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姓名: 李国庆 出生年月: 1963.8

性别: 硕/博导:

民族: 开设课程: 普通植物病理学,植物病原学,植物病害生物防治,植物病原细菌学

职称: 教授 研究方向: 植物病原真菌学,植物病害生物防治

学位: 博士






2 灰霉菌致病力衰退相关RNA病毒(BcDRVDNA形态的发现及研究(2011.01-2013.12








3. 油菜现代产业技术体系岗位科学家(2017-至今,70万元/年)












Publication list (*corresponding author)



1Kamaruzzaman Md , He GY, Wu MD , Zhang J, Yang L, Chen WD, and Li GQ*.2019. A Novel Partitivirus in the Hypovirulent Isolate QT5-19 of the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Botrytis cinerea. Viruses 11(1), 24


1、王梅菊, 刘晨, 吴明德, 张静, 杨龙, 李国庆.2018. 油菜内生细菌多样性分析及菌株CanL-30生防潜力评估. 中国油料作物学报 402):258-268

2、李若晨, 张静, 杨龙, 李国庆.2018. 生防因子间型假丝酵母C410液体酵母保存研究.湖北农业科学 5716):66-6978

3、杨龙, 吴明德, 张静, 李国庆. 2018. 油菜黑胫病研究进展.中国油料作物学报40( 5) : 730-736


1Lv A, Liu H, Che HJ, Yang L, Zhang J, Chen WD, and Li GQ*.2017. Reveromycins A and B from Streptomyces sp. 3–10: antifungal activity against plant pathogenic fungi in vitro and in a strawberry food model system. Frontiers in Microbiology8: 550, 2017.

2Gao TY, Hao FM, Yang D, Bie ZL, Li GQ*.2017. Oxalic acid produced by Aspergillus niger Y-1 is effective for suppression of bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon seedlings. Biological Control 112 (2017) 28–33.

3、尤佳琪, 李国庆.2017. 拟康宁木霉 T-51几丁质酶活性及内切几丁质酶基因克隆与分析.植物保护 43(4)21—27


1Zhang J, Yang H, Yu QY, Wu MD, Yang L, Zhuang WY, Chen WD and Li GQ*. 2016. Botrytis pyriformis sp. nov., a novel and likely saprophytic species of Botrytis. Mycologia 108: 682-696.

2You JQ, Zhang J, Wu MD, Yang L, Chen WD, and Li GQ*.2016. Multiple criteria-based screening of Trichoderma isolates for biological control of Botrytis cinerea on tomato. Biological Control 101: 31-38.

3Wu MD, Deng Y, Zhou ZL, He GY, Chen WD, and Li GQ*.2016. Characterization of three mycoviruses co-infecting the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia nivalis. Virus Research 223:28–38.


1Yu L, Sang W, Wu MD , Zhang J, Yang L, Zhou YJ, Chen WD, and Li GQ*.2015. Novel hypovirulence-associated RNA mycovirus in the plant-pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea: molecular and biological characterization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81:2299-2309.

2Zhang QH, Yang L, Zhang J, Chen WD, Jiang DH and Li GQ*.2015. Production of anti-fungal volatiles by non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and its efficacy in suppression of Verticillium wilt of cotton. Plant and Soil 392: 101-114, 2015.

3Lou Y, Han YC, Yang L, Wu MD, Zhang J, Cheng JS, Wang My, Jiang DH, Chen WD, and Li GQ*.2015. CmpacC regulates mycoparasitism, oxalate degradation and antifungal activity in the mycoparasitic fungus Coniothyrium minitans. Environmental Microbiology 17(11): 4711-4729, 2015.


           1. Zeng LM, Zhang J, Han YC, Yang L, Wu MD, Jiang DH, Chen WD, and Li GQ*. 2014. Degradation of oxalic acid by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans plays an important role in interacting with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Environmental Microbiology 16: 2591–2610.
           2. Zhang QH, Zhang J, Yang L, Zhang L, Jiang DH, Chen WD, & Li GQ* 2014 Diversity and biocontrol potential of
           endophytic fungi in Brassica napus. Biol Control 72: 98–108.
           3. Xu F, Yang L, Zhang J, Guo XP, Zhang XL and Li GQ*. 2012. Effect of temperature on conidial germination,
           mycelial growth and aggressiveness of the defoliating and nondefoliating pathotypes of Verticillium dahliae from cotton. Phytoparasitica 40: 319–327.
           4. Fan X, Zhang J, Yang L, Zhang QH and Li GQ*. 2012. First report of Sclerotinia nivalis causing white mold
           disease on Sedum sarmentosum in China. Journal of Phytopathology 160: 595–598.
           5. Wu MD, Jin FY, Zhang J., Yang L, Jiang DH and Li GQ*. 2012. Characterization of a novel bipartite double-
           stranded RNA mycovirus conferring hypovirulence in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis porri. Journal of
           Virology 86: 6605–6619
           6. Xu F, Yang L, Zhang J, Guo XP, Zhang XL and Li GQ*. 2012. Prevalence of the defoliating pathotype of
           Verticillium dahliae on cotton in central China and virulence on selected cotton cultivars. Journal of
           Phytopathology 160: 369–376.
           7. Huang R, Li G.Q*, Zhang J, Yang L, Che HJ, Jiang DH and Huang HC. 2011. Control of postharvest botrytis
           fruit rot of strawberry by volatile organic compounds of Candida intermedia. Phytopathology 101: 859-969.
           8. Han YC, Li GQ*, Yang L, Jiang DH. 2011. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of a pacC
           homolog in the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 27: 381-391.
           9. Zhang L, Wu MD, Li GQ*, Jiang DH and Huang HC. 2010. Effect of Mitovirus infection on formation of infection cushions and virulence of Botrytis cinerea. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 75: 71-80.
           10. Zhang J, Zhang L, Li GQ*, Yang L, Jiang DH, Zhuang WY, Huang HC. 2010. Botrytis sinoallii, a new species of the grey mould pathogen on Allium crops in China. Mycoscience 51: 421-431.
           11. Wu MD, Zhang L, Li GQ*, Jiang DH and Ghabrial SA. 2010. Genome characterization of a debilitation-associated mitovirus infecting the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. Virology 406: 117-126.
           12. Yang L, Li GQ*, Long YQ, Hong GP, Jiang DH, Huang HC, 2010. Effects of soil temperature and moisture on survival of Coniothyrium minitans conidia in central China. Biological Control 55: 27-33.
           13. Zhang J, Wu MD, Li GQ*, Yang L, Yu L, Jiang DH, Huang HC and Zhuang WY. 2010. Botrytis fabiopsis, a new species causing chocolate spot of broad bean in central China. Mycologia 102: 1114-1126.
           14. Ren L, Li GQ* and Jiang DH. 2010. Characterization of some culture factors affecting oxalate degradation by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. J. Appl. Microbiol. 108: 173-180.
           15. Yang, L., Li, G.Q*., Jiang, D. H. and Huang, H. C. 2009. Water-assisted dissemination of conidia of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans in soil. Biocontrol Science and Techology 19: 779-796.
           16. Zhang, J., Li, G.Q*, and Jiang, D. H. 2009. First report of garlic leaf blight caused by Botrytis porr in China. Plant Disease 93: 1216.
           17. Wu, M. D., Li, G.Q*., and Jiang, D. H. 2009. First Report of Pestalotiopsis microspora Causing Leaf Blight of Reineckea carnea in Central China. Plant Disease 93: 667
           18. Wang, X. D., Li, G.Q*., Jiang, D. H., and Huang, H. C. 2009. Screening of plant epiphytic yeasts for biocontrol of bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli) of hami melon
           Biological Control 50: 164-171.
           19. Zhang, J., Zou, Q., Li, G.Q*., Jiang, D. H., and Huang, H. C. 2008. First report of onion bulb rot caused by Botrytis aclada in China. Plant Disease 92: 1133
           20. Wan, M. G., Li, G.Q*., Zhang, J. B., Jiang, D. H., and Huang, H. C. 2008. Effect of volatile substances of Streptomyces platensis F-1 on control of fungal plant diseases. Biological Control 46: 552-559.
           21.Yang, R., Han, Y. C., Li, G.Q, * Huang, H. C. 2008. Effects of ambient pH and nutritional factors on antifungal activity of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. Biological Control 44: 116-127.
           22.Yang, L., Miao. H. J., Li. G.Q*., Yin, L. M., and Huang, H. C. 2007. Survival of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans on flower petals of oilseed rape under field conditions in central China. Biological Control 40: 179-186.
           23.Ren L., Li, G.Q*., Han, Y. C.,Jiang, D. H., and Huang, H. C. 2007. Degradation of oxalic acid by Coniothyrium minitans and its effects on production and activity of β-(1,3)-glucanase of this mycoparasite. Biological Control 43: 1-11.
           24.Yang, R., Han Y. C., Li, G.Q*., Jiang, D. H., Huang H. C., 2007. Suppression of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by antifungal substances produced by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. European Journal of Plant Pathology 119:411-420.
           25.Wu, M. D., Zhang, L., Li, G.Q*., Jiang, D. H., Hou, M. S., and Huang, H. C. 2007. Hypovirulence and double-stranded RNA in Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology 97: 1590-1599.
           26. Li, G.Q*., Huang, H.C., Miao, H.J., Erickson, R.S., Jiang, D.H., Xiao, Y.N. 2006. Biological control of sclerotinia diseases of rapeseed by aerial applications of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. European Journal of Plant Pathology 114: 345-355.
           27. Li, G.Q., Huang, H.C., Acharya, S.N., Erickson, R.S. 2005. Effectiveness of Coniothyrium minitans and Trichoderma atroviride in suppression of Sclerotinia blossom blight of alfalfa. Plant Pathology 54: 204-211.
           28. Li, G.Q., Huang, H. C., Erickson, R. S, and Achaya, S. N. 2004. Biological control of blossom blight of alfalfa caused by Botrytis cinerea under environmentally controlled and field conditions. Plant Disease 88: 1246-1251.
           29. Li, G.Q., Huang, H. C., Laroche, A., and Achaya, S. N. 2003. Occurrence and characterization of the hypovirulence in the tan-sclerotial isolate of Sclerotinia sclerotiroum. Mycological Research 107: 1350-1360.
           30. Li, G.Q., Huang, H. C., and Acharya, S. N. 2003. Importance of pollen and senescent petals in the suppression of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Biocntrol Science and Technology 13: 495-505.
           31. Li, G.Q., Huang, H. C., and Acharya, S. N. 2003. Antagonism and biocontrol potential of Ulocladium atrum and Coniothyrium minitans on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Biological Control 28: 11-18.
           32. Li, G.Q., Huang, H. C., and Acharya, S. N. 2002. Sensitivity of Ulocladium atrum,Coniothyrium minitans and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to benomyl and vinclozolin. Canadian Journal of Botany 80: 892-898.
           33. Li, G.Q., Huang, H. C., Kokko, E. G., and Acharya, S.N. 2002. Ultrastructural study of mycoparasitism of Gliocladium roseum on Botrytis cinerea. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 43: 211-218.
           34. Li, G.Q*.,Wang, D. B., Jiang, D. H., Huang, H. C.,and Laroche, A. 2000. First report of Sclerotinia nivali on lettuce in central China. Mycological Research 104: 232-237.
           35. Li, G.Q*., Jiang, D. H., Wang, D. B., Zhu, B., and Rimmer, S. R.1999. Double-stranded RNAs associated with the hypovirulence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum strain Ep-1PN. Progress in Natural Science 9: 836-841.


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