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姓名: 洪霓 出生年月: 1964.5

性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程: 植物检疫学、植物病害检疫学

职称: 教授 研究方向: 植物病毒

学位: 农学硕士





洪霓,女,湖北蕲春人。1979.9-1983.6 yl23455永利植物保护系,本科,获学士学位;1998.9-2001.7中国农业大学,研究生,获硕士学位;1983.7-1999.10 中国农业科学院果树研究所植物保护室工作,从事果树病毒研究,于1996.1评聘为副研究员;1996.10-1997.4赴意大利地中海果树病毒和类病毒研究中心进行果树病毒的合作研究;1999.10至今就职于yl23455永利,为永利最新登录入口植物保护专业教师。主要研究方向为果树病毒分子生物学。


1. 科技部,国家自然科学基金柑橘衰退病毒编码的RNA沉默抑制子p20与柑橘蛋白CuCOR15的互作机制,项目编号:31870145, 项目年限:2019-2022(主持)

2. 科技部,国家重点研发计划,中欧果树苗木无病毒化合作研究,项目编号:2017YFE0110900, 项目年限:2018-2021(课题主持)

3. 科技部,国家重点研发计划梨树和桃树化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范,课题编号:2018YFD0201406),项目年限:2018-2020(子课题主持)

4. 科技部,国家自然科学基金柑橘衰退病毒与寄主植物间蛋白质互作研究,项目编号:31272145, 项目年限:2013-2016(主持)

5. 科技部,行业科技研究专项:果树病毒病防控技术研究与示范. 课题编号:201203076-03,项目年限:2012-2016(课题主持)

6. 科技部,国家自然科学基金,柑橘衰退病毒不同致病力株系侵染对寄主植物基因表达的影响,项目编号:30871684,项目年限:2009-2011(主持)

7. 湖北省,自然科学基金:双链RNA诱导对苹果褪绿叶斑病毒和苹果茎沟病毒抗性研究课题编号:2006ABA162,项目年限:2006-2007(主持)

8. 科技部,国家自然基金:物理和化学处理对梨病毒在植株中时空分布的影响,项目编号:30370997,项目年限:2004-2006(主持)


1. 2005-2007年省级教改项目:新设动植物检疫专业教育模式改革与实践,湖北省教育厅,2005.1-2-2007.12,(主持)

2. 湖北省精品课程:植物检疫学,湖北省教育厅,2007-2008 (主持)

3. 校级优质课程:植物检疫学,yl23455永利,2004-2006 (主持)



1. 白剑宇,洪霓,李宏,王雁翔,翟立峰,一种用于防治枣树病毒病的方法. 专利号:ZL201910332484.2

2. 杨帆,洪霓(责任人),王国平. 一种真菌病毒双链RNA快速提取试剂盒及其应用. 专利号:ZL 201310072994.2

3. 杨帆,洪霓,王国平,王利平,徐文兴,丁芳. 一种分离植物或微生物总RNA的试剂组合物及其制备方法. ZL 201010509840.2


1. 2007年湖北省科技进步二等奖 , 我国四种主要果树的病毒分离鉴定及检测技术体系研究. 第一完成人

2. 1995年获辽宁省科技进步二等奖.苹果脱病毒、病毒鉴定及繁殖技术,,第一完成人。

3. 1998年获中国农业科学院科技进步二等奖. 我国主栽梨树病毒种类鉴定及脱毒技术.

4. 1991年获农业部科技进步三等奖苹果病毒脱除、检测技术新进展及无病毒苗木繁育体系的建立,.



1. Ahmed Hadidi, Marina Barba, Ni Hong, Vipin Hallan. 2017. Apple Scar Skin Viroid. In Viroids and Satellites. Ahmed Hadidi, Ricado Flores, John W. Randles and Peter Palukaitis (ed.), Academic Press, Elsevier Inc, 217-228.

2. Wang YX, Wang GP, Bai JY, Zhang YL, Wang Y, WenSH, Li L, Yang ZK, Hong N*. 2021 A novel Actinidia cytorhabdovirus characterized using genomic and viral protein interaction features. Molecular Plant Pathology. 00:1–17. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13110

3. Yang ZK, Zhang YL, Wang GP, Wen SH, Wang YX, Li L, Xiao F, Hong N*. 2021. The p23 of Citrus Tristeza Virus Interacts with Host FKBP-Type Peptidyl-Prolylcis-Trans Isomerase 17-2 and Is Involved in the Intracellular Movement of the Viral Coat Protein. Cells, 10, 934. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10040934

4. Guo JS, Wang YX, Wang GP, Hong J, Yang Z, Bai JY, Hong N*. 2021. Molecular Characteristics of Jujube Yellow Mottle-Associated Virus Infecting Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Grown at Aksu in Xinjiang of China. Viruses. 13(1):25. https://doi.org/10.3390/v13010025

5. Wen S, Wang GP, Yang ZK, Wang YX, Rao M, Lu Q, Hong N. 2020*. Next-generation sequencing combined with conventional sanger sequencing reveals high molecular diversity in Actinidia virus 1 populations from kiwifruit grown in China. Front. Microbiol. 11:602039. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.602039

6. Liu HZ, Wang GP, Yang ZK, Wang YX, Zhang Z, Li LH, Waqas M, Hong J, Zhang JG, Xu L, Qi LY, Hong N*. 2020. Identification and Characterization of a Pear Chlorotic Leaf Spot-Associated Virus, a Novel Emaravirus Associated with a Severe Disease of Pear Trees in China. Plant Disease. 104 (11): 2786–2798. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-01-20-0040-RE .

7. Wang YX, Zhai LF, Wen SH, Yang ZK, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2020.  Molecular characterization of a novel emaravrius infecting Actinidia spp. In China. Virus Research. 275:197736. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2019.197736.

8. Rehman Atta Ur, Li ZY, Yang ZK, Waqas M, Wang GP, Xu WX, Li F, Hong N*. 2019. The Coat Protein of Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus Interacts with Viral Movement Proteins and Serves as an RNA Silencing Suppressor. Viruses, 11, 329; doi:10.3390/v11040329

9. Yao B, Lu Y, Li L, Wang YX, Li JY, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2019. A sensitive nested multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of three common viruses infecting pear plants. Journal of Virological Methods, 263: 105–110.

10. Li L, Zheng MM, Ma XF, Li YJ, Li QY, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2019. Molecular, serological and biological characterization of a novel Apple stem pitting virus strain from a local pear variety grown in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 18(11): 25492560.

11. Lu YC, Yao BY, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2018. The detection of ACLSV and ASPV in pear plants by RT-LAMP assays. Journal of Virological Methods. 25280–85.

12. Zheng YZ, Navarro B, Wang GP, Wang YX, Yang ZK, Xu WX, Zhu CX, Wang LP, Francesco Di Serio, Hong N*. 2017. Actinidia chlorotic ringspot-associated virus: a novel emaravirus infecting kiwifruit plants. Molecular Plant Pathology. 18(4), 569–581.

13. Yang F, Wang GP, Xu WX, Hong N*. 2017. A rapid silica spin column-based method of RNA extraction from fruit trees for RT-PCR detection of viruses. Journal of Virological Methods. 247: 61–67.

14. Chen J, Tang HH, Li L, Qin SJ, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2017. Effects of virus infection on plant growth, root development and phytohormone levels in in vitro-cultured pear plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 131:359–368. DOI 10.1007/s11240-017-1289-1.

15. Wu G, Tang M, Wang GP, Jin F, Yang ZK, Cheng LJ, Hong N*. 2015. Genetic diversity and evolution of two capsid protein genes of citrus tristeza virus isolates from China. Archives of Virology, 160:787–794

16. Zheng YZ, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2014. First report of Actinidia virus A and Actinidia virus B on kiwifruit in China. Plant disease. 98(11): 1590 9.

17. Kazm SA, Yang ZWang GPWang YF, Hong N*. 2015.Characterization by small RNA sequencing of Taro bacilliform CH virus (TaBCHV), a novel badnavirus. Plos One47.

18. Wu G, Tang M, Wang GP, Jin FY, Yang ZK, Cheng LJ, Hong N*. 2015. Genetic diversity and evolution of two capsid protein genes of citrus tristeza virus isolates from ChinaArchives of Virology1607):787-794.

19. Wu G, Tang M, Wang GP, Wang CXLiu YYang FHong N*. 2014. The epitope structure of Citrus tristeza virus coat protein mapped by recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodiesVirology4481):238-246.

20. Qu LLCui HGWu GWZhou JFSu JMWang GPHong N*. 2014. Genetic Diversity and Molecular Evolution of Plum bark necrosis stem pitting-associated virus from ChinaPLos One98.

21. Yao BYWang GPMa XFLiu WBTang HHZhu HHong N*. 2014. Simultaneous detection and differentiation of three viruses in pear plants by a multiplex RT-PCRJournal of Virological Methods1962):113-119.

22. Zhu HWang GPHu HJTian R, Hong N. 2014. The genome sequences of three isolates of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus from pear (Pyrus sp.) in ChinaCanadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 363):396-402.

23. Yang F, Wang GP, Jiang B, Liu YH, Liu Y, Wu GW, Hong N*. 2013. Differentially expressed genes and temporal and spatial expression of genes during interactions between Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia) and a severe Citrus tristeza virus isolatePhysiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 831):17-24.

24. Wu GW, Pan S, Wang GP, Tang M, Liu Y, Yang F, Hong N*. 2013.The genotypes of citrus tristeza virus isolates from China revealed by sequence analysis of multiple molecular markersArchives of Virology1581):231-235.

25. Farooq ABU, Ma YX, Wang ZQ, Zhuo N, Xu WX, Wang GP, Hong N*. 2012. Genetic diversity analyses reveal occurrence of novel recombination events in Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 in China. Virus Research.

26. Liu Y, Wang GP, Wang ZQ, Yang F, Wu GW, Hong N*. 2012. Identification of differentially expressed genes in response to infection of a mild Citrus tristeza virus isolate in Citrus aurantifolia by suppression subtractive hybridization. Scientia Horticulturae. 134:144–149

27. Wang LP, Hong N*, Wang GP, Xu WX, Michelutti R, Wang AM. 2010. Distribution of apple stem grooving virus and apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in infected in vitro pear shootsCrop Protection. 2010, 29 (12):1447-1451

28. Tan RR, Wang LP, Hong N*, Wang GP. 2010. Enhanced efficiency of virus eradication following thermotherapy of shoot-tip cultures of pear. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 101 (2): 229-235

29. Wang CX, Hong N*, Wang GP, Jiang B, Fan XD. Effect of citrus tristeza virus on the growth of in-vitro cultured citrus. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2009, 91 (2): 357-363

30. Jiang BHong N*Wang GPHu JZhang JKWang CXLiu YFan XD. 2008. Characterization of Citrus tristeza virus strains from southern China based on analysis of restriction patterns and sequences of their coat protein genes. Virus Genes. 37:185–192

31. Wang LP, Wang GP, Hong N*, Tang RR, Deng XY, Zhang H. 2006. Effect of thermotherapy on elimination of Apple stem grooving virus and Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus for in vitro-cultured pear shoot tips. HortScience. 41(3):729-732

32. 牛炳棵,杨作坤,王国平,洪 霓. 高通量测序鉴定柑橘黄化脉明病毒诱导柠檬差异表达microNA. 植物病理学报. 2018 48( 6): 799-809

33. 刘华珍,杨作坤,周友斌,王国平,洪霓*. 侵染梨的苹果茎痘病毒基因组序列及小RNA分析. 植物病理学报. 2017, 5584-590

34. 项周,程桥,谢宗周,王国平,洪 霓*. 中国柑橘叶斑驳病毒和碎叶病毒发生状况及其分子特性研究. 园艺学报. 201744 (1)113119

35. 朱慧,王国平, 杨作坤,文立红,陈 婕,徐文兴,洪霓*. 梨泡状溃疡类病毒的RT-PCR检测及序列分析. 植物病理学报. 2017, 47(4)558-562

36. 朱晨熹,王国平,郑亚洲,杨作坤,王利平,徐文兴,洪 霓*. 来源于猕猴桃的柑橘叶斑驳病毒的RT-PCR检测及外壳蛋白基因序列分析. 植物病理学报. 2016, 46( 1): 11-16

37. 黄妍妍, 王利平, 洪霓, 韦向东, 王国平,来源于新疆的3 个苹果褪绿叶斑病毒分离物的分子变异研究,植物病理学报,2011,41(5):551-555

38. 王君, 叶刚, 马燕侠, 王国平, 洪霓,柑橘溃疡病菌抗铜相关基因copA copB 的克隆及原核表达,植物病理学报,201141(3): 247-252

39. 范学东,叶刚,洪霓*, 王国平. 柑橘衰退病毒侵染对寄主植物同工酶及酸性病程相关蛋白表达的影响. 果树学报. 2010271):77-81

40. 宋艳苏,郑银英,李丽娜,王国平,洪霓. 苹果茎沟病毒外壳蛋白基因的原核表达及抗血清的制备. 果树学报,2010275):752-756


1. 《植物病害检疫学》,主编,2005,科学出版社

2. 《有害生物检疫方法与技术》, 主编,2006,化学工业出版社

3. 《植物检疫学》(第三版),参编,2008,高等教育出版社

4. 《植物检疫学》(第二版),参编,2016,中国农业出版社


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