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姓名: 吴明德 出生年月: 1985.2
性别: 硕/博导: 硕导
民族: 开设课程: 普通植物病理学实验、植物病害综合防控
职称: 副教授 研究方向: 植物病原真菌学、植物病害生物防治
学位: 农学博士



1. 国家自然科学基金,31401690,草酸毒素抑制植物防卫反应的作用靶标研究,2015/01-2017/12,已结题,主持。
2. 国家现代农业产业技术体系,CARS-12,油菜体系黑胫病防控岗位科学家,2017/01至2020/12,在研,参加。
3. 重点研发计划,2018YFD0200900,油菜农药减量与替代增效共性技术研究,2018/07至2020/12,在研,子课题主持。

1. 吴明德 艾爽 张磊 李国庆 杨龙 张静 洪海林. 2017. 用于熊蜂携带生防菌粉红粘帚霉传播的散布装置. 专利号:ZL201720021884.8.


Zhou, K., Yang, Y. H., Cai, X., Wu, M. D.*, Li, G. Q. 2019. First report of Leptosphaeria biglobosa causing blackleg of ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in China. Plant Disease. In press.

Zhou, K., Yu, C., Cai, X., Wu, M. D.*, Li, G. Q. 2019. First report of Leptosphaeria biglobosa ‘brassicae’ causing black leg on Brassica juncea var. multiceps in China. Plant Disease. 103: 160.

Hao, F. M., Wu, M. D.*, Li, G. Q. 2018. Molecular characterization and geographic distribution of a mymonavirus in the population of Botrytis cinerea. Viruses. 10: 432.

Hao, F. M., Ding, T., Wu, M. D.*, Zhang, J., Yang, L., Chen, W., Li, G. Q. 2018. Two novel hypovirulence-associated mycoviruses in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea: molecular characterization and suppression of infection cushion formation. Viruses. 10: 254.

Hao, F. M., Zhou, Z. L., Wu, M. D.*, Li, G. Q. 2017. Molecular characterization of a novel endornavirus from the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. Archives of Virology. 162: 313-316.

Wu, M. D., Deng, Y., Zhou, Z. L., He, G. Y., Chen, W. D., Li, G. Q. 2016. Characterization of three mycoviruses co-infecting the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia nivalis. Virus research. 223: 28-38.

Wu, M. D., Jin, F. Y., Zhang, J., Yang, L., Jiang, D. H., and Li, G. Q. 2012. Characterization of a novel bipartite double-stranded RNA mycovirus conferring hypovirulence in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis porri. Journal of Virology. 86: 6605-6619.

Zhang, L., Wu, M. D., Li, G. Q., Jiang, D. H. and Huang, H.-C. 2010. Effect of Mitovirus on formation of infection cushions and production of some virulence factors by Botrytis cinerea. Physiological and molecular plant pathology. 75: 71-80.

Wu, M. D., Zhang, L., Li, G. Q., Jiang, D. H. and Ghabrial, S. A. 2010.Genome characterization of a debilitation-associated mitovirus and its defective RNA in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. Virology. 406: 117-126.

Zhang, J., Wu, M. D., Li, G. Q., Yu, L., Yang, L. Jiang, D. H. and Huang, H. C. 2010. Botrytis fabiopsis, a new species causing chocolate spot of broadbean in central China. Mycologia. 102: 1114-1126.

Wu, M. D., Li, G. Q. and Jiang, D. H. 2009. First report of Pestalotiopsis microspora causing leaf blight of Reineckea carnea in centre China. Plant Disease. 93: 667.
Wu, M. D., Zhang, L., Li, G. Q., Jiang, D. H., Hou, M. S., and Huang, H.-C. 2007. Hypovirulence and double-stranded RNA in Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology. 97:1590-1599.

吴明德,汪青军,张静,杨龙,李国庆*. 2014. 侵染葱鳞葡萄孢属真菌的一种新型dsRNA病毒. yl23455永利学报. 33:1–8.

Wu MD, Zhang J, Yang L, Li GQ*. (2016) RNA Mycoviruses and Their Roles in Botrytis Biology. In Elad Yigal, Vivier Melané, and Fillinger Sabine (eds). Botrytis-the Fungus, the Pathogen and its Management in Agricultural Systems. The Netherlands: Springer Press, pp. 71–90.




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