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姓名: 张椿雨 出生年月: 1973.2

性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程: 植物生物技术

职称: 教授 研究方向: 油菜抗病遗传育种、油菜品质代谢与育种

学位: 理学博士




张椿雨,yl23455永利教授,博士生导师,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,国家油菜产业体系遗传改良功能室主任、资源收集和评价岗位科学家,主要从事油菜抗病遗传改良研究。运用基因组学研究方法,前瞻性地选育了我国唯一两个油菜抗根肿病新品种‘华油杂62R’和‘华双5R’,目前正在大面积示范推广中。成功组织召开了2017年国际根肿病学术研讨会、全国性抗根肿病新品种选育与综合防治现场会等活动,获批发明专利1项,申报国内专利1项;研究发现了限制维生素E合成的关键“负调控因子”,为油菜维生素E的遗传改良研究奠定了理论基础,获批发明专利1项;在国际上首次发现诸葛菜所特有的双羟基脂肪酸并命名为“武汉脂肪酸”,诸葛菜籽油具有优异的耐高温润滑油功能,研究成果申报美国专利1项。以通讯作者(含共同通讯)或第一作者在Nature Plants、Plant Physiology、Plant Biotechnology Journal和Plant Journal等国际主流学术期刊发表系列研究论文。先后主持多个国家自然科学基金、科技支撑计划课题、农业部行业专项等项目。担任中国油料作物学报编委。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31871659,《抗根肿病基因PbBa8.1的克隆及其编码蛋白介导的抗病机制初探》,2019年1月-2022年12月,60万,在研,主持。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31671723,《油菜重要候选基因BnaA9CHLSYN对籽粒 维生素E合成产生关键性作用的分子机制研究》,2017年1月-2020年12月,64万元,在研,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370286,《蓖麻GGR 酶在 维生素E高效合成途径中的作用研究》,2014年1月-2017年12月,78万元,已结题,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071453,《以拟南芥为受体构建适用油菜功能基因组学研究的“FOX-Hunting”突变体库的可行性解析》,2011年1月-2013年12月,32万元,已结题,主持。



1. Yang W, Rebecca E. C, Sarah C. Hunter, Zhang C, Han J, Trissa B., Edgar B. C. (2011). Vitamin E biosynthesis: functional characterization of the monocot homogentisate geranylgeranyl transferase. The Plant Journal, 65(2):206-217.


1. Wang X, Zhang X, Li L, Steffi Fritsche, Jessica Endrigkeit, Zhang W, Long Y, Christian Jung, Meng J. (2012). Unravelling the genetic basis of seed tocopherol content and composition in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). PLoS ONE. 7(11): e50038.


1. Chen J, Jing J, Zhan Z, Zhang T, Zhang C, Piao Z. (2013). Identification of Novel QTLs for Isolate-Specific Partial Resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae in Brassica rapa. PLoS ONE. 8(12):e85307. (并列通讯作者).

2. Gan L., Zhang C., Wang X., Wang H., Long Y., Yin Y., Li D., Tian J., Li Z., Lin Z., Yu L., Li M. (2013). The proteomic and comparative genomic analysis of two Brassica napus lines differing in oil content.The proteomic and comparative genomic analysis of two Brassica napus lines differing in oil content. Journal of Proteome Research. (并列第一作者,http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/pr4005635).

3. Zhang C, Umidjon Iskandarov, Elliott T. Klotz, Robyn L. Stevens, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Tara J. Nazarenus, Suzette L. Pereira, and Edgar B. C. (2013). A thraustochytrid diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 with broad substrate specificity strongly increases oleic acid content in engineered Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. journal of experimental botany. (并列第一作者, http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/06/20/jxb.ert156.full.).

4. Zhang C, Rebecca E. C., Sarah C. Hunter, Chen M, Han J, Edgar B. C. (2013) Genetic and Biochemical Basis for Alternative Routes of Tocotrienol Biosynthesis for Enhanced Vitamin E Antioxidant Production. The Plant Journal. 73(4):628-639.


1. Zhang, W., Liu, T., Ren, G., Hörtensteiner, S., Zhou, Y., Cahoon, E.B. and Zhang, C. (2014). Chlorophyll degradation: the tocopherol biosynthesis related phytol hydrolase in Arabidopsis seeds is still missing. Plant Physiology. 166(1):70-9. (通讯作者).


1. Chen J, Pang W, Chen B, Zhang C, Piao Z. (2015). Transcriptome Analysis of Brassica  rapa Near-Isogenic Lines Carrying Clubroot-Resistant and –Susceptible Alleles in Response to Plasmodiophora brassicae during Early Infection. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6:1183. (并列通讯作者).

2.  Zhang, C., Zhang, W., Ren, G., Li, D., Cahoon, R., E., Chen, M., Zhou, Y., Yu, B. and Cahoon, E. (2015). Chlorophyll Synthase Under Epigenetic Surveillance is Critical for Vitamin E Tocopherol Synthesis and Altered Expression Impacts Tocopherol Levels in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 168(4):1503-11.

3. 战宗祥,江莹芬,朱紫媛,张春沙,杨庆勇,李 倩,侯照科, 龚建芳,程雨贵,吴江生,傅廷栋,周永明,朴钟云,张椿雨.(2015).与位点PbBa8.1紧密连锁分子标记的开发及甘蓝型油菜根肿病抗性育种. 中国油料作物学报. v.37;No.154(06):35-40. (并列通讯作者).


1. Luo, Z., Wang, M., Long, Y., Huang, Y., Shi, L., Zhang, C., Liu, X., Bruce, D. L. Fitt, Xiang, J., Analiese S. Mason., Rod J. Snowdon, Liu, P., Meng, J., Zou, J. (2017). Incorporating pleiotropic quantitative trait loci in dissection of complex traits: seed yield in rapeseed as an example. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 130(8):1-17.

2. Wan, H., Cui, Y., Ding Y., Mei, J., Dong, H., Zhang., Wu, S., Liang, Y., Zhang, C., Li, J., Xiong, Q., Qian, W. (2017). Time-Series Analyses of Transcriptomes and Proteomes Reveal Molecular Networks Underlying Oil Accumulation in Canola. Frontiers in Plant Science. 07. (DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.02007).

3. Zhan Z, Nwafor CC, Hou Z, Gong J, Zhu B, Jiang Y, Zhou Y, Wu J, Piao Z, Tong Y, Liu C, Zhang C. (2017). Cytological and morphological analysis of hybrids between Brassicoraphanus, and Brassica napus for introgression of clubroot resistant trait into Brassica napus L. PLoS One. 12(5):e0177470. (通讯作者).


1. 马坡,李晓楠,庞文星,战宗祥,张椿雨,朴钟云. (2018). 云薹根肿菌SSR标记的开发及遗传多样性研究. 中国油料作物学报. 040(006):872-878.

2. 淮东欣,张园园,张椿雨, Edgar B.CAHOON,周永明. (2018). 甘蓝型油菜脂肪酸碳链延长酶BnaA.FAE1与BnaC.FAE1的底物特异性分析. 中国油料作物学报. 40(05):20-28.

3. 江莹芬,战宗祥,朴钟云,张椿雨. (2018). 油菜抗根肿病资源创新与利用的研究进展与展望. 作物学报. 044(011):1592-1599. (并列通讯作者).

4. Nadil S, Sumera A, Xu J, Hou Z, Akram S, Shahbaz K, Gong J, Shang Z, Zhang C. (2018). The response of transgenic brassica species to salt stress: a review. Biotechnology Letters. 40, 1159–1165. (通讯作者).

5. Li X, Teitgen A. M., Asghar S, Juan L, Lucas B, Rebecca E. C., Zhang W, Li Z, Chapman K. D., Berman Diana, Zhang C, Minto R. E., Cahoon, R. E.. (2018). Discontinuous fatty acid elongation yields hydroxylated seed oil with improved function. Nature Plants. 4, 711–720. (并列通讯作者).

6. Ling J, Li R, Nwafor C. C., Cheng J, Li M, Xu Q, Wu J, Gan L, Yang Q, Liu C, Chen M, Zhou Y, Edgar B. C., Zhang, C. (2018). Development of IFOX-hunting as a functional genomics tool and demonstration of its use to identify early senescence-related genes in the polyploid brassica napus. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 16(2):591-602. (通讯作者).


1. 彭琦,张椿雨,费维新,陈松,陈锋,张维,张洁夫. (2019). 江苏省主栽油菜品种根肿病抗性鉴定及分子标记检测. 江苏农业科学. 047(012):149-151.

2. Xu J, Nwafor C. C. , Shah N, Zhou Y, Zhang C. (2019). Identification of genetic variation in brassica napus seeds for tocopherol content and composition using near﹊nfrared spectroscopy technique. Plant Breeding(10). Doi: 10.1111/pbr.12708. (通讯作者).

3. Shah N, Sun J, Yu S. Zhao Y, Wang Z, Huang F, Dun B, Gong J, Liu Y, Li Y, Li Q, Yuan L, Amanullah B, Li G, Li S, Zhang C. (2019). Genetic variation analysis of field isolates of clubroot and their responses to Brassica napus lines containing resistant genes CRb and PbBa8.1 and their combination in homozygous and heterozygous state. Molecular Breeding Doi: 10.1007/s11032-019-1075-3. (并列通讯作者).

4. Romsdahl T, Shirani A, Minto R. E., Zhang C, Berman D. (2019). Nature-guided synthesis of advanced bio-lubricants. Scientific Reports. 9(1): 11711

5. Mei J, Guo Z, Wang J, Feng F, Ma G, Zhang C, Qian W, Chen G. (2019). Understanding the Resistance Mechanism in Brassica napus to Clubroot Caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae. Phytopathology. 109(5):810‐818.

6. Zhao Q, Wu J, Cai G, Yang Q, Muhammad Shalid, Fan C, Zhang C, Zhou Y. (2019). A novel quantitative trait locus on chromosome A9 controlling oleic acid content in Brassica napus. Plant Biotechnol Journal. 17(12):2313‐2324.

7. Luo T, Xia W, Gong S, Mason A., Li Z, Liu R, Dou, Y, Tang W, Fan H, Zhang C, Xiao Y. (2019). Identifying Vitamin E Biosynthesis Genes in Elaeis guineensis by Genome-Wide Association Study. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. 68(2): 678-685.


1. 郭清云,汪波,蒯婕,张椿雨,李根泽,康惠仙,傅廷栋,周广生. (2019). 油菜感抗品种混播对根肿病防控效果的影响. 作物学报. 46(5): 725-733.

2. Shah, N, Li Q, Xu Q, Liu J, Huang F, Zhan Z, Qin P, Zhou X, Yu W, Zhu L, Zhang C. (2020) CRb and PbBa8.1 Synergically Increases Resistant Genes Expression upon Infection of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Brassica napus. Genes. 37(4): 403-413. (并列通讯作者).

3. Liu S, Huang H, Yi X, Zhang Y, Yang Q, Zhang C, Fan C, Zhou. (2020) Dissection of genetic architecture for glucosinolate accumulations in leaves and seeds of Brassica napus by genome‐wide association study. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 18(6): 1472–1484.

4. Anji R. K., Tara J. N., Hanh N., Yang J, Malleswari G., Samantha S., Jamie M. S., Monica A. S., Rebecca E. C., Ozan N., Zhang C., Tom E. C., Edgar B. C. (2020) Metabolic engineering of soybean seeds for enhanced vitamin E tocochromanol content and effects on oil antioxidant properties in polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich germplasm. Metabolic Engineering. 57: 63-73.

5. Zhan Z, Jiang Y, Shah N, Hou Z, Zhou Y, Dun B, Li S, Zhu L, Li Z, Piao Z, Zhang C. (2020). Association of Clubroot Resistance Locus PbBa8.1 With a Linkage Drag of High Erucic Acid Content in the Seed of the European Turnip. Frontiers in plant science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00810. (并列通讯作者).

1. 一种甘蓝型油菜抗根肿病基因的分子标记及其在抗根肿病育种的应用。授权号:ZL 2015 1 0502589.X (发明专利,第一发明人)。

2. 一种利用近红外光谱快速测定甘蓝型油菜种子种生育酚含量的方法。授权号:ZL 2017 1 0330613.5 (发明专利,第一发明人)。        


1. 华油杂62R,登记号:GDP油菜(2018)420213:登记部门:农业农村(第一完成人)。

2. 华双5R, 登记号:GDP油菜(2018)420220:登记部门:农业农村部(第一完成人)。


1. 2018年8月在加拿大阿尔伯塔的2018 国际根肿病研讨会议上作特邀报告,报告题目:Revealing of Clubroot Resistant Genes with de novo Genome Sequencing and its Application in CR Breeding for Brassica napus。

2. 2018年11月在全国油料作物学会上作大会报告,报告题目:油菜抗根肿病基因挖掘与利用研究。

3. 作为大会主席,主办了2017国际根肿病会议 , 2017. 4. 24-28(武汉)。

4. 在ISPL-2016, 第22届国际脂类代谢大会(03-08 July 2016, Goettingen, Germany) 大会上作大会报告,报告题目:Functional Genomics Platform for Canola Novel Gene Discovery: Development of Gain-of-Function Mutation Pool with iFOX-Hunting System in Arabidopsis。

5. 2017年7月4日在第8届欧洲植物脂类研讨会(瑞典)大会上作大会报告,报告题目:Genome-wide association analysis identify new genomic loci associated with tocopherol content in canola。


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