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姓名: 杨龙 出生年月: 1982.7

性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程: 植物病害生物防治、园艺植物病理学

职称: 教授 研究方向: 植物病害生物防治、分子植物病理学

学位: 农学博士





2000.09-2004.06 yl23455永利植物保护专业,获农学学士学位

2004.09-2009.06 yl23455永利植物病理学专业硕博连读,获农学博士学位


2009.07-2011.12 yl23455永利教师,植物病理学讲师

2011.09-2013.08 加拿大萨斯喀彻温老员工物系博士后

2012.01-2017.12 yl23455永利教师,植物病理学副教授

2018.01-至今 yl23455永利教师,植物病理学教授


1. 油菜现代产业技术体系(CARS-12):油菜黑胫病的防控岗位科学家,2017-至今,参加

2. 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0200906-10):油菜化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范,2018.07-2020.12,子课题主持

3. 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0201103):新型高效生物杀菌剂研发,2017.01-2020.12,子课题主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672073):盾壳霉感应酸性pH信号的分子机制及其生防功能研究,2017.01-2020.12,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31471813):重寄生真菌盾壳霉胞外蛋白酶的分离纯化与生防功能研究,2015.01-2018.12,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31000877):核盘菌菌核围微生物群落分析及其对盾壳霉重寄生的影响评估,2011.01-2013.12,主持

7. 高校博士点新教师基金项目(20100146120034):黑曲霉菌株Y-1对盾壳霉生防效果的促进作用及其机制的研究,2011.01-2013.12,主持


1. Xu YP, Wang YC, Zhao HZ, Wu MD, Zhang J, Chen WD, Li GQ, Yang L*.Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the bZIP transcription factors in the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1045.

2. Liang N, Yang D, Wu MD, Zhang J, Li GQ, Yang L*. Molecular characterization of a novel botoulivirus from the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia minor. Arch. Virol. 2020, 165: 785-788.

3. Yang D, Wu MD, Zhang J, Chen WD, Li GQ, Yang L*. Sclerotinia minor Endornavirus 1, a novel pathogenicity debilitation-associated mycovirus with a wide spectrum of horizontal transmissibility. Viruses 2018, 10, 589.

4. Shakeel Q, Lyu A, Zhang J, Wu MD, Li GQ, Hsiang T, Yang L*. Biocontrol of Aspergillus flavus on peanut kernels using Streptomyces yanglinensis 3-10. Front. Microbiol. 2018, 9: 1049.

5. Cai X, Huang YJ, Jiang DH, Fitt BDL, Li GQ, Yang L*. Evaluation of oilseed rape seed yield losses caused by Leptosphaeria biglobosa in central China. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 2018, 150: 179-190.

6. Luo T, Cai X, Li GQ, Yang L*. First report of Leptosphaeria biglobosa causing blackleg on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) in central China. Plant Dis. 2018, 102: 1178.

7. 杨龙,吴明德,张静,李国庆*. 油菜黑胫病研究进展. 中国油料作物学报,201840 (5): 730-736.

8. 方迪,楼轶,吴明德,张静,李国庆,杨龙*. 重寄生真菌盾壳霉pH信号通路中Pal相关基因的功能鉴定. 微生物学报,201757 (7): 1069-1082.

9. Yang D, Zhang J, Wu MD, Chen WD, Li GQ, Yang L*. Characterization of the mycelial compatibility groups and mating type alleles in populations of Sclerotinia minor in central China. Plant Dis. 2016, 100: 2313-2318.

10.Shakeel Q, Lyu A, Zhang J, Wu MD, Chen SW, Chen WD, Li GQ, Yang L*. Optimization of the cultural medium and conditions for production ofantifungal substances by Streptomyces platensis 3-10 and evaluation ofits efficacy in suppression of clubroot disease (Plasmodiophora brassicae) of oilseed rape. Biol Control 2016, 101: 59-68.

11.谢晓莉,杨龙*,吴明德,张静,李国庆. 重寄生真菌盾壳霉胞外蛋白酶产生条件及酶活影响因子.中国生物防治学报, 2016, 32 (3): 406-413.

12. Lou Y, Han YC, Yang L*, Wu MD, Zhang J, Cheng JS, Wang MY, Jiang DH, Chen WD and Li GQ*. CmpacC regulates mycoparasitism, oxalate degradation and antifungal activity in the mycoparasitic fungus Coniothyrium minitans. Environ. Microbiol. 2015,17: 4711-4729 (共同通讯作者).

13. Cai X, Zhang J, Wu MD, Jiang DH, Li GQ, Yang L*. Effect of water flooding on survival of Leptosphaeria biglobosa ‘brassicae’ in stubble of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in central China. Plant Dis. 2015, 99: 1426-1433.

14. Yang L, Qin L, Liu GS,Peremyslov VV, Dolja VV, Wei YD*. Myosins XI modulate host cellular responses and penetration resistance to fungal pathogens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014, 111: 13996-14001.

15. Yang L, Li GQ*, Zhang J, Jiang DH, Chen WD. Compatibility of Coniothyrium minitans with compound fertilizer in suppression of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Biol. Control 2011, 59: 221-227.

16. Yang L, Li GQ*, Long YQ, Hong GP, Jiang DH, Huang HC. Effects of soil temperature and moisture on survival of Coniothyrium minitans conidia in central China. Biol. Control 2010, 55: 27-33.

17. Yang L, Li GQ*, Jiang DH, Huang HC. Water-assisted dissemination of conidia of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans in soil. Biocontrol Sci. Techol. 2009, 19: 779-796.

18. Yang L, Miao HJ, Li GQ*, Yin LM, Huang HC. Survival of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans on flower petals of oilseed rape under field conditions in central China. Biol. Control 2007, 40: 179-186.


1. 杨龙,杜然,罗韬,李国庆,张静,吴明德. 油菜黑胫病菌加拿大亚种Lbc的特异性序列在油菜黑胫病菌检测中的应用(发明专利:ZL201910152453.9.

2. 张静,范旋,李国庆,杨龙. 一种灰葡萄孢特异性PCR检测方法(发明专利:ZL201310027722.1.

3. 李国庆,姜道宏,王英超,杨龙.一种生防菌盾壳霉Chy-1C-1的可湿性粉剂及应用(发明专利:ZL201010294625.5.

4. 李国庆,姜道宏,唐善军,杨龙.防治菌核病生防菌盾壳霉Chy-1C-1悬浮剂及其制备与应用(发明专利:ZL201010294604.3.


1. 李国庆、姜道宏、杨龙、杨蕊、任莉. 生防菌盾壳霉生态学及其与油菜菌核病互作的分子机理,湖北省科技厅,湖北省自然科学奖,三等奖,2011 




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