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姓名: 蒯婕 出生年月: 1987.10

性别: 硕/博导: 硕导

民族: 开设课程: 作物生产理论与实践、小杂粮栽培学,植物生理生化实验,三田实习,作物学实验

职称: 副教授 研究方向: 油菜高产抗倒机理及技术研究

学位: 农学博士









1. 科技部,国家重点研发计划,大田经济作物优质丰产的生理基础与调控.项目编号:2018YFD1000900,项目年限:2018-2022(课题主持)

2. 湖北省科学技术厅,湖北省重点研发计划,油菜飞播轻简种植关键技术集成研发.项目编号:2020BBB062,项目年限:2020-2022(项目主持)

3. 国家自然科学青年基金,施氮量对苗期受渍油菜根系发育与产量形成的调节机制研究.项目编号:31601250,项目年限:2017-2019(项目主持)

4. 科技部,国家重点研发计划,逆境条件下大田油料作物全苗壮苗技术研究与示范. 课题编号:2020YFD1000902,项目年限:2020-2022(子课题主持)

5. 湖北省现代农业产业技术体系,稻田油菜高产高效技术创新与集成示范,项目年限:2020-2023(栽培岗位)


1、 姬建利,蒯婕,汪波,周广生. 利用茎秆各部位倒伏指数极值大小判断油菜是否适宜密植的方法.专利号:ZL201811257408.1

2、 蒯婕,王旺年,王宗铠,汪波,郭妮妮,傅廷栋,周广生. 提高长江流域冬季饲料作物生物学和蛋白质产量的方法.专利号:ZL201810663039.X

3、 汪波,刘崇涛,吴文,杜长龙,蒯婕,傅廷栋,周广生. 利用起垄直播油菜高效消纳猪粪沼液的方法及得到的油菜.专利号: ZL201811308717.7

4、 周广生,蒯婕,汪波,刘永红,傅廷栋. 一种油菜化学杀雄缓释颗粒剂及其制备方法与应用. 专利号:ZL202010092505.0

5、 刘永红,汪波,蒯婕,任奕林,周广生. 一种盐碱地保水颗粒剂及其制备方法.专利号:ZL202010052664.8

6、 周广生,张良晓,蒯婕,郭程. 一种利用近红外光谱检测油菜茎秆倒伏指数的方法. 专利号:ZL201710439197.2

7、 孙盈盈,蒯婕,周广生. 一种同时提高甘蓝型油菜籽粒含油量以及抗倒伏性的方法及其应用.专利号:201510560821.5

8、 周广生,蒯婕,孙盈盈,曹石,杨阳. 一种降低油菜机械化收获损失率的栽培方法及其应用.专利号:201510256553.8

9、 孙盈盈,刘婷婷,蒯婕,周广生. 一种预测甘蓝型油菜田间茎秆倒伏角度的方法及其应用.专利号:201510091833.8.

10、 全国农牧渔业丰收奖:油菜绿色轻简高效生产技术研发与应用,一等奖,编号:FH-2019-1-069-02R

11、 获批1项行业标准 绿色食品生产规程1 长江流域绿色食品油菜籽生产操作规程,绿色食品生产操作规程,LB/T 0692020 (第一完成人)


在《中国农业科学》、《作物学报》、Field Crops ResearchEuropeanJournal of AgronomyPlantScience等本领域优质刊物发表研究论文近30篇。

1、 Kuai, J.#, Li, X., Ji, J., Li, Z., Xie, Y., Wang, B., & Zhou, G*. The physiological and proteomic characteristics of oilseed rape stem affect seed yield and lodging resistance under different planting densities and row spacing. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2021, 207: 840– 856.  

2、 Wang C#, Yan Z, Wang Z, Kuai J*, et al. Subsoil tillage promotes root and shoot growth of rapeseed in paddy fields and dryland in Yangtze River Basin soils. European Journal of Agronomy, 2021, 130:126351.

3、 Xiaoyong Li#, Zhen Li, Yan Xie, Bo Wang, Jie Kuai*, Guangsheng Zhou.An improvement in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) productivity through optimization of rice-straw quantity and plant density. Field Crops Research,202, 273: 108290

4、 Sun B#, Wang C#, Yang C, KuaiJ*, Zhang J*et al. Retrieval of rapeseed leaf area index using the PROSAIL model with canopy coverage derived from UAV images as a correction parameter. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2021:102373.

5、 蒯婕#, 李真, 汪波, 刘芳, 叶俊, 周广生*.密度和行距配置对油菜苗期性状及产量形成的影响.中国农业科学, 2021, 54(11): 2319-2332

6、 郭清云#, 蒯婕*, 汪波, 刘芳,张椿雨, 李根泽, 张云云, 傅廷栋, 周广生. 感抗油菜近等基因系混播对根肿病发病率的影响. 作物学报. 2020, 46(9): 1430-1437

7、 白晨阳#, 何菡子, 蒯婕*, 周广生等. 机械收获方式对油菜种子关键性状的影响研究. 中国农业科学, 20201022

8、 袁圆#, 汪波, 蒯婕*, 周广生. 播期和种植密度对油菜产量和茎秆抗倒性的影响. 中国农业科学, 20201230

9、 Kuai J#, Li X, Li Z, Zhou GS*, et al. Leaf carbohydrates assimilation and metabolism affect seed yield of rapeseed with different waterlogging tolerance under the interactive effects of nitrogen and waterlogging. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2020

10、 Kuai J#, Li X, Xie Y, Zhou GS*, et al. Leaf Characteristics at Recovery Stage Affect Seed Oil and Protein Content Under the Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Waterlogging in Rapeseed. Agriculture, 2020, 10

11、 Jie Kuai#, Shengyong Xu#, Cheng Guo, Kun Lu, Yaoze Feng, and Guangsheng Zhou*.Prediction model of the key components for lodging:resistance in rapeseed stalk using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS), Journal of Spectroscopy, vol. 2019, Article ID 9396718

12、 Li X#, Zuo Q, Chang H, KuaiJ*, et al. Higher density planting benefits mechanical harvesting of rapeseed in the Yangtze River Basin of China. Field Crops Research, 2018, 218: 97-105

13、 李小勇#,周敏,王涛,张兰,周广生,蒯婕*. 种植密度对油菜机械收获关键性状的影响,作物学报,2018,44278-287

14、 蒯婕#, 王积军, 左青松, 陈红琳, 高建芹, 汪波, 周广生. 傅廷栋长江流域直播油菜密植效应及其机理研究进展. 中国农业科学,2018, 24: 40-47

15、 QingsongZuo#Jie Kuai#Li Zhao, Zhan Hu, Jiangsheng Wu, Guangsheng Zhou*,The effect of sowing depth and soil compaction on the growth and yield of rapeseed in rice straw returning field. Field Crops Research, 2017, 203: 47-54

16、 Jie Kuai#, Yingying Sun,Cheng Guo, Li Zhao, QingsongZuo, Jiangsheng Wu, Guangsheng Zhou*,Root-applied silicon in the early bud stage increases the rapeseed yield and optimizes the mechanical harvesting characteristics. Field Crops Research,2017, 200: 88-97

17、 Jie Kuai#, Xiao-Yong Li, Yang Yang, Guang Sheng Zhou*, et al. EffectsofpaclobutrazolonbiomassproductioninrelationtoresistancetolodgingandpodshatteringinBrassicanapusL. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(011): 2470-2481.

18、 蒯婕#,左青松,陈爱武, 程雨贵,梅少华,吴江生,周广生*.不同栽培模式对油菜产量和倒伏相关性状的影响. 作物学报, 2017,43: 875-884

19、 Jie Kuai#, Yingying Sun, Min Zhou, Peipei Zhang, QingsongZuo, Jiangsheng Wu, Guangsheng Zhou*. The effect of nitrogen application and planting density on the radiation use efficiency and the stem lignin metabolism in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Field Crops Research,2016, 199: 89-98

20、 Kuai J#, Sun Y#, Liu T, & Zhou G*. Physiological Mechanisms behind Differences in Pod Shattering Resistance in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Varieties. Plos One, 2016: 11(6). e0157341

21、 蒯婕#,杜雪竹,胡曼,曾讲学,左青松,吴江生,周广生*.共生期与种植密度对棉田套播油菜生长及产量的影响.作物学报, 2016,42: 597~605

22、 蒯婕#, 孙盈盈, 左青松, 廖庆喜, 冷锁虎, 程雨贵, 曹石, 吴江生, 周广生*. 机械收获模式下直播冬油菜密度与行距的优化. 作物学报, 2016(6): 898~908

23、 Jie Kuai#, Chen Y, Wang Y, et al. Effect of Waterlogging on Carbohydrate Metabolism and the Quality of Fiber in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:877-887.

24、 Jie Kuai#, Zhiguo Zhou, Youhua Wang, Yali Meng, BinglinChen, Wenqing Zhao. The effects of short-term waterlogging on the lint yield and yield components of cotton with respect to boll position. European Journal of Agronomy, 2015, 67: 61-74

25、 Kuai, J. #, Sun, Y., Zuo, Q., Huang, H., Liao, Q., Wu, C., Lu, J., Wu J. & Zhou G*. The yield of mechanically harvested rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) can be increased by optimum plant density and row spacing. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 18835; doi: 10.1038/srep18835

26、 Jie Kuai#, Yangyang, Yingying Sun, Guangsheng Zhou*, QingsongZuo, Jiangsheng Wu, Xiaoxia Ling. Paclobutrazol increases canola seed yield by enhancing lodging and pod shatter resistance in Brassica napus L. Field Crops Research, 2015:10~20

27、 Kuai, J#, Liu, et al. Waterlogging during flowering and boll forming stages affects sucrose metabolism in the leaves subtending the cotton boll and its relationship with boll weight. Plant Science, 2014. 223: 79-98


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