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姓名: 王利平 出生年月: 1980.7
性别: 硕/博导: 硕导
民族: 开设课程: 园林植物病理学 园林植物病虫害 高级植物病理学实验
职称: 副教授 研究方向: 果树病理学
学位: 农学博士


王利平,女,出生于1980年7月。1999.9-2003.7,本科毕业于yl23455永利植物保护系,获得学士学位;2003.9-2006.7, 就读yl23455永利植物科技学院,获得植物病理学硕士学位;2006.9-2009.6,就读于yl23455永利植物科技学院,获得农学博士学位;其间2007年10月至2008年10月获中国教育部与加拿大农业部联合培育博士生项目资助(MOE-AAFC),在加拿大Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Greenhouse Processing Crops Research Centre留学一年。2009年7月至今,留yl23455永利任教,是国家果树脱毒种质资源室内保存中心和湖北省作物病害监测与安全控制重点实验室固定研究人员,主要从事梨病毒病防治机理以及病毒与寄主互作的深入研究

国家自然科学基金,介导梨树轮纹病菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)致病力衰退相关病毒(BdCV1)与寄主分子互作的研究, 2015.1-2018.12。


2.“我国四种主要果树的病毒分离鉴定及检测技术体系研究”(成果编号:鄂科鉴字[2007] 第71523086号)被评为2007年度湖北省科学技术进步二等奖(第九完成人)

1.Wang L, Jiang J, Wang Y, Hong N, Zhang F, Xu W, Wang G. Hypovirulence of the Phytopathogenic Fungus Botryosphaeria Dothidea: Association with a Coinfecting Chrysovirus and a Partitivirus. Journal of Virology, 2014,88,7517-7527.
2.L.-P. Wang, N. Hong, W.-X. Xu,Y.-F. Wang,G.-N. Chofong, M. Martini, .-M. Su and G.-P. Wang. Identification and molecular characterization of 16SrV group phytoplasmas with flowering cherry in China. Forest Pathology, 2014,44,166-168
3.L.Juan, Y.F.Wang, N. Hong, G.P. Wang, and L.P.Wang*(通讯作者), 2014,The first report of cucumber mosaic virus infecting water chestnut in China, Plant disease, 98(1), 164-164
4. Liping Wang, Yan He, YanPing Kang, Ni Hong, Abu Bakr Umer Farooq, GuoPing Wang, WenXing Xu*,2013, Virulence determination and molecular features of peach latent mosic viroid isolates derived from phenotypically different peach leaves: a nucleotide polymorphism in L11 contributes to symptom alteration. Virus Research,177,171-178
5.L.F. Zhai, J. Liu, M.X. Zhang, N. Hong, G.P. Wang, and L.P. Wang*(通讯作者),2013,The first report of leaf spots in Aloe vera caused by Nigrospora oryzae in China, Plant disease, 97(9):1256
6.Wang L.P., Hong N., Matić S., Myrtae A.,Song Y.S., MicheluttiR.,WangG.P.,2011. Pome fruit viruses at the Canadian Clonal Genebank and molecular characterization of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolates. Scientia Horticulturae, 130:665-671
7.Wang, L.P., Hong, N., Wang ,G.P., Xu, W.X.., Michelutti, R., Wang, A.M., 2010. Distribution of apple stem grooving virus and apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in infected in vitro pear shoots. Crop Protection. 29:1447-1451
8.Liping Wang, Ni Hong, Guoping Wang, Roberto Michelutti, and Bailing Zhang,‘ First report of Cherry Green Ring Mottle Virus in plum (Prunus domestica L.) in North America’, Plant disease, 2009, 93(10): 1073-1073
9.Liping Wang,Guoping Wang,Ni Hong,Rongrong Tang,and Xaoyun Deng,Effect of thermotherapy on elimination of apple stem grooving virus and apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in tips of in vitro-cultured pear shoots, HortScience, 2006, 41(3): 729-732
10.Hu GJ, Hong N, Wang LP, Hu HJ, Wang GP. Efficacy of virus elimination from in vitro-cultured sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) by chemotherapy combined with thermotherapy. Crop Protection, 2012-07-01, 20-25
11.Yansu Song, Ni Hong, Liping Wang, Hongju Hu, Rui Tian,Wenxing Xu,Fang Ding, Guoping Wang. 2011.Molecular and serological diversity in Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus from sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) in China.Eur.J. Plant Pathol.130:183-196
12. Rongrong Tan, Liping Wang, Ni Hong, and Guoping Wang, Enhanced efficiency of virus eradication following thermotherapy of shoot-tip cultures of pear, Plant cell tissue organ culture, 2010, 101:229-2355.
13. Zhou JF, Wang GP, Kuang RF,Wang LP, Hong N. First Report of Cherry green ring mottle virus on Cherry and Peach Grown in China Plant Disease 2011-10-01 1319
14. Xu WenXing, Hong Ni, Jin QiuTing, AbuBakr Umer Farooq, Wang ZeQiong, Song YanSu, Wu ChenChun, Wang Liping, and Wang GuoPing, Probe binding to host proteins: A cause for false positive signals in viroid detection by tissue hybridiztion, Virus Research, 2009, 145(1): 26-30.
15.D.M. Hunter, A.M. Svircev, M. Kaviani, R. Michelutti, L.P. Wang, and D. Thompson, First report of pear decline (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’) in Ontario, Canada, Plant Disease , 2010 ,94(5):634
16.Wang L P, Hong N, Martini M, Wang YF, Michelttti R, Wang GP. Molecular characterization of two phytoplasma strains associated with X disease in peach in Canada. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 2012-4-16 9-14
17. Liping Wang, Roberto Michelutti, Marta Martini, Guoping Wang, Ni Hong. Survey of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ occurrence in the Canadian Clonal Genebank and commercial plantings (VI International Scientific Seminar on Plant Health and II International Phytoplasma Meeting, Havana Cuba, September 22-26, 2008).
18. Wang L.P., Michelutti R., Zunnoon-Khan, S., Wang G., Hong. H., N., Matić, S., Myrta, A., Detection of four pome fruit viruses by ELISA and RT-PCR and cluster analyses of Apple Chlorotic Leafspot Virus (ACLSV) in Apple and Pear at the Canadian Clonal, 21st International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops, 2009, 25
19. Hong Ni, Wang Guoping, Tan Rongrong, Wang Liping, Effects of thermotherapy temperatures on the growth in vitro-cultured pear plants and the elimination of three virus, 21st International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops, 2009, 26
21.周玉霞,程栎菁,张美鑫,翟立峰,洪 霓,王国平,王利平*.我国梨腐烂病病原菌的初步鉴定及序列分析.果树学报,2013,30(1):140-146
22.1王利平,洪霓,王国平*.来源于湖北省枣疯病植原体分离物16S rDNA和rp基因的序列分析.植物病理学报,2013,43(5):000-000(核校稿)
23. 王利平,王国平,谭荣荣,洪 霓.生物素标记cDNA探针杂交检测梨树上3种潜隐病毒研究,植物病理学报,2006,36(6):488-493
24. 洪霓,王国平,王利平,彭斌.应用直接组织免疫印迹法快速检测柑橘速衰病毒,云南农业大学学报,2003,18(4):97-98

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