULAR   & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 2016
206 闵玲 张献龙 LEAFY   COTYLEDON1-CASEIN KINASE I-TCP15-PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4 Network   Regulates Somatic Embryogenesis by Regulating Auxin Homeostasis PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY 2016
207 王茂军 张献龙 Multi-omics   maps of cotton fibre reveal epigenetic basis for staged single-cell   differentiation NUCLEIC   ACIDS RESEARCH 2016
208 霍冬敖 张祖新 QTL   Mapping of Kernel Number-Related Traits and Validation of One Major QTL for   Ear Length in Maize PLOS   ONE 2016
209 黄君 张祖新 Characterization   of the teosinte transcriptome reveals adaptive sequence divergence during   maize domestication MOLECULAR   ECOLOGY RESOURCES 2016



章元明 Identification   and Validation of Candidate Genes Associated with Domesticated and Improved   Traits in Soybean PLANT   GENOME 2016
211 王诗博 章元明 Mapping   small-effect and linked quantitative trait loci for complex traits in   backcross or DH populations via a multi-locus GWAS methodology SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
212 文佳 章元明 Genetic   dissection of heterosis using epistatic association mapping in a partial NCII   mating design SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
213 陈贝贝 赵剑 Two   types of soybean diacylglycerol acyltransferases are differentially involved   in triacylglycerol biosynthesis and response to environmental stresses and   hormones SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
214 李鹏辉 赵剑 Metabolic   engineering of proanthocyanidin production by repressing the isoflavone   pathways and redirecting anthocyanidin precursor flux in legume PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2016
215 1.李鹏辉; 2.张高阳 赵剑 Ca2+-regulated   and diurnal rhythm-regulated Na+/Ca2+ exchanger AtNCL affects flowering time   and auxin signalling in Arabidopsis PLANT   CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 2016
216 1.李鹏辉; 2.陈贝贝; 3.张高阳 赵剑 Regulation   of anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis by Medicago truncatula bHLH   transcription factor MtTT8 NEW   PHYTOLOGIST 2016
217 袁勤峰 郑露 ChSte7   Is Required for Vegetative Growth and Various Plant Infection Processes in   Colletotrichum higginsianum BIOMED   RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2016
218 贾切 郑露 Genetic   analysis of the population structure of the rice false smut fungus,   Villosiclava virens, in China using microsatellite markers mined from a   genome assembly PLANT   PATHOLOGY 2016
219 周爱明 周爱明 Sucrose   triggers honeydew preference in the ghost ant, Tapinoma melanocephalum   (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) FLORIDA   ENTOMOLOGIST 2016
220 蒯婕 周广生 Root-applied   silicon in the early bud stage increases the rapeseed yield and optimizes the   mechanical harvesting characteristics FIELD   CROPS RESEARCH 2016
221 蒯婕 周广生 The   effect of nitrogen application and planting density on the radiation use   efficiency and the stem lignin metabolism in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) FIELD   CROPS RESEARCH 2016



周广生 Physiological   Mechanisms behind Differences in Pod Shattering Resistance in Rapeseed   (Brassica napus L.) Varieties PLOS   ONE 2016
223 蒯婕 周广生 The   yield of mechanically harvested rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) can be increased   by optimum plant density and row spacing SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
224 刘晟 周永明 A   genome-wide association study reveals novel elite allelic variations in seed   oil content of Brassica napus THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED GENETICS 2016




周永明 Genome-wide   Association Study Identifies New Loci for Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot   in Brassica napus FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
226 蔡光勤 周永明 Genetic   dissection of plant architecture and yield-related traits in Brassica napus SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
227 吴健 周永明 Comparative   transcriptomic analysis uncovers the complex genetic network for resistance   to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS 2016
229 梁宏杰 朱福兴 Effect   of organic solvent on fungicide toxicity to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and   Botrytis cinerea EUROPEAN   JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 2016
230 狄亚丽 朱福兴 Baseline   sensitivity and efficacy of trifloxystrobin against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum CROP   PROTECTION 2016
231 狄亚丽 朱福兴 Time   Course of Carbendazim Stimulation on Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia   sclerotiorum Indicates a Direct Stimulation Mechanism PLANT   DISEASE 2016
232 狄亚丽 朱福兴 Hormetic   Effects of Trifloxystrobin on Aggressiveness of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum PLANT   DISEASE 2016
233 高巍 朱龙付 Suppression   of the homeobox gene HDTF1 enhances resistance to Verticillium dahliae and   Botrytis cinerea in cotton JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY 2016
234 郭伟锋 朱龙付 An   ethylene response-related factor, GbERF1-like, from Gossypium barbadense   improves resistance to Verticillium dahliae via activating lignin synthesis PLANT   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2016
235 魏子立 邹珺 Introgressing   Subgenome Components from Brassica rapa and B. carinata to B. juncea for   Broadening Its Genetic Base and Exploring Intersubgenomic Heterosis FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016


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