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CRISPR/Cas   Systems in Genome Editing: Methodologies and Tools for sgRNA Design,   Off-Target Evaluation, and Strategies to Mitigate Off-Target Effects ADVANCED   SCIENCE  文献号: 1902312  DOI: 10.1002/advs.201902312  提前访问日期: FEB   2020 2020
2 1.刘海军;   2.王夏青; 3.肖英杰; 4.罗靓赟; 5.乔峰; 6.杨文宇; 7.外单位 1.外单位;   2.严建兵 CUBIC:   an atlas of genetic architecture promises directed maize improvement GENOME   BIOLOGY  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 20  DOI: 10.1186/s13059-020-1930-x  出版年: JAN   24 2020 2020
3 1.宋佳明;   2.关志林; 3.胡建林 1.刘克德;   2.杨庆勇; 3.陈玲玲; 4.郭亮 Eight   high-quality genomes reveal pan-genome architecture and ecotype   differentiation of Brassica napus NATURE   PLANTS  卷: 6  期: 1  页: 34-+  DOI: 10.1038/s41477-019-0577-7  提前访问日期: JAN   2020   出版年: JAN 2020 2020
4 1.杨万能;   2.冯慧; 3.外单位 杨万能 Crop   Phenomics and High-Throughput Phenotyping: Past Decades, Current Challenges,   and Future Perspectives MOLECULAR   PLANT  卷: 13  期: 2  页: 187-214  DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.01.008  出版年: FEB   3 2020 2020
5 1.李烁钧;   2.宋智勇 1.陈小林;   2.韩鹤友 Biomimetic   Mineralization-Based CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Nanoparticles for Gene   Editing ACS   APPLIED MATERIALS &   INTERFACES  卷: 11  期: 51  页: 47762-47770  DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b17598  出版年: DEC   25 2019 2020
6 1.高云昊;   2.肖亚楠 1.万虎;   2.何顺 Thermoresponsive   polymer-encapsulated hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles and their   application in insecticide delivery CHEMICAL   ENGINEERING   JOURNAL  卷: 383  文献号: 123169  DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.123169  出版年: MAR   1 2020 2020
7 李勇 李勇 The   role of leaf water potential in the temperature response of mesophyll   conductance NEW   PHYTOLOGIST  卷: 225  期: 3  特刊: SI  页: 1193-1205  DOI: 10.1111/nph.16214  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
8 1.刘晟;   2.黄会斌 周永明 Dissection   of genetic architecture for glucosinolate accumulations in leaves and seeds   of Brassica napus by genome-wide association study PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13314  提前访问日期: DEC   2019 2020
9 1.吴悦;   2.王美玲 1.外单位;   2.彭良才 A   mechanism for efficient cadmium phytoremediation and high bioethanol   production by combined mild chemical pretreatments with desirable rapeseed   stalks SCIENCE   OF THE TOTAL   ENVIRONMENT  卷: 708  文献号: 135096  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135096  出版年: MAR   15 2020 2020
10 杨巧梅 王艳婷 Quantum   dots are conventionally applicable for wide-profiling of wall polymer   distribution and destruction in diverse cells of rice TALANTA  卷: 208  文献号: 120452  DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120452  出版年: FEB   1 2020 2020
11 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 刘立军 Morpho-physiological   traits, gaseous exchange attributes, and phytoremediation potential of jute   (Corchorus capsularis L.) grown in different concentrations of   copper-contaminated soil ECOTOXICOLOGY   AND ENVIRONMENTAL   SAFETY  卷: 189  文献号: 109915  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109915  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
12 朱曼丽 郑露 Two   New Biocontrol Agents Against Clubroot Caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 10  文献号: 3099  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.03099  出版年: JAN   21 2020 2020
13 王青 肖扬 Transcriptional   Changes on Blight Fruiting Body of Flammulina velutipes Caused by Two New   Bacterial Pathogens FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 10  文献号: 2845  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02845  出版年: DEC   11 2019 2020
14 antawy,   AH 1.江洪;   2.王满囷 The   larvicidal activity of natural inspired piperine-based dienehydrazides   against Culex pipiens BIOORGANIC   CHEMISTRY  卷: 94  文献号: 103464  DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103464  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
15 王浩 1.杨光圣;   2.洪登峰 Genetic   dissection of thousand-seed weight and fine mapping of cqSW.A03-2 via linkage   and association analysis in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED   GENETICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-020-03553-9  提前访问日期: JAN   2020 2020
16 Abdoulaye,   Assane Hamidou 博士后职工 Viruses   Infecting the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Rhizoctonia solani VIRUSES-BASEL  卷: 11  期: 12  文献号: 1113  DOI: 10.3390/v11121113  出版年: DEC   2019 2020
17 Ahmed,   MM 林忠旭 Map-based   cloning of qBWT-c12 discovered brassinosteroid-mediated control of organ size   in cotton PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 291  文献号: 110315  DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.110315  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
18 史锦花 王满囷 Rice   defense responses are induced upon leaf rolling by an insect herbivore BMC   PLANT   BIOLOGY  卷: 19  期: 1  文献号: 514  DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-2116-0  出版年: NOV   25 2019 2020
19 卢新民 1.卢新民;   2.外单位 Herbivory   may promote a non-native plant invasion at low but not high latitudes ANNALS   OF   BOTANY  卷: 124  期: 5  页: 819-827  DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcz121  出版年: OCT   9 2019 2020
20 1.Iqbal,   Sidra; 2. Ali, Usman 1.鲁少平;   2.郭亮 Genome   wide characterization of phospholipase A & C families and pattern of   lysolipids and diacylglycerol changes under abiotic stresses in Brassica   napus L PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY AND   BIOCHEMISTRY  卷: 147  页: 101-112  DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.12.017  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
21 颜莲莲 周雁 Expression   Profile of Laccase Gene Family in White-Rot Basidiomycete Lentinula edodes   under Different Environmental Stresses GENES  卷: 10  期: 12  文献号: 1045  DOI: 10.3390/genes10121045  出版年: DEC   2019 2020
22 Andongma,   Awawing Anjwengwo 牛长缨 Assessment   of the Bacteria community structure across life stages of the Chinese Citrus   Fly, Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae) BMC   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 19  期: 1  文献号: 285  DOI: 10.1186/s12866-019-1646-9  增刊: 1  出版年: DEC   24 2019 2020
23 陈晓洋 郑露 UvCom1   Is an Important Regulator Required for Development and Infection in the Rice   False Smut Fungus Ustilaginoidea virens PHYTOPATHOLOGY  卷: 110  期: 2  页: 483-493  DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-05-19-0179-R  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
24 杜婷婷 熊栋梁 Fast   photosynthesis measurements for phenotyping photosynthetic capacity of rice PLANT   METHODS  卷: 16  期: 1  文献号: 6  DOI: 10.1186/s13007-020-0553-2  出版年: JAN   24 2020 2020
25 Hafeez,   Muhammad 1.刘思思;   2.外单位; 3.王沫 RNA   interference-mediated knockdown of a cytochrome P450 gene enhanced the   toxicity of alpha-cypermethrin in xanthotoxin-fed larvae of Spodoptera exigua   (Hubner) PESTICIDE   BIOCHEMISTRY AND   PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 162  页: 6-14  DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.07.003  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
26 1.孙亚杰;   2.杨盼 马伟华 Knockdown   of the aminopeptidase N genes decreases susceptibility of Chilo suppressalis   larvae to Cry1Ab/CrylAc and Cry1Ca PESTICIDE   BIOCHEMISTRY AND   PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 162  页: 36-42  DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.08.003  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
27 1.A   (Esmael, Ahmed; 2.Hassan, Mervat G 博士后职工 Antimicrobial   activity of certain natural-based plant oils against the antibiotic-resistant   acne bacteria SAUDI   JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL   SCIENCES  卷: 27  期: 1  页: 448-455  DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2019.11.006  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
28 Hafeez,   Muhammad 1.Hafeez,   Muhammad; 2.王沫 Expression   and functional analysis of P450 gene induced tolerance/resistance to   lambda-cyhalothrin in quercetin fed larvae of beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua   (Hubner) SAUDI   JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL   SCIENCES  卷: 27  期: 1  页: 77-87  DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2019.05.005  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
29 Mohamed,   Ibrahim A. A. 汪波 Stomatal   and Photosynthetic Traits Are Associated with Investigating Sodium Chloride   Tolerance of Brassica napus L. Cultivars PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 9  期: 1  文献号: 62  DOI: 10.3390/plants9010062  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
30 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 1.外单位;   2.刘立军 Assessing   the Correlations between Different Traits in Copper-Sensitive and   Copper-Resistant Varieties of Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 8  期: 12  文献号: 545  DOI: 10.3390/plants8120545  出版年: DEC   2019 2020
31 1.张彤;   2.周贵龙 马朝芝 Generation   of Transgenic Self-Incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana Shows a Genus-Specific   Preference for Self-Incompatibility Genes PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 8  期: 12  文献号: 570  DOI: 10.3390/plants8120570  出版年: DEC   2019 2020
32 Kamaruzzaman,   Md 李国庆 Competitive   saprophytic ability of the hypovirulent isolate QT5-19 of Botrytis cinerea   and its importance in biocontrol of necrotrophic fungal pathogens BIOLOGICAL   CONTROL  卷: 142  文献号: 104182  DOI: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.104182  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
33 周浩 马伟华 Knockdown   of cadherin genes decreases susceptibility of Chilo suppressalis larvae to   Bacillus thuringiensis produced Crystal toxins INSECT   MOLECULAR   BIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/imb.12634  提前访问日期: JAN   2020 2020
34 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 刘立军 Morpho-physiological   traits, biochemical response and phytoextraction potential of short-term   copper stress on kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) seedlings PEERJ  卷: 8  文献号: e8321  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8321  出版年: JAN   30 2020 2020
35 梁纳 杨龙 Molecular   characterization of a novel botoulivirus from the phytopathogenic fungus   Sclerotinia minor ARCHIVES   OF   VIROLOGY  卷: 165  期: 3  页: 785-788  DOI: 10.1007/s00705-020-04530-9  提前访问日期: JAN   2020   出版年: MAR 2020 2020
36 郭浩铭 杨中华 Enantiomeric   effect of paclobutrazol on the microorganism composition during wine   fermentation CHIRALITY  卷: 32  期: 4  页: 489-499  DOI: 10.1002/chir.23183  提前访问日期: FEB   2020   出版年: APR 2020 2020
37 张云牧 谢卡斌 Evaluation   of CRISPR/Cas12a-based DNA detection for fast pathogen diagnosis and GMO test   in rice MOLECULAR   BREEDING  卷: 40  期: 1  文献号: 11  DOI: 10.1007/s11032-019-1092-2  出版年: JAN   8 2020 2020
38 Kim,   KN 1.黄求应;   2.雷朝亮 Influence   of green light illumination at night on biological characteristics of the   oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) BULLETIN   OF ENTOMOLOGICAL   RESEARCH  卷: 110  期: 1  页: 136-143  文献号: PII   S0007485319000397  DOI: 10.1017/S0007485319000397  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
39 1.罗宏海;  2.王强 杨国正 One-time   fertilization at first flowering improves lint yield and dry matter   partitioning in late planted short-season cotton JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE   AGRICULTURE  卷: 19  期: 2  页: 509-517  DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62623  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
40 Wagan,   Tufail Ahmed 蔡万伦 Starvation   time and predatory efficiency of spider species on Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera:   Aleyrodidae) FLORIDA   ENTOMOLOGIST  卷: 102  期: 4  页: 684-690  DOI: 10.1653/024.102.0402  出版年: DEC   2019 2020
41 李兴华 杨特武 Identification   of Growth Stages Sensitive to Waterlogging during Seedling Emergence and   Establishment for Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND   BIOLOGY  卷: 22  期: 6  页: 1513-1523  DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.1229  出版年: 2019 2020
42 1.贾海涛;   2.李曼菲; 3.李威亚 张祖新 A   serine/threonine protein kinase encoding gene KERNEL NUMBER PER ROW6   regulates maize grain yield NATURE   COMMUNICATIONS  卷: 11  期: 1  文献号: 988  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14746-7  出版年: FEB   20 2020 2020
43 郭浩铭 1.杨中华;   2.李建洪 The   enantioselective effects and potential risks of paclobutrazol residue during   cucumber pickling process JOURNAL   OF HAZARDOUS   MATERIALS  卷: 386  文献号: 121882  DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121882  出版年: MAR   15 2020 2020
44 1.李中华;   2.王鹏程 1.王茂军;   2.涂礼莉 Combined   GWAS and eQTL analysis uncovers a genetic regulatory network orchestrating   the initiation of secondary cell wall development in cotton NEW   PHYTOLOGIST  DOI: 10.1111/nph.16468  提前访问日期: FEB   2020 2020
45 陈小林 外单位 Quantitative   proteomics analysis reveals important roles of N-glycosylation on ER quality   control system for development and pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae PLOS   PATHOGENS  卷: 16  期: 2  文献号: e1008355  DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008355 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008355.r001 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008355.r002 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008355.r00310.1371/journal.ppat.1008355.r004  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
46 杨裕涵 李勇 Temperature   responses of photosynthesis and leaf hydraulic conductance in rice and wheat PLANT   CELL AND   ENVIRONMENT  DOI: 10.1111/pce.13743  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
47 康恒 1.   康恒; 2.外单位 The   small secreted effector protein MiSSP7.6 of Laccaria bicolor is required for   the establishment of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14959  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
48 刘彩云 陈小林 GPI7-mediated   glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchoring regulates appressorial penetration and   immune evasion during infection of Magnaporthe oryzae ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14941  提前访问日期: FEB   2020 2020
49 1.   Saleem, Muhammad Hamzah; 2.Kamran, Muhammad 刘立军 Appraising   growth, oxidative stress and copper phytoextraction potential of flax (Linum   usitatissimum L.) grown in soil differentially spiked with copper JOURNAL   OF ENVIRONMENTAL   MANAGEMENT  卷: 257  文献号: 109994  DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109994  出版年: MAR   1 2020 2020
50 樊代佳 李成芳 Nitrogen   deep placement mitigates methane emissions by regulating methanogens and   methanotrophs in no-tillage paddy fields BIOLOGY   AND FERTILITY OF   SOILS  DOI: 10.1007/s00374-020-01447-y  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
51 刘伟 边银丙 The   mitochondrial genome of Morchella importuna (272.2 kb) is the largest among   fungi and contains numerous introns, mitochondrial non-conserved open reading   frames and repetitive sequences INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL   MACROMOLECULES  卷: 143  页: 373-381  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.12.056  出版年: JAN   15 2020 2020
52 金朝强 外单位 Effect   of straw returning on soil organic carbon in rice-wheat rotation system: A   review FOOD   AND ENERGY   SECURITY  文献号: e200  DOI: 10.1002/fes3.200  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
53 吴佳 董五辈 Cell   Membrane-Interrupting Antimicrobial Peptides from Isatis indigotica Fortune   Isolated by a Bacillus subtilis Expression System BIOMOLECULES  卷: 10  期: 1  文献号: 30  DOI: 10.3390/biom10010030  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
54 汤利光 程家森 An   effector of a necrotrophic fungal pathogen targets the calcium-sensing   receptor in chloroplasts to inhibit host resistance MOLECULAR   PLANT   PATHOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12922  提前访问日期: FEB   2020 2020
55 赵会长 付艳苹 Host   Transcriptional Response of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Induced by the   Mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 183  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00183  出版年: FEB   11 2020 2020
56 吕昂 李国庆 High   Efficacy of the Volatile Organic Compounds of Streptomyces yanglinensis 3-10   in Suppression of Aspergillus Contamination on Peanut Kernels FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 142  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00142  出版年: FEB   6 2020 2020
57 1.Kamran,   Muhammad; 2.外单位 1.   Ahmar, Sunny; 2.外单位 An   Overview of Hazardous Impacts of Soil Salinity in Crops, Tolerance   Mechanisms, and Amelioration through Selenium Supplementation INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 148  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21010148  出版年: JAN   1 2020 2020
58 刘伟 边银丙 Subchromosome-Scale   Nuclear and Complete Mitochondrial Genome Characteristics of Morchella   crassipes INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 2  文献号: 483  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21020483  出版年: JAN   2 2020 2020
59 刘信强 程家森 The   Subtilisin-Like Protease Bcser2 Affects the Sclerotial Formation, Conidiation   and Virulence of Botrytis cinerea INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 2  文献号: 603  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21020603  出版年: JAN   2 2020 2020
60 杨德生 王飞 Response   of Photosynthesis to High Growth Temperature Was Not Related to Leaf Anatomy   Plasticity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 26  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00026  出版年: FEB   7 2020 2020
61 1.鲁少平;   2.外单位 1.外单位;   2.郭亮 Heterogeneous   Distribution of Erucic Acid in Brassica napus Seeds FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 10  文献号: 1744  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01744  出版年: JAN   29 2020 2020
62 杨潇湘 付艳苹 CmAim24   Is Essential for Mitochondrial Morphology, Conidiogenesis, and Mycoparasitism   in Coniothyrium minitans APPLIED   AND ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 86  期: 5  文献号: e02291-19  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02291-19  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
63 刘颖 1.洪登峰;   2.杨光圣 Fine   mapping and candidate gene analysis of a seed glucosinolate content QTL,   qGSL-C2, in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED   GENETICS  卷: 133  期: 2  页: 479-490  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-019-03479-x  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
64 李宝 涂金星 Identification   and fine mapping of a major locus controlling branching in Brassica napus THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED   GENETICS  卷: 133  期: 3  页: 771-783  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-019-03506-x  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
65 1.汤近天;   2.白婧 黄俊斌 Two   protein kinases UvPmk1 and UvCDC2 with significant functions in conidiation,   stress response and pathogenicity of rice false smut fungus Ustilaginoidea   virens CURRENT   GENETICS  卷: 66  期: 2  页: 409-420  DOI: 10.1007/s00294-019-01029-y  出版年: APR   2020 2020
66 孙亚杰 马伟华 Nanomaterial-wrapped   dsCYP15C1, a potential RNAi-based strategy for pest control against Chilo   suppressalis PEST   MANAGEMENT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1002/ps.5789  提前访问日期: FEB 2020 2020
67 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 刘立军 Copper-induced   oxidative stress, initiation of antioxidants and phytoremediation potential   of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seedlings grown under the mixing of two   different soils of China ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION   RESEARCH  卷: 27  期: 5  特刊: SI  页: 5211-5221  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-07264-7  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
68 Waris,   Muhammad Irfan 王满囷 Expression   Profiles and Biochemical Analysis of Chemosensory Protein 3 from Nilaparvata   lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) JOURNAL   OF CHEMICAL   ECOLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s10886-020-01166-6  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
69 马晓蕾 杨国正 Equal   K Amounts to N Achieved Optimal Biomass and Better Fiber Quality of Late Sown   Cotton in Yangtze River Valley AGRONOMY-BASEL  卷: 10  期: 1  文献号: 112  DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10010112  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
70 陆红臣 沈金雄 Transcriptome   profiling reveals cytokinin promoted callus regeneration in Brassica juncea PLANT   CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN   CULTURE  DOI: 10.1007/s11240-020-01779-5  提前访问日期: FEB   2020 2020
71 刘永恒 周爱明 Interference   Competition for Mutualism between Ant Species Mediates Ant-Mealybug   Associations INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 2  文献号: 91  DOI: 10.3390/insects11020091  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
72 1.常蒙蒙;   2.Shah, Sakhawat 杨凤连 Effect   of Diallyl Trisulfide on the Reproductive Behavior of the Grain Moth,   Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 1  文献号: 21  DOI: 10.3390/insects11010021  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
73 吴佳 黄求应 Interspecific   Hybridization between the Two Sympatric Termite Reticulitermes Species under   Laboratory Conditions INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 1  文献号: 14  DOI: 10.3390/insects11010014  出版年: JAN   2020 2020
74 Alami,   Mohammad Murtaza 王学奎 Structure,   Diversity, and Composition of Bacterial Communities in Rhizospheric Soil of   Coptis chinensis Franch under Continuously Cropped Fields DIVERSITY-BASEL  卷: 12  期: 2  文献号: 57  DOI: 10.3390/d12020057  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
75 朱菁华 何月平 Knockdown   of TRPV Genes Affects the Locomotion and Feeding Behavior of Nilaparvata   lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) JOURNAL   OF INSECT   SCIENCE  卷: 20  期: 1  文献号: 9  DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieaa002  出版年: FEB   15 2020 2020
76 郑晓旭 吴刚 How   does the arthropod-plant system respond to abrupt and gradual increases in   atmospheric CO2? JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE   AGRICULTURE  卷: 19  期: 4  页: 1159-1161  DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62880-7  出版年: APR   2020 2020
77 陈宗奎 李萍 Drought   Stress Intensity, Duration and its Resistance Impact on Rice (Oryza Sativa   L.) Seedling APPLIED   ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL   RESEARCH  卷: 18  期: 1  页: 469-486  DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1801_469486  出版年: 2020 2020
78 蔡光勤 1.郭亮;   2.外单位 Nonspecific   phospholipase C6 increases seed oil production in oilseed Brassicaceae plants NEW   PHYTOLOGIST  卷: 226  期: 4  特刊: SI  页: 1055-1073  DOI: 10.1111/nph.16473  出版年: MAY   2020 2020
79 陈杰 1.外单位;   2.陈伟 Metabolite-based   genome-wide association study enables dissection of the flavonoid decoration   pathway of wheat kernels PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13335  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
80 1.石涛涛;   2.朱安婷 1.外单位;   2.陈伟 Metabolomics   analysis and metabolite-agronomic trait associations using kernels of wheat   (Triticum aestivum) recombinant inbred lines PLANT   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14727  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
81 何伟杰 1.张静柏;   2.廖玉才 A   quinone-dependent dehydrogenase and two NADPH-dependent aldo/keto reductases   detoxify deoxynivalenol in wheat via epimerization in a Devosia strain FOOD   CHEMISTRY  卷: 321  文献号: 126703  DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126703  出版年: AUG   15 2020 2020
82 Mehmood,   Mirza Abid 付艳苹 Sclerotia   of a phytopathogenic fungus restrict microbial diversity and improve soil   health by suppressing other pathogens and enriching beneficial microorganisms JOURNAL   OF ENVIRONMENTAL   MANAGEMENT  卷: 259  文献号: 109857  DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109857  出版年: APR   1 2020 2020
83 赵会长 付艳苹 Mycoparasitism   illuminated by genome and transcriptome sequencing of Coniothyrium minitans,   an important biocontrol fungus of the plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum MICROBIAL   GENOMICS  卷: 6  期: 3  文献号: 000345  DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000345  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
84 1.王政杰;   2.蔡万伦 华红霞 Assessing   the effects of Cry2Aa protein on Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera:   Braconidae), a parasitoid of Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella   (lepidoptera: Pyralidae) ECOTOXICOLOGY   AND ENVIRONMENTAL   SAFETY  卷: 194  文献号: 110380  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110380  出版年: MAY   2020 2020
85 张明明 罗朝喜 MfOfd1   is crucial for stress responses and virulence in the peach brown rot fungus   Monilinia fructicola MOLECULAR   PLANT   PATHOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12933  提前访问日期: APR   2020 2020
86 王其华 姜道宏 A   Single ssRNA Segment Encoding RdRp Is Sufficient for Replication, Infection,   and Transmission of Ourmia-Like Virus in Fungi FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 379  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00379  出版年: MAR   18 2020 2020
87 曹金山 王幼宁 Into   the Seed: Auxin Controls Seed Development and Grain Yield INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 5  文献号: 1662  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21051662  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
88 袁绍文 1.何菡子;   2.余四斌 Genetic   Dissection of Seed Dormancy using Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines in   Rice (Oryza sativa L.) INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 4  文献号: 1344  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21041344  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
89 1.樊代佳;   2.张浩然 李成芳 Control   Effects of Chelonus munakatae Against Chilo suppressalis and Impact on   Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Paddy Fields FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 228  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00228  出版年: MAR   6 2020 2020
90 Muhammad,   Ali 王令强 Survey   of wheat straw stem characteristics for enhanced resistance to lodging CELLULOSE  卷: 27  期: 5  页: 2469-2484  DOI: 10.1007/s10570-020-02972-7  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
91 熊亚兵 杨中华 Application   of polydopamine functionalized magnetic graphene in triazole fungicides   residue analysis JOURNAL   OF CHROMATOGRAPHY   A  卷: 1614  文献号: 460725  DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.460725  出版年: MAR   15 2020 2020
92 李晓华 胡学博 Annotation   of genes involved in high level of dihydromyricetin production in vine tea   (Ampelopsis grossedentata) by transcriptome analysis BMC   PLANT   BIOLOGY  卷: 20  期: 1  文献号: 131  DOI: 10.1186/s12870-020-2324-7  出版年: MAR   30 2020 2020
93 Most   Sinthia 肖雪琼 Biological   Control of Tomato Gray Mold Caused by Botrytis Cinerea with the   Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae PATHOGENS  卷: 9  期: 3  文献号: 213  DOI: 10.3390/pathogens9030213  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
94 1.   Shah, Nadil; 2.李倩 1.外单位;   2.张椿雨 CRb   and PbBa8.1 Synergically Increases Resistant Genes Expression upon Infection   of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Brassica napus GENES  卷: 11  期: 2  文献号: 202  DOI: 10.3390/genes11020202  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
95 1.张振宇;   2.任静; 3.储菲 1.外单位;   2.黄求应 Biochemical,   molecular, and morphological variations of flight muscles before and after   dispersal flight in a eusocial termite, Reticulitermes chinensis INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12763  提前访问日期: APR   2020 2020
96 Chaisiri,   Chingchai 罗朝喜 Phylogenetic   Analysis and Development of Molecular Tool for Detection of Diaporthe citri   Causing Melanose Disease of Citrus PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 9  期: 3  文献号: 329  DOI: 10.3390/plants9030329  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
97 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 1-2.外单位 Copper   Uptake and Accumulation, Ultra-Structural Alteration, and Bast Fibre Yield   and Quality of Fibrous Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) Plants Grown under Two   Different Soils of China PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 9  期: 3  文献号: 404  DOI: 10.3390/plants9030404  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
98 Alami,   Mohammad Murtaza 王学奎 Structure,   Function, Diversity, and Composition of Fungal Communities in Rhizospheric   Soil of Coptis chinensis Franch under a Successive Cropping System PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 9  期: 2  文献号: 244  DOI: 10.3390/plants9020244  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
99 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 外单位 Jute:   A Potential Candidate for Phytoremediation of Metals-A Review PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 9  期: 2  文献号: 258  DOI: 10.3390/plants9020258  出版年: FEB   2020 2020
100 1.宫安东;   2  .孙冠杰 张静柏 Staphylococcus   saprophyticus L-38 produces volatile 3,3-dimethyl-1,2-epoxybutane with strong   inhibitory activity against Aspergillus flavus germination and aflatoxin   production WORLD   MYCOTOXIN   JOURNAL  卷: 13  期: 2  页: 247-258  DOI: 10.3920/WMJ2019.2495  出版年: 2020 2020
101 徐成宝 彭良才 Selectively   Desirable Rapeseed and Corn Stalks Distinctive for Low-Cost Bioethanol   Production and High-Active Biosorbents WASTE   AND BIOMASS   VALORIZATION  DOI: 10.1007/s12649-020-01026-0  提前访问日期: MAR   2020 2020
102 王志娟 李霞 The   NMN Module Conducts Nodule Number Orchestra ISCIENCE  卷: 23  期: 2  文献号: UNSP   100825  DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.100825  出版年: FEB   21 2020 2020
103 韩琴 1-2.外单位;   3.李霞 Variation   in rhizosphere microbial communities and its association with the symbiotic   efficiency of rhizobia in soybean ISME JOURNAL  DOI:   10.1038/s41396-020-0648-9  提前访问日期: APR 2020 2020
104 1.章德宾;   2.Hussain, Amjad 丁芳 Genome   editing with the CRISPR-Cas system: an art, ethics and global regulatory   perspective PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  DOI:   10.1111/pbi.13383  提前访问日期: APR 2020 2020
105 1.陈贝贝;   2.外单位 外单位 Multiple   GmWRI1s are redundantly involved in seed filling and nodulation by regulating   plastidic glycolysis, lipid biosynthesis and hormone signalling in soybean   (Glycine max) PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  卷:   18  期: 1  页: 155-171  DOI:   10.1111/pbi.13183  出版年: JAN 2020 2020
106 1.李海涛;   2.冯慧 杨万能 High-throughput   phenotyping accelerates the dissection of the dynamic genetic architecture of   plant growth and yield improvement in rapeseed PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13396  提前访问日期:   MAY 2020 2020
107 秦雷 金双侠 High-efficient   and precise base editing of C center dot G to T center dot A in the   allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genome using a modified   CRISPR/Cas9 system PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  卷:   18  期: 1  页: 45-56  DOI:   10.1111/pbi.13168  出版年: JAN 2020 2020
108 Raza,   Muhammad Fahim 张宏宇 Gut   microbiota promotes host resistance to low-temperature stress by stimulating   its arginine and proline metabolism pathway in adult Bactrocera dorsalis PLOS PATHOGENS  卷:   16  期: 4  DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441   10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441.r001 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441.r002   10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441.r003 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441.r004   10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441.r005   10.1371/journal.ppat.1008441.r006  出版年: APR 2020 2020
109 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 1.外单位;   2.刘立军 Influence   of phosphorus on copper phytoextraction via modulating cellular organelles in   two jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) varieties grown in a copper mining soil of   Hubei Province, China CHEMOSPHERE  卷:   248  文献号: 126032  DOI:   10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126032  出版年: JUN 2020 2020
110 1.邓俊;   2.朱晓博 1.外单位;   2.彭良才 Mechanism   of lignocellulose modification and enzyme disadsorption for complete biomass   saccharification to maximize bioethanol yield in rapeseed stalks SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS  卷:   4  期: 2  页: 607-618  DOI:   10.1039/c9se00906j  出版年: FEB 1 2020 2020
111 杜艳芳 张祖新 UNBRANCHED3   Expression and Inflorescence Development is Mediated by UNBRANCHED2 and the   Distal Enhancer, KRN4, in Maize PLOS GENETICS  卷: 16  期:   4  文献号: e1008764  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008764   10.1371/journal.pgen.1008764.r001 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008764.r002   10.1371/journal.pgen.1008764.r003   10.1371/journal.pgen.1008764.r004  出版年: APR 2020 2020
112 1.蔡璇;   2.颜晶晶 陈小林 Perilipin   LDP1 coordinates lipid droplets formation and utilization for   appressorium-mediated infection in Magnaporthe oryzae ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  DOI:   10.1111/1462-2920.15019  提前访问日期: APR 2020 2020
113 刘金萍 吴刚 Different   adaptability of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), to gradual   and abrupt increases in atmospheric CO2 JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE  卷:   93  期: 3  页: 979-991  DOI:   10.1007/s10340-020-01221-x  提前访问日期: APR 2020   出版年: JUN   2020 2020
114 Shah,   Sakhawat 杨凤连 Downregulation   of chitin synthase A gene by diallyl trisulfide, an active substance from   garlic essential oil, inhibits oviposition and alters the morphology of adult   Sitotroga cerealella JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE  卷:   93  期: 3  页: 1097-1106  DOI:   10.1007/s10340-020-01226-6  提前访问日期: APR 2020   出版年: JUN   2020 2020
115 1.王志娟;   2-3.外单位 李霞 GAI   Functions in the Plant Response to Dehydration Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 3  文献号: 819  DOI:   10.3390/ijms21030819  出版年: FEB 2020 2020
116 王永刚 1-2.外单位 Fine   mapping QSc.VR4, an effective and stable scald resistance locus in barley   (Hordeum vulgare L.), to a 0.38-Mb region enriched with LRR-RLK and GLP genes THEORETICAL AND APPLIED   GENETICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-020-03599-9  提前访问日期: MAY   2020 2020
117 1.王刚正;   2.罗义 龚钰华 Hsp40   Protein LeDnaJ07 Enhances the Thermotolerance of Lentinula edodes and   Regulates IAA Biosynthesis by Interacting LetrpE FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  卷:   11  文献号: 707  DOI:   10.3389/fmicb.2020.00707  出版年: APR 17 2020 2020
118 袁婵 兰彩霞 Genome-Wide   Mapping of Adult Plant Resistance to Leaf Rust and Stripe Rust in CIMMYT   Wheat Line Arableu#1 PLANT DISEASE  卷:   104  期: 5  页: 1455-1464  DOI:   10.1094/PDIS-10-19-2198-RE  出版年: MAY 2020 2020
119 李翰鹏 华红霞 Cloning   and functional identification of a Chilo suppressalis-inducible promoter of   rice gene, OsHPL2 PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  DOI:   10.1002/ps.5872  提前访问日期: MAY 2020 2020
120 张作林 黄见良 A   hot-blast warming facility for simulating global warming in low-stature crop   systems and its application case to assess elevated temperature effects on   rice in Central China PLANT METHODS  卷: 16  期:   1  文献号: 57  DOI:   10.1186/s13007-020-00598-1  出版年: APR 23 2020 2020
121 1.李东振;   2.黄晓峰 王满囷 Functional   Analysis of Two Odorant-Binding Proteins, MaltOBP9 and MaltOBP10, in   Monochamus alternatus Hope FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY  卷:   11  文献号: 317  DOI:   10.3389/fphys.2020.00317  出版年: APR 15 2020 2020
122 陈林 杨细燕 Genome-wide   identification of MAPK cascade genes reveals the GhMAP3K14-GhMKK11-GhMPK31   pathway is involved in the drought response in cotton PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY  卷:   103  期: 1-2  页: 211-223  DOI:   10.1007/s11103-020-00986-0  出版年: MAY 2020 2020
123 张余 1-2外单位 An   APETALA2/ethylene responsive factor, OsEBP89 knockout enhances adaptation to   direct-seeding on wet land and tolerance to drought stress in rice MOLECULAR GENETICS AND   GENOMICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00438-020-01669-7  提前访问日期: APR   2020 2020
124 赵晓彬 涂金星 Disruption   of carotene biosynthesis leads to abnormal plastids and variegated leaves in   Brassica napus MOLECULAR GENETICS AND   GENOMICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00438-020-01674-w  提前访问日期: APR   2020 2020
125 Waris,   Muhammad Irfan 王满囷 The   role of chemosensory protein 10 in the detection of behaviorally active   compounds in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens INSECT SCIENCE  卷:   27  期: 3  页: 531-544  DOI:   10.1111/1744-7917.12659  出版年: JUN 2020 2020
126 王毓富 阴伟晓 Development   of rice conidiation media for Ustilaginoidea virens PLOS ONE  卷: 14  期:   10  文献号: e0217667  DOI:   10.1371/journal.pone.0217667  出版年: OCT 24 2019 2020
127 徐鹏辉 牛长缨 Identification   of olfactory genes and functional analysis of BminCSP and BminOBP21 in   Bactrocera minax PLOS ONE  卷: 14  期:   9  文献号: e0222193  DOI:   10.1371/journal.pone.0222193  出版年: SEP 11 2019 2020
128 徐乐 满建国 Changes   in rice yield and yield stability in China during the past six decades JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND   AGRICULTURE  卷: 100  期: 8  页:   3560-3569  DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10385  出版年: JUN   2020 2020
129 1.贾才华;   2.张明星 李晓华 Evaluation   of antioxidant properties of the different tissues of vine tea (Ampelopsis   grossedentata) in stripped canola oil and sunflower oil JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE  卷:   85  期: 4  页: 1082-1089  DOI:   10.1111/1750-3841.15092  出版年: APR 2020 2020
130 杨萌萌 王国平 Molecular   characterization of a novel mycovirus infecting the phytopathogenic fungus   Botryosphaeria dothidea ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY  DOI:   10.1007/s00705-020-04629-z  提前访问日期: APR 2020 2020
131 1.韩少卿;   2. Khan, M. H. U. 范楚川 Identification   and comprehensive analysis of the CLV3/ESR-related (CLE) gene family in   Brassica napus L. PLANT BIOLOGY  DOI:   10.1111/plb.13117  提前访问日期: APR 2020 2020
132 Ali,   Saif 杨国正 Relative   Potassium Ratio Balanced the Carbon-Nitrogen Assimilation in Cotton Leaf   Under Reducing Nitrogen Application JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT   NUTRITION  卷: 20  期: 2  页:   761-774  DOI: 10.1007/s42729-019-00163-3  出版年: JUN   2020 2020
133 高耸 任喜峰 High-molecular-weight   glutenin subunit compositions in current Chinese commercial wheat cultivars   and the implication on Chinese wheat breeding for quality CEREAL CHEMISTRY  DOI:   10.1002/cche.10290  提前访问日期: MAY 2020 2020
134 Ullah,   Abid 1.Ullah,   Abid; 2.杨细燕 Characterization   of a novel cotton MYB gene, GhMYB108-like responsive to abiotic stresses MOLECULAR   BIOLOGY REPORTS  卷: 47  期: 3  页:   1573-1581  DOI: 10.1007/s11033-020-05244-6  出版年: MAR   2020 2020
135 宋露洋 谢卡斌 Engineering   CRISPR/Cas9 to mitigate abundant host contamination for 16S rRNA gene-based   amplicon sequencing MICROBIOME  卷:   8  期: 1  文献号: 80  DOI:   10.1186/s40168-020-00859-0  出版年: JUN 3 2020 2020
136 Khan,   Shahid Ullah 1-3.外单位 Eu3+,   Sm3+ Deep-Red Phosphors as Novel Materials for White Light-Emitting Diodes   and Simultaneous Performance Enhancement of Organic-Inorganic Perovskite   Solar Cells SMALL  文献号:   2001551  DOI: 10.1002/smll.202001551  提前访问日期: MAY 2020 2020
137 1王琼琼;   2. Alariqi, Muna; 3.王福秋 金双侠 The   application of a heat-inducible CRISPR/Cas12b (C2c1) genome editing system in   tetraploid cotton (G. hirsutum) plants PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13417  提前访问日期:   JUN 2020 2020
138 邓晋武 1.杨细燕;   2.张献龙 The   Calcium Sensor CBL2 and Its Interacting Kinase CIPK6 Are Involved in Plant   Sugar Homeostasis via Interacting with Tonoplast Sugar Transporter TST2(1) PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 183  期: 1  页:   236-249  DOI: 10.1104/pp.19.01368  出版年: MAY 2020 2020
139 1.   陈宗奎; 2.李萍 曹凑贵 Metabolomic   analysis reveals metabolites and pathways involved in grain quality traits of   high-quality rice cultivars under a dry cultivation system FOOD   CHEMISTRY  卷: 326  文献号: 126845  DOI:   10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126845  出版年: OCT 1 2020 2020
140 Senosy,   Ibrahim Abdelhai 1.杨中华;   2.李建洪 Magnetic   solid-phase extraction based on nano-zeolite imidazolate   framework-8-functionalized magnetic graphene oxide for the quantification of   residual fungicides in water, honey and fruit juices FOOD   CHEMISTRY  卷: 325  文献号: 126944  DOI:   10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126944  出版年: SEP 30 2020 2020
141 张冉 彭良才 A   novel rice fragile culm 24 mutant encodes a UDP-glucose epimerase that   affects cell wall properties and photosynthesis JOURNAL   OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY  卷: 71  期: 10  页:   2956-2969  DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eraa044  出版年: MAY 30 2020 2020
142 李婵娟 吴高兵 Highly   alkali-stable and cellulase-free xylanases from Fusarium sp. 21 and their   application in clarification of orange juice INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES  卷: 155  页:   572-580  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.03.249  出版年: JUL 15   2020 2020
143 郭梦见 赵景 Safety   assessment of transgenic Cry2Aa rice to a generalist predator, Paederus   fuscipes Curtis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) ECOTOXICOLOGY   AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY  卷: 200  文献号:   110719  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110719  出版年: SEP 1   2020 2020
144 1.   Ahmar, Sunny; 2.外单位 1-2.外单位 Conventional   and Molecular Techniques from Simple Breeding to Speed Breeding in Crop   Plants: Recent Advances and Future Outlook INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES  卷: 21  期:   7  文献号: 2590  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21072590  出版年:   APR 2020 2020
145 杜雷 1.刘永忠;   2.刘克德 Genetic   mapping of quantitative trait loci and a major locus for resistance to grey   leaf spot in maize THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED GENETICS  DOI:   10.1007/s00122-020-03614-z  提前访问日期: MAY 2020 2020
146 黄会斌 1.范楚川;   2.周永明 Modifications   of fatty acid profile through targeted mutation at BnaFAD2 gene with   CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in Brassica napus THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED GENETICS  DOI:   10.1007/s00122-020-03607-y  提前访问日期: MAY 2020 2020
147 郭凯 涂礼莉 Cytosolic   Ascorbate Peroxidases Plays a Critical Role in Photosynthesis by Modulating   Reactive Oxygen Species Level in Stomatal Guard Cell FRONTIERS   IN PLANT SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 446  DOI:   10.3389/fpls.2020.00446  出版年: MAY 7 2020 2020
148 王奇 尹昌喜 Nitrogen   Deficiency-Induced Decrease in Cytokinins Content Promotes Rice Seminal Root   Growth by Promoting Root Meristem Cell Proliferation and Cell Elongation CELLS  卷:   9  期: 4  文献号: 916  DOI:   10.3390/cells9040916  出版年: APR 2020 2020
149 郭平安 汪波 Transcriptome   analyses provide insights into the effect of temperature change on fiber   quality of ramie INDUSTRIAL   CROPS AND PRODUCTS  卷: 152  文献号: 112544  DOI:   10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112544  出版年: SEP 15 2020 2020
150 严亚琴 郑露 ChCDC25   Regulates Infection-Related Morphogenesis and Pathogenicity of the Crucifer   Anthracnose Fungus Colletotrichum higginsianum FRONTIERS   IN MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 763  DOI:   10.3389/fmicb.2020.00763  出版年: MAY 8 2020 2020
151 高知枭 林杨 ORF   I of Mycovirus SsNSRV-1 is Associated with Debilitating Symptoms of   Sclerotinia sclerotiorum VIRUSES-BASEL  卷:   12  期: 4  文献号: 456  DOI:   10.3390/v12040456  出版年: APR 2020 2020
152 丁芳 外单位 Enhanced   Serologically Based Detection of Liberibacters Associated with Citrus   Huanglongbing PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 104  期: 6  页:   1584-1588  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-12-19-2679-SC  出版年: JUN 2020 2020
153 马洪菊 外单位 Metribuzin   resistance via enhanced metabolism in a multiple herbicide resistantLolium   rigidumpopulation PEST   MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1002/ps.5929  提前访问日期: JUN   2020 2020
154 孙泽 王满囷 The   control of the brown planthopper by the rice Bph14 gene is affected by   nitrogen PEST   MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1002/ps.5911  提前访问日期: JUN   2020 2020
155 1.王文君;   2.蔡万伦 华红霞 A   new method for evaluating the effects of insecticidal proteins expressed by   transgenic plants on ectoparasitoid of target pest ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  DOI:   10.1007/s11356-020-08664-w  提前访问日期: MAY 2020 2020
156 李佳佳 谢国生 Phylogeny,   structural diversity and genome-wide expression analysis of fibrillin family   genes in rice PHYTOCHEMISTRY  卷:   175  文献号: 112377  DOI:   10.1016/j.phytochem.2020.112377  出版年: JUL 2020 2020
157 杨俊 谢国生 Identification   of novel OsCML16 target proteins and differential expression analysis under   abiotic stresses in rice JOURNAL   OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 249  文献号: 153165  DOI:   10.1016/j.jplph.2020.153165  出版年: JUN 2020 2020
158 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 外单位 Flax   (Linum usitatissimum L.): A Potential Candidate for Phytoremediation?   Biological and Economical Points of View PLANTS-BASEL  卷:   9  期: 4  文献号: 496  DOI:   10.3390/plants9040496  出版年: APR 2020 2020
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160 韩玉玲 1.展茗;   2.外单位 Effects   of Straw-Return Method for the Maize-Rice Rotation System on Soil Properties   and Crop Yields AGRONOMY-BASEL  卷:   10  期: 4  文献号: 461  DOI:   10.3390/agronomy10040461  出版年: APR 2020 2020
161 Sriboon,   Sukarkarn 刘克德 Knock-out   of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 genes altered flowering time and plant architecture in   Brassica napus BMC   GENETICS  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 52  DOI:   10.1186/s12863-020-00857-z  出版年: MAY 19 2020 2020
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163 胡政 刘浩 Ustiloxin   A is Produced Early in ExperimentalUstilaginoidea virensInfection and Affects   Transcription in Rice CURRENT   MICROBIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s00284-020-02072-6  提前访问日期:   JUN 2020 2020
164 王丹丹 杨中华 A   Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol Deep Eutectic Solvent Based on Magnetic   Polydopamine with Preconcentration and Determination for Sulfonylurea   Herbicides in Water Samples JOURNAL   OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  卷: 31  期:   7  页: 1509-1517  DOI:   10.21577/0103-5053.20200037  出版年: JUL 2020 2020
165 外单位 1.外单位;   2.王沫 Screening   for antagonistic bacteria againstFusarium oxysporumand their influence on the   consecutive monoculture problem ofRehmannia glutinosa JOURNAL   OF PLANT PATHOLOGY  卷: 102  期: 2  页:   489-497  DOI: 10.1007/s42161-019-00483-4  出版年: MAY 2020 2020
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167 李青 1.李青;   2.严建兵 Sustainable   agriculture in the era of omics: knowledge-driven crop breeding GENOME   BIOLOGY  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 154  DOI: 10.1186/s13059-020-02073-5  出版年: JUN   26 2020 2020年
168 1.孙永浩;   2.董亮 1.李兴旺;   2.杨芳 3D   genome architecture coordinatestransandcisregulation of differentially   expressed ear and tassel genes in maize GENOME   BIOLOGY  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 143  DOI: 10.1186/s13059-020-02063-7  出版年: JUN   16 2020 2020年
169 1.刘海军;   2.简六梅; 3.许洁婷 严建兵 High-Throughput   CRISPR/Cas9 Mutagenesis Streamlines Trait Gene Identification in Maize PLANT   CELL  卷: 32  期: 5  页: 1397-1413  DOI: 10.1105/tpc.19.00934  出版年: MAY   2020 2020年
170 李保奇 1.段凌凤;   2.杨细燕 Phenomics-based   GWAS analysis reveals the genetic architecture for drought resistance in   cotton PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13431  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
171 Senosy,   Ibrahim Abdelhai 1.杨中华;   2.李建洪 The   post-modification of magnetic metal-organic frameworks with beta-cyclodextrin   for the efficient removal of fungicides from environmental water ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE-NANO  卷: 7  期: 7  页: 2087-2101  DOI: 10.1039/c9en01372e  出版年: JUL   1 2020 2020年
172 刘天奇 李成芳 Advantages   of nitrogen fertilizer deep placement in greenhouse gas emissions and net   ecosystem economic benefits from no-tillage paddy fields JOURNAL   OF CLEANER   PRODUCTION  卷: 263  文献号: 121322  DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121322  出版年: AUG   1 2020 2020年
173 1.赵慕华;   2.郑晓旭; 3.刘金萍 吴刚 Time-dependent   stress evidence in dynamic allocation of physiological metabolism of   Nilaparvata lugens in response to elevated CO2 ENVIRONMENTAL   POLLUTION  卷: 265  期: PT   A  文献号: 114767  DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114767  子辑: A  出版年: OCT   2020 2020年
174 辛强 洪登峰 Molecular   mechanisms underpinning the multiallelic inheritance ofMS5inBrassica napus PLANT   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14857  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
175 1.王雷;   2.秦涛 李成芳 Inclusion   of microbial inoculants with straw mulch enhances grain yields from rice   fields in central China FOOD   AND ENERGY   SECURITY  文献号: e230  DOI: 10.1002/fes3.230  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
176 吕学良 外单位 Adaptation   of codon usage to tRNA I34 modification controls translation kinetics and   proteome landscape PLOS   GENETICS  卷: 16  期: 6  文献号: e1008836  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008836  出版年: JUN   2020 2020年
177 段志强 1.戴成;   2.马朝芝 TheBrassica   napusGATA transcription factor BnA5.ZML1 is a stigma compatibility factor JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT   BIOLOGY  卷: 62  期: 8  页: 1112-1131  DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12916  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
178 潘振远 邱法展 ZmSRL5is   involved in drought tolerance by maintaining cuticular wax structure in maize JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT   BIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12982  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
179 桂松涛 1.杨宁;   2. 严建兵 ZEAMAP,   a Comprehensive Database Adapted to the Maize Multi-Omics Era ISCIENCE  卷: 23  期: 6  文献号: UNSP   101241  DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101241  出版年: JUN   26 2020 2020年
180 1.吴家静;   2.闫冠博 1.马朝芝;   2.戴成 Roles   of theBrassica napusDELLA Protein BnaA6.RGA, in Modulating Drought Tolerance   by Interacting With the ABA Signaling Component BnaA10.ABF2 FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 577  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00577  出版年: MAY   14 2020 2020年
181 Juneidi,   Seifu 胡学博 Breaking   the Summer Dormancy ofPinellia ternataby Introducing a Heat Tolerance   Receptor-Like KinaseERECTAGene FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 780  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00780  出版年: JUN   24 2020 2020年
182 Qasim,   Muhammad Uzair 周永明 Identification   of QTLs Containing Resistance Genes for Sclerotinia Stem Rot inBrassica   napusUsing Comparative Transcriptomic Studies FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 776  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00776  出版年: JUN   10 2020 2020年
183 张振宇 张宏宇 A   Shift Pattern of Bacterial Communities Across the Life Stages of the Citrus   Red Mite,Panonychus citri FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 1620  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01620  出版年: JUL   10 2020 2020年
184 Qutb,   Abdelrahman M. 董五辈 Prediction   and Characterization of Cationic Arginine-Rich Plant Antimicrobial Peptide   SM-985 From Teosinte (Zea maysssp.mexicana) FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 1353  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01353  出版年: JUN   19 2020 2020年
185 徐玉平 杨龙 Genome-Wide   Identification and Expression Analysis of the bZIP Transcription Factors in   the MycoparasiteConiothyrium minitans MICROORGANISMS  卷: 8  期: 7  文献号: 1045  DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8071045  出版年: JUL   2020 2020年
186 1.罗志;   2.熊杰; 3.夏辉 1.夏辉;   2.罗利军 Transcriptomic   divergence between upland and lowland ecotypes contributes to rice adaptation   to a drought-prone agroecosystem EVOLUTIONARY   APPLICATIONS  DOI: 10.1111/eva.13054  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
187 贺文闯 靳德明 Multicentric   origin and diversification ofatp6-orf79-like structures reveal mitochondrial   gene flows inOryza rufipogonandOryza sativa EVOLUTIONARY   APPLICATIONS  DOI: 10.1111/eva.13022  提前访问日期: JUN   2020 2020年
188 张超普 余四斌 Genetic   Dissection of Seed Dormancy in Rice (Oryza sativaL.) by Using Two Mapping   Populations Derived from Common Parents RICE  卷: 13  期: 1  文献号: 52  DOI: 10.1186/s12284-020-00413-4  出版年: AUG   5 2020 2020年
189 Ikram,   Muhammad 章元明 Identification   of QTNs and Their Candidate Genes for 100-Seed Weight in Soybean (Glycine   maxL.) Using Multi-Locus Genome-Wide Association Studies GENES  卷: 11  期: 7  文献号: 714  DOI: 10.3390/genes11070714  出版年: JUL   2020 2020年
190 祝德 1.外单位;   2.林忠旭 Genetic   dissection of an allotetraploid interspecific CSSLs guides interspecific   genetics and breeding in cotton BMC   GENOMICS  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 431  DOI: 10.1186/s12864-020-06800-x  出版年: JUN   26 2020 2020年
191 温天旺 林忠旭 A   case study of a micro-inversion event in dark brown fibre cotton (Gossypium   hirsutum) CROP   JOURNAL  卷: 8  期: 4  页: 577-585  DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2020.02.002  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
192 刘念 涂礼莉 Repression   of microRNA 160 results in retarded seed integument growth and smaller final   seed size in cotton CROP   JOURNAL  卷: 8  期: 4  页: 602-612  DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2019.12.004  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
193 蒯婕 周广生 Leaf   carbohydrates assimilation and metabolism affect seed yield of rapeseed with   different waterlogging tolerance under the interactive effects of nitrogen   and waterlogging JOURNAL   OF AGRONOMY AND CROP   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/jac.12430  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
194 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 刘立军 Investigating   the potential of different jute varieties for phytoremediation of   copper-contaminated soil ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION   RESEARCH  卷: 27  期: 24  特刊: SI  页: 30367-30377  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09232-y  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
195 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 1.   Saleem, Muhammad Hamzah; 2. Fahad, Shah Foliar   application of gibberellic acid endorsed phytoextraction of copper and   alleviates oxidative stress in jute (Corchorus capsularisL.) plant grown in   highly copper-contaminated soil of China ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION   RESEARCH  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09764-3  提前访问日期: JUN   2020 2020年
196 段志强 1.戴成;   2.马朝芝 Comparative   phosphoproteomic analysis of compatible and incompatible pollination in   Brassica napus L. ACTA   BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA   SINICA  卷: 52  期: 4  页: 446-456  DOI: 10.1093/abbs/gmaa011  出版年: APR   2020 2020年
197 蔡廷卫 万虎 Wolbachiaenhances   expression ofNlCYP4CE1inNilaparvata lugensin response to imidacloprid stress INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12834  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
198 1.李祥稳;   2.外单位 外单位 ReducedMythimna   separatainfestation onBtcorn could benefit aphids INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12833  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
199 毛凯凯 1.何顺;   2.李建洪 Carboxylesterase   genes in nitenpyram-resistant brown planthoppers,Nilaparvata lugens INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12829  提前访问日期: JUL   2020 2020年
200 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 1.Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah; 2.外单位 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic   Acid (EDTA) Mitigates the Toxic Effect of Excessive Copper Concentrations on   Growth, Gaseous Exchange and Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Corchorus   capsularis L. and Improves Copper Accumulation Capabilities PLANTS-BASEL  卷: 9  期: 6  文献号: 756  DOI: 10.3390/plants9060756  出版年: JUN   2020 2020年
201 王同华 1.涂金星;   2.外单位 Genetic   characterization of a new radish introgression line carrying the restorer   gene for Ogura CMS in Brassica napus PLOS   ONE  卷: 15  期: 7  文献号: e0236273  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236273  出版年: JUL   28 2020 2020年
202 银波 任喜峰 Phylogenetic   analysis of two single-copy nuclear genes revealed origin of tetraploid   barleyHordeum marinum PLOS   ONE  卷: 15  期: 6  文献号: e0235475  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235475  出版年: JUN   30 2020 2020年
203 赵盼盼 满建国 The   Adaptability of APSIM-Wheat Model in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the   Yangtze River Plain of China: A Case Study of Winter Wheat in Hubei Province AGRONOMY-BASEL  卷: 10  期: 7  文献号: 981  DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10070981  出版年: JUL   2020 2020年
204 1.Sandrine,   Ada Menie Nelly; 2. 赵海亮 邱法展 22KD   Zein Content Coordinates Transcriptional Activity during Starch Synthesis in   Maize Endosperm AGRONOMY-BASEL  卷: 10  期: 5  文献号: 624  DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10050624  出版年: MAY   2020 2020年
205 Ali,   Shahzaib 周兴苗 Determination   of fitness traits of Orius strigicollis Poppius (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on   Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) using two-sex life table   analysis PEERJ  卷: 8  文献号: e9594  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9594  出版年: AUG   17 2020 2020年
206 Rehman,   Shakeel Ur 周兴苗 Predatory   functional response and fitness parameters of Orius strigicollis Poppius when   fed Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum as determined by age-stage,   two-sex life table PEERJ  卷: 8  文献号: e9540  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9540  出版年: JUL   28 2020 2020年
207 Hafeez,   Abdul 王小平 Developmental   Differences on the Internal Reproductive Systems between the Prediapause and   PrereproductiveRiptortus pedestrisAdults INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 6  文献号: 347  DOI: 10.3390/insects11060347  出版年: JUN   2020 2020年
208 Ali,   Shahzaib 周兴苗 Using   a Two-Sex Life Table Tool to Calculate the Fitness of Orius strigicollis as a   Predator of Pectinophora gossypiella INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 5  文献号: 275  DOI: 10.3390/insects11050275  出版年: MAY   2020 2020年
209 李钊 李建洪 Transcriptional   Response of ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporters to Insecticide in the   Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 5  文献号: 280  DOI: 10.3390/insects11050280  出版年: MAY   2020 2020年
210 彭威 张宏宇 Transcriptome   Analysis of the Oriental Fruit Fly Bactrocera dorsalis Early Embryos INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 5  文献号: 323  DOI: 10.3390/insects11050323  出版年: MAY   2020 2020年
211 1.吴梦雅;   2.应益益 杨凤连 Effects   of Diallyl Trisulfide, an Active Substance from Garlic Essential Oil, on   Energy Metabolism in Male Moth Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 5  文献号: 270  DOI: 10.3390/insects11050270  出版年: MAY   2020 2020年
212 叶苗 李勇 High   leaf mass per area Oryza genotypes invest ore leaf mass to cell wall and show   a low mesophyll conductance AOB   PLANTS  卷: 12  期: 4  DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plaa028  出版年: JUN   19 2020 2020年
213 Tung,   Shahbaz Atta 杨国正 Morpho-physiological   Effects and Molecular Mode of Action of Mepiquat Chloride Application in   Cotton: A Review JOURNAL   OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT   NUTRITION  DOI: 10.1007/s42729-020-00276-0  提前访问日期: JUN   2020 2020年
214 蒯婕 周广生 Leaf   Characteristics at Recovery Stage Affect Seed Oil and Protein Content Under   the Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Waterlogging in Rapeseed AGRICULTURE-BASEL  卷: 10  期: 6  文献号: 207  DOI: 10.3390/agriculture10060207  出版年: JUN   2020 2020年
215 Raza,   Muhammad Fahim 张宏宇 Tephritidae   fruit fly gut microbiome diversity, function and potential for applications BULLETIN   OF ENTOMOLOGICAL   RESEARCH  卷: 110  期: 4  页: 423-437  文献号: PII   S0007485319000853  DOI: 10.1017/S0007485319000853  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
216 1.   陈宗奎; 2.杨晓龙 1.李萍;   2.曹凑贵 Water-saving   cultivation plus super rice hybrid genotype improves water productivity and   yield AGRONOMY   JOURNAL  卷: 112  期: 3  页: 1764-1777  DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20121  出版年: MAY-JUN   2020 2020年
217 李家旭 刘文 Molecular   characterization and functional analysis of two trehalose transporter genes   in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi JOURNAL   OF ASIA-PACIFIC   ENTOMOLOGY  卷: 23  期: 3  页: 627-633  DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2020.05.011  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
218 Khan,   Muhammad Musa 蔡万伦 Behavioral   response of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter and   Paederus fuscipes Curtis to three synthetic volatile chemical compounds JOURNAL   OF ASIA-PACIFIC   ENTOMOLOGY  卷: 23  期: 2  页: 269-276  DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2019.12.015  出版年: JUN   2020 2020年
219 揭晶 1.王沫;   2.外单位 Bostrycin   inhibits growth of tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells by inducing   mitochondrial apoptosis TRANSLATIONAL   CANCER   RESEARCH  卷: 9  期: 6  页: 3926-3936  DOI: 10.21037/tcr-19-2076  出版年: JUN   2020 2020年
220 孙颉 原保忠 A   bibliometric analysis of research on rice and irrigation from the 'Agronomy'   category based on the Web of Science CURRENT   SCIENCE  卷: 119  期: 3  页: 438-446  DOI: 10.18520/cs/v119/i3/438-446  出版年: AUG   10 2020 2020年
221 李博 李博 Dual   Regulation of NLR Activation by Phosphorylation TRENDS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 25  期: 9  页: 836-838  DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.06.004  出版年: SEP   2020 2020年
222 彭威 张宏宇 miRNA-1-3p   is an early embryonic male sex-determining factor in the Oriental fruit fly   Bactrocera dorsalis NATURE   COMMUNICATIONS  卷: 11  期: 1  文献号: 932  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14622-4  出版年: FEB   18 2020 2020年
223 1.王志娟;   2.任仔银; 3.程春红 李霞 Counteraction   of ABA-Mediated Inhibition of Seed Germination and Seedling Establishment by   ABA Signaling Terminator in Arabidopsis MOLECULAR   PLANT  卷: 13  期: 9  页: 1284-1297  DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.06.011  出版年: SEP   7 2020 2020年
224 1.尚均忠;   2.田敬璞; 3.外单位 1.金双侠;   2.赵凯歌; 3.刘秀群; 4.外单位 The   chromosome-level wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox) genome provides insights   into floral scent biosynthesis and flowering in winter GENOME   BIOLOGY  卷: 21  期: 1  文献号: 200  DOI: 10.1186/s13059-020-02088-y  出版年: AUG   10 2020 2020年
225 田斌年 姜道宏 A   cosmopolitan fungal pathogen of dicots adopts an endophytic lifestyle on   cereal crops and protects them from major fungal diseases ISME   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1038/s41396-020-00744-6  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
226 熊栋梁 1.熊栋梁;   2.外单位 From   one side to two sides: the effects of stomatal distribution on photosynthesis NEW   PHYTOLOGIST  DOI: 10.1111/nph.16801  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
227 1.李波;   2.梁思佳 张献龙 The   application of temperature sensitivity CRISPR/LbCpf1 (LbCas12a) mediated   genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (G. hirsutum) and creation of   nontransgenic, gossypol-free cotton PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13470  提前访问日期: SEP   2020 2020年
228 黄娟 严建兵 The   Kernel Size-Related Quantitative Trait LocusqKW9Encodes a Pentatricopeptide   Repeat Protein That Aaffects Photosynthesis and Grain Filling(1) PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 183  期: 4  页: 1696-1709  DOI: 10.1104/pp.20.00374  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
229 Alam,   Aftab 彭良才 Modeling   of optimal green liquor pretreatment for enhanced biomass saccharification   and delignification by distinct alteration of wall polymer features and   biomass porosity in Miscanthus RENEWABLE   ENERGY  卷: 159  页: 1128-1138  DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.06.013  出版年: OCT   2020 2020年
230 Khan,   Shahid U 范楚川 Comprehensive   study and multipurpose role of theCLV3/ESR-related (CLE) genes family in   plant growth and development JOURNAL   OF CELLULAR   PHYSIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1002/jcp.30021  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
231 Khan,   Muhammad H. U. 范楚川 Targeted   mutagenesis ofEOD3gene inBrassica napusL. regulates seed production JOURNAL   OF CELLULAR   PHYSIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1002/jcp.29986  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
232 李允振 鄢文豪 Exploitation   of genetic resources based on regulome and gene editing in crops SCIENCE   CHINA-LIFE   SCIENCES  卷: 63  期: 9  页: 1406-1409  DOI: 10.1007/s11427-020-1693-4  出版年: SEP   2020 2020年
233 Ahmar,   Sunny 外单位 A   Revolution toward Gene-Editing Technology and Its Application to Crop   Improvement INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 16  文献号: 5665  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21165665  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
234 Muhammad,   Ali 1.外单位;   2.王令强 Appraising   the Genetic Architecture of Kernel Traits in Hexaploid Wheat Using GWAS INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 16  文献号: 5649  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21165649  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
235 1.韩雪松;   2.秦瑶 邱法展 Fine   mapping of qKRN8, a QTL for maize kernel row number, and prediction of the   candidate gene THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED   GENETICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-020-03660-7  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
236 胡利民 范楚川 BnA10.RCO,   a homeobox gene, positively regulates leaf lobe formation inBrassica napusL. THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED   GENETICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-020-03672-3  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
237 陈道宗 葛贤宏 Alternatively   SplicedBnaPAP2.A7Isoforms Play Opposing Roles in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis   ofBrassica napusL. FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 983  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00983  出版年: AUG   19 2020 2020年
238 陈梦婷 徐章逸 Characterization   of Two Mitochondrial Genomes and Gene Expression Analysis Reveal Clues for   Variations, Evolution, and Large-Sclerotium Formation in Medical   FungusWolfiporia cocos FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 11  文献号: 1804  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01804  出版年: AUG   4 2020 2020年
239 1.郭霜;   2.田忠 王小平 Comparative   transcriptomics of the pheromone glands provides new insights into the   differentiation of sex pheromone between two host populations of Chilo   suppressalis SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS  卷: 10  期: 1  文献号: 3499  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60529-x  出版年: FEB   26 2020 2020年
240 高大伟 余四斌 A   xylan glucuronosyltransferase gene exhibits pleiotropic effects on cellular   composition and leaf development in rice SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS  卷: 10  期: 1  文献号: 3726  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60593-3  出版年: FEB   28 2020 2020年
241 傅婷婷 董五辈 Two   antimicrobial genes from Aegilops tauschii Cosson identified by the Bacillus   subtilis expression system SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS  卷: 10  期: 1  文献号: 13346  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70314-5  出版年: AUG   7 2020 2020年
242 1.罗洪海;   2.王强 杨国正 Minimum   fertilization at the appearance of the first flower benefits cotton nutrient   utilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS  卷: 10  期: 1  文献号: 6815  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63692-3  出版年: APR   22 2020 2020年
243 尹良芬 罗朝喜 First   Report of Brown Rot of Prunus mume Caused by Monilinia fructicola in China PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 104  期: 4  页: 1253-1253  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-19-1847-PDN  出版年: APR   2020 2020年
244 胡思敏 朱福兴 Stimulatory   Effects of Boscalid on Virulence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Indicate   Hormesis May Be Masked by Inhibitions PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 104  期: 3  页: 833-840  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-07-19-1421-RE  出版年: MAR   2020 2020年
245 邓越 吴明德 First   Report of Leptosphaeria biglobosa 'brassicae' Causing Black Leg on Brassica   juncea var. tumida in China PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 104  期: 3  页: 984-984  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-07-19-1461-PDN  出版年: MAR   2020 2020年
246 王义勋 黄俊斌 Identification   and Characterization of Colletotrichum Species Associated with Anthracnose   Disease of Camellia oleifera in China PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 104  期: 2  页: 474-482  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-11-18-1955-RE  出版年: FEB   2020 2020年
247 郭浩铭 杨中华 The   potential risks of paclobutrazol residue on yogurt fermentation from the   level of chiral enantiomers JOURNAL   OF DAIRY   SCIENCE  卷: 103  期: 9  页: 7682-7694  DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-17988  出版年: SEP   2020 2020年
248 1.袁德辉;   2.邢剑锋 1.外单位;   2.章元明 DNA   N6-Methyladenine Modification in Wild and Cultivated Soybeans Reveals   Different Patterns in Nucleus and Cytoplasm FRONTIERS   IN   GENETICS  卷: 11  文献号: 736  DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00736  出版年: JUL   27 2020 2020年
249 Manan,   Sehrish 1.Manan,   Sehrish ; 2.赵剑 Role   of Glycine max ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 3(GmABI3) in lipid biosynthesis and   stress tolerance in soybean FUNCTIONAL   PLANT   BIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1071/FP19260  提前访问日期: SEP 2020 2020年
250 Mohamed,   Ibrahim A. A. 周广生 Stomata   and Xylem Vessels Traits Improved by Melatonin Application Contribute to   Enhancing Salt Tolerance and Fatty Acid Composition of Brassica napus L.   Plants AGRONOMY-BASEL  卷: 10  期: 8  文献号: 1186  DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10081186  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
251 陈乃瑶 徐章逸 The   development of an efficient RNAi system based onAgrobacterium-mediated   transformation approach for studying functional genomics in medical   fungusWolfiporia cocos WORLD   JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY &   BIOTECHNOLOGY  卷: 36  期: 9  文献号: 140  DOI: 10.1007/s11274-020-02916-0  出版年: AUG   16 2020 2020年
252 徐倩茹 1.马洪菊;   2.朱福兴 Toxic   action and baseline sensitivity of boscalid against Penicillium digitatum CROP   PROTECTION  卷: 137  文献号: 105272  DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105272  出版年: NOV   2020 2020年
253 1.赵星颖;   2.刘龙 黄求应 Roles   of selenoprotein T and transglutaminase in active immunization against   entomopathogenic fungi in the termite Reticulitermes chinensis JOURNAL   OF INSECT   PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 125  文献号: 104085  DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2020.104085  出版年: AUG-SEP   2020 2020年
254 Rasheed,   Muhammad Asim 周兴苗 Lethal   and Sublethal Effects of Chlorpyrifos on Biological Traits and Feeding of the   Aphidophagous PredatorHarmonia axyridis INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 8  文献号: 491  DOI: 10.3390/insects11080491  出版年: AUG   2020 2020年
255 周琳 朱智慧 Establishment   and characterization of a new embryonic cell line fromHelicoverpa   armigera(Hubner) IN   VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL   BIOLOGY-ANIMAL  卷: 56  期: 7  页: 559-566  DOI: 10.1007/s11626-020-00473-2  提前访问日期: AUG   2020   出版年: AUG 2020 2020年
外单位 Diversity   of resistance to bacterial blight and geographical distribution of 29   populations of wild rice [Oryza meyeriana(Zoll. & Moritzi) Baill.] in   Yunnan, China GENETIC   RESOURCES AND CROP   EVOLUTION  DOI: 10.1007/s10722-020-01001-7  提前访问日期: AUG   2020 2020年
257 刘全 付新华 The   genetic variations in the mitochondrial genomes of three Luciolinae fireflies MITOCHONDRIAL   DNA PART   B-RESOURCES  卷: 5  期: 3  页: 3228-3232  DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1806126  出版年: JUL   2 2020 2020年
258 1.刘方舟;   2.李祥; 3.赵慕华 1.张启发;   2.华红霞 Ultrabithorax   is a key regulator for the dimorphism of wings, a main cause for the outbreak   of planthoppers in rice NATIONAL   SCIENCE   REVIEW  卷: 7  期: 7  页: 1181-1189  DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwaa061  出版年: JUL   2020 2020年
259 罗成 严建兵 Single-Cell   Genomics and Epigenomics: Technologies and Applications in Plants TRENDS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 25  期: 10  页: 1030-1040  DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.04.016  出版年: OCT   2020 2020年
260 刘英军 文静 Gene   silencing ofBnaA09.ZEPandBnaC09.ZEPconfers orange color inBrassica   napusflowers PLANT   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14970  提前访问日期: OCT   2020 2020年
261 Khan,   Aamir Hamid 张献龙 High   day and night temperatures distinctively disrupt fatty acid and jasmonic acid   metabolism, inducing male sterility in cotton JOURNAL   OF EXPERIMENTAL   BOTANY  卷: 71  期: 19  页: 6128-6141  DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eraa319  出版年: OCT   7 2020 2020年
262 1.殷帅;   2.万明 王晶 Transposon   insertions within alleles of BnaFLC.A10 and BnaFLC.A2 are associated with   seasonal crop type in rapeseed JOURNAL   OF EXPERIMENTAL   BOTANY  卷: 71  期: 16  页: 4729-4741  DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eraa237  出版年: AUG   6 2020 2020年
263 刘建晓 1.外单位;   2.严建兵 Application   of deep learning in genomics SCIENCE   CHINA-LIFE   SCIENCES  DOI: 10.1007/s11427-020-1804-5  提前访问日期: OCT   2020 2020年
264 1.毛凯凯;   2.任志杰 万虎 An   insecticide resistance diagnostic kit for whitebacked planthopperSogatella   furcifera(Horvath) JOURNAL   OF PEST   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1007/s10340-020-01277-9  提前访问日期: SEP   2020 2020年
265 周爱明 1.周爱明;   2.外单位 Ants   adjust their tool use strategy in response to foraging risk FUNCTIONAL   ECOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13671  提前访问日期: OCT   2020 2020年
266 朱岚 1.曾汉来;   2.何莹 Lipid   metabolism is involved in male fertility regulation of the photoperiod- and   thermo sensitive genic male sterile rice line Peiai 64S PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 299  文献号: 110581  DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110581  出版年: OCT   2020 2020年
267 高俏 1.王小平;   2.周兴苗 PacBio   Long-Read Sequencing Transcriptome Dataset of AdultHarmonia axyridisUnder   Diapause Inducing and Reproductive Inducing Photoperiod FRONTIERS   IN   GENETICS  卷: 11  文献号: 1010  DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2020.01010  出版年: SEP   11 2020 2020年
268 李诗豪 1.曹凑贵;   2.李成芳 Effects   of straw returning levels on carbon footprint and net ecosystem economic   benefits from rice-wheat rotation in central China ENVIRONMENTAL   SCIENCE AND POLLUTION   RESEARCH  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10914-w  提前访问日期: SEP   2020 2020年
269 李祥 华红霞 AnInR/mir-9a/NlUbxregulatory   cascade regulates wing diphenism in brown planthoppers INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12872  提前访问日期: OCT   2020 2020年
270 白帅 张宏宇 Regulatory   mechanisms of microbial homeostasis in insect gut INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12868  提前访问日期: SEP   2020 2020年
271 王高峰 1.外单位;   2.肖炎农 Dihydroxyacetone   of wheat root exudates serves as an attractant for Heterodera avenae PLOS   ONE  卷: 15  期: 7  文献号: e0236317  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236317  出版年: JUL   23 2020 2020年
272 孙梦玲 涂礼莉 A   cotton germin-like protein GbGLP2 controls fiber length via regulating genes   involved in secondary cell wall synthesis MOLECULAR   BREEDING  卷: 40  期: 10  文献号: 98  DOI: 10.1007/s11032-020-01177-x  出版年: OCT   6 2020 2020年
273 戴成 1.郭亮;   2. 鲁少平 An   efficientAgrobacterium-mediated transformation method using hypocotyl as   explants forBrassica napus MOLECULAR   BREEDING  卷: 40  期: 10  文献号: 96  DOI: 10.1007/s11032-020-01174-0  出版年: SEP   28 2020 2020年
274 张洪祥 姜道宏 A   2-kb Mycovirus Converts a Pathogenic Fungus into a Beneficial Endophyte for   Brassica Protection and Yield Enhancement MOLECULAR   PLANT  卷: 13  期: 10  特刊: SI  页: 1420-1433  DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.08.016  出版年: OCT   5 2020 2020
275 赵海亮 邱法展 Loss   of Function of an RNA Polymerase III Subunit Leads to Impaired Maize Kernel   Development PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY  卷: 184  期: 1  页: 359-373  DOI: 10.1104/pp.20.00502  出版年: SEP   2020 2020
276 袁鹏丽 曹凑贵 Soil   quality indicators of integrated rice-crayfish farming in the Jianghan Plain,   China using a minimum data set SOIL   & TILLAGE   RESEARCH  卷: 204  文献号: 104732  DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2020.104732  出版年: OCT   2020 2020
277 唐涛 万虎 Antibiotics   increased host insecticide susceptibility via collapsed bacterial symbionts   reducing detoxification metabolism in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata   lugens JOURNAL   OF PEST   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1007/s10340-020-01294-8  提前访问日期: NOV   2020 2020
278 Ullah,   Rana Muhammad Kaleem 王满囷 An   Odorant Binding Protein (SaveOBP9) Involved in Chemoreception of the Wheat   Aphid Sitobion avenae INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 21  文献号: 8331  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21218331  出版年: NOV   2020 2020
279 张超普 1.何菡子;   2.余四斌 Genetic   Dissection and Validation of Chromosomal Regions for Transmission Ratio   Distortion in Intersubspecific Crosses of Rice FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 11  文献号: 563548  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.563548  出版年: OCT   27 2020 2020
280 Khan,   Mohammad Nauman 胡立勇 Seed   priming with gibberellic acid and melatonin in rapeseed: Consequences for   improving yield and seed quality under drought and non-stress conditions INDUSTRIAL   CROPS AND   PRODUCTS  卷: 156  文献号: 112850  DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112850  出版年: NOV   15 2020 2020
281 李晓华 外单位 Enhancement   of phenylpropanoid accumulation in tartary buckwheat hairy roots by   overexpression of MYB transcription factors INDUSTRIAL   CROPS AND   PRODUCTS  卷: 156  文献号: 112887  DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112887  出版年: NOV   15 2020 2020
282 Saleem,   Muhammad Hamzah 1.外单位;   2.刘立军 Individual   and combined application of EDTA and citric acid assisted phytoextraction of   copper using jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) seedlings ENVIRONMENTAL   TECHNOLOGY &   INNOVATION  卷: 19  文献号: 100895  DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2020.100895  出版年: AUG   2020 2020
283 潘琪 1.;   2.外单位; 3.葛贤宏 Gene   Expression Changes During the Allo-/Deallopolyploidization Process of   Brassica napus FRONTIERS   IN   GENETICS  卷: 10  文献号: 1279  DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01279  出版年: DEC   19 2019 2020
284 李锦涵 1.黄友谊;   2.王沫 Optimal   fermentation time for Nigrospora-fermented tea rich in bostrycin JOURNAL   OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND   AGRICULTURE  DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10874  提前访问日期: NOV   2020 2020
285 Hassan,   A. 黄求应 Silencing   of the phosphofructokinase gene impairs glycolysis and causes abnormal   locomotion in the subterranean termite Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder INSECT   MOLECULAR   BIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/imb.12672  提前访问日期: NOV   2020 2020
286 Islam,   Yasir 周兴苗 Temperature-Dependent   Functional Response ofHarmonia axyridis(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the   Eggs ofSpodoptera litura(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Laboratory INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 9  文献号: 583  DOI: 10.3390/insects11090583  出版年: SEP   2020 2020
287 1.朱菁华;   2.朱坤淼 何月平 Proteomics   of the Honeydew from the Brown Planthopper and Green Rice Leafhopper Reveal   They Are Rich in Proteins from Insects, Rice Plant and Bacteria INSECTS  卷: 11  期: 9  文献号: 582  DOI: 10.3390/insects11090582  出版年: SEP   2020 2020
288 易志杰 杨特武 Both   high and low water nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations differentially   affect turion formation in Potamogeton crispus AQUATIC   BOTANY  卷: 167  文献号: 103286  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103286  出版年: OCT   2020 2020
289 杨棋程 1.刘晓艳;   2.外单位 Nephrotoma   Meigen (Diptera, Tipulidae) from Xizang Autonomous Region, China ZOOKEYS  期: 973  页: 123-151  DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.973.46384  出版年: OCT   5 2020 2020
290 1.郭子龙;   2.刘潇 1.陈国兴;   2.熊立仲 Genetic   analyses of lodging resistance and yield provide insights into   post-Green-Revolution breeding in rice PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13509  提前访问日期: DEC   2020 2020
291 邓嘉昕 王永模 Persistence   of insecticidal Cry toxins in Bt rice residues under field conditions   estimated by biological and immunological assays SCIENCE   OF THE TOTAL   ENVIRONMENT  卷: 679  页: 45-51  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.026  出版年: AUG   20 2019 2019
292 马伟华 1.华红霞;   2.外单位 Chromosomal-level   genomes of three rice planthoppers provide new insights into sex chromosome   evolution MOLECULAR   ECOLOGY   RESOURCES  卷: 21  期: 1  页: 226-237  DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13242  提前访问日期: NOV   2020   出版年: JAN 2021 2020
293 唐珊 1.杨庆勇;   2.郭亮 Development   and screening of EMS mutants with altered seed oil content or fatty acid   composition in Brassica napus PLANT   JOURNAL  卷: 104  期: 5  页: 1410-1422  DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15003  提前访问日期: NOV   2020   出版年: DEC 2020 2020
294 景沛 谢国生 OsClo5   functions as a transcriptional co-repressor by interacting with OsDi19-5 to   negatively affect salt stress tolerance in rice seedlings PLANT   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15074  提前访问日期: DEC   2020 2020
295 张贵粉 1.王令强;   2.彭良才 Distinctively   altered lignin biosynthesis by site-modification of OsCAD2 for enhanced   biomass saccharification in rice GLOBAL   CHANGE BIOLOGY   BIOENERGY  DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12772  提前访问日期: DEC   2020 2020
296 李翰鹏 马伟华 Comparative   transcriptome analysis of defense response of rice to Nilaparvata lugens and   Chilo suppressalis infestation INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL   MACROMOLECULES  卷: 163  页: 2270-2285  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.09.105  出版年: NOV   15 2020 2020
297 陈晓洋 郑露 The   'pears and lemons' protein UvPal1 regulates development and virulence of   Ustilaginoidea virens ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15284  提前访问日期: NOV   2020 2020
298 李佳乐 董五辈 Isolation   of Antimicrobial Genes from Oryza rufipogon Griff by Using a Bacillus   subtilis Expression System with Potential Antimicrobial Activities INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 21  期: 22  文献号: 8722  DOI: 10.3390/ijms21228722  出版年: NOV   2020 2020
299 刘华珍 洪霓 Identification   and Characterization of a Pear Chlorotic Leaf Spot-Associated Virus, a Novel   Emaravirus Associated with a Severe Disease of Pear Trees in China PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 104  期: 11  页: 2786-2798  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-01-20-0040-RE  出版年: NOV   2020 2020
300 周扬 罗朝喜 Development   of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of   Venturia carpophila on peach PEST   MANAGEMENT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1002/ps.6154  提前访问日期: NOV 2020 2020
301 李志康 兰彩霞 Four   Consistent Loci Confer Adult Plant Resistance to Leaf Rust in the Durum Wheat   Lines Heller#1 and Dunkler PHYTOPATHOLOGY  卷: 110  期: 4  页: 892-899  DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-09-19-0348-R  出版年: APR   2020 2020
302 Khan,   Zaid 胡立勇 Coupling   of Biochar with Nitrogen Supplements Improve Soil Fertility, Nitrogen   Utilization Efficiency and Rapeseed Growth AGRONOMY-BASEL  卷: 10  期: 11  文献号: 1661  DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10111661  出版年: NOV   2020 2020
303 梁昆 邱法展 Waterlogging   tolerance in maize: genetic and molecular basis MOLECULAR   BREEDING  卷: 40  期: 12  文献号: 111  DOI: 10.1007/s11032-020-01190-0  出版年: DEC   2020 2020
304 王丹 1-2.外单位 Innovation   of the double-maize cropping system based on cultivar growing degree days for   adapting to changing weather conditions in the North China Plain JOURNAL   OF INTEGRATIVE   AGRICULTURE  卷: 19  期: 12  页: 2997-3012  DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63213-0  出版年: DEC   2020 2020
305 1.高云昊;   2.李东林 1.外单位;   2.何顺 Efficacy   of an adhesive nanopesticide on insect pests of rice in field trials JOURNAL   OF ASIA-PACIFIC   ENTOMOLOGY  卷: 23  期: 4  页: 1222-1227  DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2020.08.013  出版年: DEC   2020 2020


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