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姓名: 林忠旭 出生年月: 1978.2

性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程: 植物生物技术、分子生物学(研究生)

职称: 教授 研究方向: 棉花种质资源

学位: 农学博士







林忠旭,男,19782月出生,教授,博士生导师,山东烟台人。19962000年在永利最新登录入口作物遗传育种专业学习,获农学学士学位。20002005年在永利最新登录入口攻读作物遗传育种博士学位(硕博连读),于2005年毕业,获得农学博士学位。2005年毕业后留校执教,在作物遗传改良国家重点实验室棉花课题组进行研究工作, 200918月在美国新墨西哥州立大学从事学术访问,进行棉花功能标记的开发与应用研究。
























        1. 2006年省级教改项目:植物生物技术专业本科生专业基础课实践教学模式改革与创新(主持)

2. 2014年国家视频资源共享课:植物生物技术(主持)

3. 2014年yl23455永利百门精品实践课程:生物技术综合实验(主持)

4. 2019年校级慕课建设:植物生物技术(主持)




1. 林忠旭、张献龙、刘欣欣、赵文霞。陆地棉棉仁含油量基因GhKAS1的分子标记及其筛选方法,ZL201810200184.4。

2. 林忠旭、任高峰、李海平、张献龙、高斌。棉花恢复系恢复基因的分子标记及其应用,ZL201910027112.9。

3. 林忠旭、张献龙、温天旺、吴迷。一种鉴别深棕色棉花的分子标记,ZL201710750264.2。

4. 尤春源、聂新辉、林忠旭、秦江鸿、赵图强、雷江荣、冯国礼、吕军。鉴别新疆彩色棉系列1至23号品种的微卫星标记特异性引物及其应用,ZL201310391563.3。

5. 张献龙、林忠旭、刘传祥。一种棉花分子遗传连锁作图的方法,ZL03119012.X。


1. 林忠旭2020年产学研合作创新奖(个人奖)。

2. 张献龙,王茂军,涂礼莉,林忠旭,袁道军。“棉花纤维发育和品质形成生物学”。2020年湖北省自然科学一等奖。

3. 张献龙,聂以春,朱龙付,郭小平,卢怀玉,刘立清,林忠旭,涂礼莉,杨国正,金双侠,杨细燕,邹勇,余宏章,袁道军。“棉花种质创新及强优势杂交棉新品种选育与应用”,2013年国家科技进步二等奖。

4. 张献龙、聂以春、朱龙付、林忠旭、郭小平、卢怀玉、杨国正、余宏章、涂礼莉。强优势多抗杂交棉新品种“华杂棉H318”的选育与应用。2012年湖北省科技进步奖一等奖。

5. 张献龙,林忠旭,朱龙付,涂礼莉,金双侠,郭小平。“棉花分子育种技术体系建立与应用”,2008年湖北省技术发明二等奖。

6. 2008年度“中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文”。

7. 林忠旭,《棉花分子标记遗传连锁图构建和产量、纤维品质相关性状定位》,yl23455永利优秀博士学位论文,20077月。

8. 林忠旭,《Linkage map construction and mapping QTL for cotton fiber quality using SRAP, SSR and RAPD》获湖北省第十一届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,200612月。

9. 2016年研究生指导教师“教书育人奖”。

10. 2013年、2015年湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导奖。

11. 2012、20132014年yl23455永利优秀硕士论文指导奖。

12. 2016、20192020年yl23455永利优秀博士论文指导奖。

13. yl23455永利2009届本科生创新论文(设计)指导奖、湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导奖。

14. 2006年度、2007年度、2014年度yl23455永利教学质量优秀三等奖。

15. 2008年yl23455永利第八届青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖。



1. Yang Yang, Chunyuan You, Nian Wang, Mi Wu, Yu Le, Maojun Wang, Xianlong Zhang, Yu Yu*, Zhongxu Lin*. Gossypium mustelinum genome and an introgression population enrich interspecific genetics and breeding in cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136:130.

2. Xinyi Chang, Chunping Guo, Zhenyuan Pan, Yuanlong Wu, Chao Shen, Lei Chao, Guangling Shui, Chunyuan You, Jianwei Xu*, Zhongxu Lin* and Xinhui Nie*. QTL mapping for fiber quality based on introgression lines population from G. hirsutum × G. tomentosum. Agriculture 2023, 13 (3), 579.

3. Yongqi Li, Meng Zhang, Kashif Shahzad, Yang Han, Xuexian Zhang, Liping Guo, Tingxiang Qi, Huini Tang, Hailin Wang, Xiuqin Qiao, Juanjuan Feng, Zhongxu Lin*, Jianyong Wu*, Chaozhu Xing*. Development of mitochondrial simple sequence repeat markers to simultaneously distinguish cytoplasmic male sterile sources in cotton. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2023, 23, 25

4. Youzhong Li, Xinyu Zhang, Zhongxu Lin, Qian-Hao Zhu, Yanjun Li, Fei Xue, Shuaishuai Cheng, Hongjie Feng, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of interspecific CSSLs reveals candidate genes and pathways involved in verticillium wilt resistance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 197, 116560.

5. Nian Wang, Yuanxue Li, Chao Shen, Yang Yang, Hongya Wang, Tian Yao, Xianlong Zhang, Keith Lindsey, Zhongxu Lin*. High-resolution sequencing of nine elite upland cotton cultivars uncovers genic variations and breeding improvement targets. The Plant Journal, 2023, 113 (1): 145-159.

6. Ruiting Zhang, Chao Shen, De Zhu, Yu Le, Nian Wang, Yuanxue Li, Xianlong Zhang & Zhongxu Lin*. Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of qFL-c10-1 controlling fiber length in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022, 135 (12), 4483–4494.

7. Nian Wang, Beibei Zhang, Tian Yao, Chao Shen, Tianwang Wen, Ruiting Zhang, Yuanxue Li, Yu Le, Zhonghua Li, Xianlong Zhang and Zhongxu Lin*. Re enhances anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin accumulation to produce red foliated cotton and brown fiber. Plant Physiology, 2022: 189: 1466–1481.

8. Bin Gao, Gaofeng Ren, Tianwang Wen, Haiping Li, Xianlong Zhang, Zhongxu Lin*. A super PPR cluster for restoring fertility revealed by genetic mapping, homocap-seq and de novo assembly in cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022, 135: 637-652.

9. Feng J, Li Y, Zhang J, Zhang M, Zhang X, Shahzad K, Guo L, Qi T, Tang H, Wang H, Qiao X, Lin Z*, Xing C* and Wu J*. Transcript complexity and new insights of restorer line in CMS-D8 cotton through full-length transcriptomic analysis. Front Plant Sci, 2022, 13: 930131.

10. Yongqi Li, Taili Nie, Meng Zhang, Xuexian Zhang, Kashif Shahzad, Liping Guo, Tingxiang Qi, Huini Tang, Hailin Wang, Xiuqin Qiao, Juanjuan Feng, Zhongxu Lin*, Jianyong Wu*, Chaozhu Xing*. Integrated analysis of small RNA, transcriptome and degradome sequencing reveals that micro-RNAs regulate anther development in CMS cotton. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022, 176, 114422.

11. Bei Han#, Fengjiao Wang#, Zhilin Liu, Lin Chen, Dandan Yue, Weinan Sun, Zhongxu Lin, Xianlong Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhou*, Xiyan Yang*. 2022. Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of interspecific CSSLs reveal general and specific mechanisms of drought resistance in cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022, 135:3375–3391.

12. Cong Huang, Chao Shen, Tianwang Wen, Bin Gao, De Zhu, Dingguo Li*, Zhongxu Lin*. Genomewide association mapping for agronomic traits in an 8way Upland cotton MAGIC population by SLAFseq. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2021, 134: 2459-2468.

13. Chunping Guo, Zhenyuan Pan, Chunyuan You, Xiaofeng Zhou, Cong Huang, Chao Shen, Ruihai Zhao, Qingyong Yang, Longfu Zhu, Raheel Shahzad, Fande Meng, Zhongxu Lin* and Xinhui Nie*. Association mapping and domestication analysis to dissect genetic improvement process of upland cotton yield-related traits in China. Journal of Cotton Research, 2021, 4:10.

14. De Zhu, Yu Le, Ruiting Zhang, Xiaojing Li and Zhongxu Lin*. A global survey of the gene network and key genes for oil accumulation in cultivated tetraploid cottons. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19 (6): 1170-1182.

15. Chao Shen, Nian Wang, De Zhu, Pengcheng Wang, Maojun Wang, Tianwang Wen, Yu Le, Mi Wu, Tian Yao, Xianlong Zhang, Zhongxu Lin*. Gossypium tomentosum genome and interspecific ultra-dense genetic maps reveal genomic structures, recombination landscape and flowering depression in cotton. Genomics, 2021, 113, 1999-2009.

16. Hantao Wang, Ruiting Zhang, Chao Shen, Ximei Li, De Zhu, Zhongxu Lin*. Transcriptome and QTL analyses reveal candidate genes for fiber quality in Upland cotton. The Crop Journal, 2020, 8 (1): 98-106.

17. Muhammad Mahmood Ahmed, Cong Huang, Chao Shen, Anam Qadir Khan, Zhongxu Lin*. Map-based cloning of qBWT-c12 discovered brassinosteroid-mediated control of organ size in cotton. Plant science, 2020, 291: 110315.

18. De Zhu, Ximei Li, Zhiwei Wang, Chunyuan You, Xinhui Nie, Jie Sun, Xianlong Zhang, Dawei Zhang* and Zhongxu Lin*. Genetic dissection of an allotetraploid interspecific CSSLs guides interspecific genetics and breeding in cotton. BMC Genomics, 2020, 21: 431.

19. Xinhui Nie#, Tianwang Wen#, Panxia Shao, Binghui Tang, Aini Nuriman-guli, Yu Yu, Xiongming Du*, Chunyuan You*, Zhongxu Lin*. High-density genetic variation maps reveal the correlation between asymmetric interspecific introgressions and improvement of agronomic traits in Upland and Pima cotton varieties developed in Xinjiang, China. The Plant Journal, 2020, 103: 677-689.

20. Tianwang Wen, Tian Yao, Chunyuan You, Zhongxu Lin*. A case study of a micro-inversion event in dark brown fiber cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). The Crop Journal, 2020, 8: 577-585.

21. 吴迷, 汪念, 沈超, 黄聪, 温天旺, 林忠旭*. 基于重测序的陆地棉InDel标记开发与评价. 作物学报, 2019, 45 (2): 196-203.

22. Maojun Wang#, Lili Tu#, Daojun Yuan#, De Zhu, Chao Shen, Jianying Li, Fuyan Liu, Liuling Pei, Pengcheng Wang, Guannan Zhao, Zhengxiu Ye, Hui Huang, Feilin Yan, Yizan Ma, Lin Zhang, Min Liu, Jiaqi You, Yicheng Yang, Zhenping Liu, Fan Huang, Baoqi Li, Ping Qiu, Qinghua Zhang, Longfu Zhu, Shuangxia Jin, Xiyan Yang, Ling Min, Guoliang Li, Ling-Ling Chen, Hongkun Zheng, Keith Lindsey*, Zhongxu Lin*, Joshua A. Udall* & Xianlong Zhang*. Reference genome sequences of two cultivated allotetraploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense. Nature Genetics, 2019, 51: 224-29.

23. Tianwang Wen, Baosheng Dai, Tao Wang, Xinxin Liu, Chunyuan You*, Zhongxu Lin*. Genetic variations in plant architecture traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) revealed by a genome wide association study. The Crop Journal, 2019, 7 (2): 209-216.

24. Shen C, Wang N, Huang C, Wang M, Zhang X, Lin Z*. Population genomics reveals a fine-scale recombination landscape for genetic improvement of cotton. The Plant Journal, 2019, 99: 494-505.

25. Wenxia Zhao#, Xianhui Kong#, Yang Yang#, Xinhui Nie, Zhongxu Lin*. Association mapping seed kernel oil content in upland cotton using genome-wide SSRs and SNPs. Molecular Breeding, 2019, 39: 105.

26. Ayaz Ali Keerio, Chao Shen, Yichun Nie, Muhammad Mahmood Ahmed, Xianlong Zhang and Zhongxu Lin*. QTL mapping for fiber quality and yield traits based on introgression lines derived from Gossypium hirsutum × G. tomentosum. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2018, 19: 243.

27. Cong Huang, Chao Shen, Tianwang Wen, Bin Gao, De Zhu, Xiaofang Li, Muhammad Mahmood Ahmed, Dingguo Li*, Zhongxu Lin*. SSR-based association mapping of fiber quality in upland cotton using 8-way MAGIC population. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2018, 293: 793-805.

28. Tianwang Wen, Mi Wu, Chao Shen, Bin Gao, De Zhu, Xianlong Zhang, Chunyuan You,* and Zhongxu Lin*. Linkage and association mapping reveals the genetic basis of brown fibre (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16: 1654-1666.

29. 黄聪, 李晓方, 李定国*, 林忠旭*. 利用陆地棉MAGIC群体定位产量、生育期和株高性状的QTL. 作物学报, 2018, 44 (9): 1320-1333.

30. 戴宝生, 郭欢乐, 尤春源, 张献龙, 林忠旭*. 棉花陆海杂种标记偏分离染色体上重要农艺性状的QTL定位. 棉花学报, 2018, 30 (6): 435-447.

31. Dai B, Guo H, Huang C, Ahmed MM and Lin Z*. Identification and characterization of segregation distortion loci on cotton chromosome 18. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 7: 2037.

32. Huang C, Nie X, Shen C, You C, Li W, Zhao W, Zhang X* and Lin Z*. Population structure and genetic basis of the agronomic traits of Upland cotton in China revealed by a genome-wide association study using high-density SNPs. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 15: 1374-1386.

33. Ahmed MM, Shen C, Khan AQ, Wahid MA, Shaban M and Lin Z*. A comparative genomics approach revealed evolutionary dynamics of microsatellite imperfection and conservation in genus Gossypium. Hereditas, 2017, 154: 12.

34. Shen C, Jin X, Zhu D and Lin Z*. Uncovering SNP and indel variations of tetraploid cottons by SLAF-seq. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18: 247.

35. Shen C, Li X, Zhang R, Lin Z*. Genome-wide recombination rate variation in a recombination map of cotton. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (11): e0188682.

36. 沈超, 李定国, 聂以春, 林忠旭*. 利用黄褐棉染色体片段导入系定位产量和纤维品质性状QTL. 作物学报, 2017, 43 (12): 1733-1745.

37. Nie X, Huang C, You C, Li W, Zhao W, Shen C, Zhang B, Wang H, Yan Z, Dai B, Wang M, Zhang X and Lin Z*. Genome-wide SSR-based association mapping for fiber quality in nation-wide Upland cotton inbreed cultivars in China. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17: 352.

38. Liu Y, Peng R, Liu F, Wang X, Cui X, Zhou Z, Wang C, Cai X, Wang Y, Lin Z* and Wang K*. A Gossypium BAC clone contains key repeat components distinguishing sub-genome of allotetraploidy cottons. Molecular Cytogenetics, 2016, 9: 27.

39. Dai B, Guo H, Huang C, Zhang X and Lin Z*. Genomic heterozygosity and hybrid breakdown in cotton (Gossypium): different traits, different effects. BMC Genet, 2016, 17: 58.

40. Li X, Jin X, Wang H, Zhang X, and Lin Z*. Structure, evolution, and comparative genomics of tetraploid cotton based on a high-density genetic linkage map. DNA Research, 2016, 23 (3): 283-293.

41. Wang H, Huang C, Zhao W, Dai B, Shen C, Zhang B, Li D*, Lin Z*. Identification of QTL for fiber quality and yield traits using two immortalized backcross populations in Upland cotton. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11 (12): e0166970.

42. Nie X, Tu J, Wang B, Zhou X*, Lin Z*. A BIL population derived from G. hirsutum and G. barbadense provides a resource for cotton genetics and breeding. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10 (10): e0141064.

43. 聂新辉, 尤春源, 鲍健, 李晓方, 惠慧, 刘洪亮, 秦江鸿, 林忠旭*. 基于关联分析的新陆早棉花品种农艺和纤维品质性状优异等位基因挖掘. 中国农业科学, 2015, 48 (15): 2891-2910.

44. Chen X, Jin X, Li X, Lin Z*. Genetic mapping and comparative expression analysis of transcription factors in cotton. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10 (5): e0126150.

45. Wang H, Jin X, Zhang B, Shen C and Lin Z*. Enrichment of an intraspecific genetic map of Upland cotton by developing markers using parental RAD sequencing. DNA Research, 2015, 22 (2): 147-160.

46. Wang H, Huang C, Guo H, Li X, Zhao W, Dai B, Yan Z, Lin Z*. QTL mapping for fiber and yield traits in Upland cotton under multiple environments. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10 (6): e0130742.

47. Liu C, Yuan D, Lin Z*. Construction of an EST-SSR-based interspecific transcriptome linkage map of fibre development in cotton. Journal of Genetics, 2014, 93 (3): 689-697.

48. 聂新辉, 尤春源, 李晓方, 秦江鸿, 黄聪, 郭欢乐, 王夏青, 赵文霞, 林忠旭*. 新陆早棉花品种DNA指纹图谱的构建及遗传多样性分析. 作物学报, 201440 (12): 2104-2117.

49. Li X, Gao W, Guo H, Zhang X, Fang DD and Lin Z*. Development of EST-based SNP and InDel markers and their utilization in tetraploid cotton genetic mapping. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15: 1046.

50. Ren G, Li X, Lin Z*. Mining, genetic mapping and expression analysis of EST-derived resistance gene homologs (RGHs) in cotton. BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14: 203.

51. 尤春源, 聂新辉, 张胜, 郭欢乐, 王夏青, 林忠旭*. 新疆彩色棉23个品种指纹图谱的构建及遗传多样性分析. 棉花学报, 2014, 26 (2): 161-170.

52. Wang H, Li X, Gao W, Jin X, Zhang X, Lin Z*. Comparison and development of EST-SSRs from two 454 sequencing libraries of Gossypium barbadense. Euphytica, 2014, 198: 277-288.

53. Tu JL, Zhang MJ, Wang XQ, Zhang XL and Lin ZX*. Genetic dissection of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars developed in Hubei Province by mapped SSRs. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 13 (1): 782-790.

54. Ahmed MM, Guo H, Huang C, Zhang X and Lin Z*. Selection of core SSR markers for fingerprinting Upland cotton cultivars and hybrids. Austrilian Journal of Crop Science, 2013, 7 (12): 1912-1920.

55. Chen X, Gao W, Zhang J, Zhang X and Lin Z*. Linkage mapping and expression analysis of miRNAs and their target genes during fiber development in cotton. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 706.

56. Wang XQ, Yu Y, Li W, Guo HL, Lin ZX*, Zhang XL. Association analysis of yield and fiber quality traits in Gossypium barbadense with SSRs and SRAPs. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013, 12 (3): 3353-3362.

57. Liu C, Yuan D, Zhang X and Lin Z*. Isolation, characterization and mapping of genes differentially expressed during fibre development between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense by cDNA-SRAP. Journal of Genetics, 2013, 92: 175-181.

58. Wang X, Yu Y, Sang J, Wu Q, Zhang X, Lin Z*. Intraspecific linkage map construction and QTL mapping of yield and fiber quality of Gossypium babardense. Austrilian Journal of Crop Science, 2013, 7 (9):1252-1261.

59. Li X, Yuan D, Zhang J, Lin Z*, Zhang X. Genetic mapping and characteristics of genes specifically or preferentially expressed during fiber development in cotton. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (1): e54444.

60. Yuan D, Liang S, Lin Z* and Zhang X. In silico comparative analysis of EST-SSRs in three cotton genomes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11 (69): 13269-13371.

61. Wang B, Nie Y, Lin Z*, Zhang X, Liu J and Bai J. Molecular diversity, genomic constitution, and QTL mapping of fiber quality by mapped SSRs in introgression lines derived from Gossypium hirsutum × G. darwinii Watt. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012, 125: 1263-1274.

62. Lin Z, Wang Y, Zhang X and Zhang J. Functional markers for cellulose synthase and their comparison to SSRs in cotton. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30: 1270-1275.

63. Li X, Yuan D, Wang H, Chen X, Wang B, Lin Z*, Zhang X. Increasing cotton genome coverage with polymorphic SSRs as revealed by SSCP. Genome, 2012, 55 (6): 459-470.

64. Wang X, Ren G, Li X, Tu J, Lin Z* and Zhang X. Development and evaluation of intron and insertion–deletion markers for Gossypium barbadense. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30: 605-613.

65. Yu Y, Lin Z* and Zhang X. Genome-wide identification of recombination rates of male versus female gametes in inter-specific population of cotton. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2012, 44 (2): 521-529.

66. Liu C, Lin Z* and Zhang XL. Unbiased genomic distribution of genes related to cell morphogenesis in cotton by chromosome mapping. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2012, 108 (3): 529-534.

67. Wang XQ, Feng CH, Lin ZX* and Zhang XL. Genetic diversity of sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense) revealed by mapped SSRs. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2011, 10 (4): 3620-3631.

68. Yu Y, Yuan DJ, Liang SG, Li XM, Wang XQ, Lin ZX*, Zhang XL. Genome structure of cotton revealed by a genome-wide SSR genetic map constructed from a BC1 population between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense. BMC Genomics, 2011, 12: 15.

69. 余渝, 张艳欣, 林忠旭*, 张献龙. 棉花种间BC1群体偏分离的遗传剖析. 作物学报, 2010, 36 (10): 1657-1665.

70. Lin Z, Yuan D, Zhang X*. Mapped SSR markers unevenly distributed on the cotton chromosomes. Frontiers in Agriculture of China, 2010, 4 (3): 257-264.

71. 林忠旭, 冯常辉, 郭小平, 张献龙*. 陆地棉产量、品质相关性状主效QTL和上位性互作分析. 中国农业科学, 2009, 42 (9): 3036-3047.

72. , 王夏青, 冯常辉, 林忠旭*, 张献龙. 棉花纤维特异/优势表达基因的染色体定位. 棉花学报, 2009, 20 (6): 435-441.

73. 张培培, 王夏青, 余杨, 余渝, 林忠旭*, 张献龙. 首批海岛棉基因组来源的微卫星标记的分离、评价和定位. 作物学报, 2009, 35 (6): 1013-1020.

74. Lin Z, Zhang Y, Zhang X* and Guo X. A high-density integrative linkage map for Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica, 2009, 166: 35-45.

75. Lin Z, Wang J, Zhang X*. Characteristics of Gossypium thurberi and G. anomalum introgression lines of G. hirsutum revealed by EST-SSR and gSSR. Cotton science, 2008, 20 (4): 243-248.

76. , 王志伟, 冯常辉, 张艳欣, 林忠旭*, 张献龙. 草棉EST-SSRs的遗传评价. 作物学报, 2008, 34 (12): 2085-2091.

77. 李武, 倪薇, 林忠旭*, 张献龙. 海岛棉遗传多样性的SRAP标记分析. 作物学报, 2008, 34 (5): 893-898.

78. Zhang Y#, Lin Z#, Li W, Tu L, Nie Y, Zhang X*. Studies of new EST-SSRs derived from Gossypium barbadense. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52 (18): 2522-2531.

79. Lin Z, He D, Zhang X*, Nie Y, Guo X, Feng C and Stewart JMcD. Linkage map construction and mapping QTL for cotton fiber quality using SRAP, SSR and RAPD. Plant Breeding, 2005, 124 (2): 180-187.

80. 林忠旭, 张献龙*, 聂以春. 新型标记SRAP在棉花F2分离群体及遗传多样性评价中的适应性分析. 遗传学报, 2004, 31 (6): 622-626.

81. Lin Z, Zhang X*, Nie Y, He D & Wu M. Construction of a genetic linkage map for cotton based on SRAP. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48 (19): 2063-2067.

82. 林忠旭, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 贺道华, 吴茂清. 棉花SRAP遗传连锁图构建. 科学通报, 2003, 48 (15): 1676-1679.


1. 《植物生物技术》(第二版),参编,2012,科学出版社



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