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姓名: 张献龙 出生年月: 1963.3

性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程: 植物生物技术

职称: 教授 研究方向: 棉花生物技术与育种

学位: 博士






张献龙,男,1963年生,yl23455永利教授、博士生导师,国家教学名师,兼任作物遗传改良国家重点实验室副主任、中国农学会棉花会副理事长,入选国家万人计划第一批百千万工程领军人才。1980年考入华中农学院,1990年毕业于yl23455永利,获农学博士学位并留校任教。长期从事棉花生物技术及育种应用研究,在国际上率先实现从野生棉体细胞及原生质体再生植株,实现体细胞融合并再生植株;建立了一套高通量的棉花转基因系统;建立棉花CRISPR-Cas9Cas12a, Cas12b,单碱基编辑(CBE/ABE)等基因编辑技术;鉴定一系列抗病、耐高温、及纤维发育相关的重要功能基因;绘制了海岛棉和陆地棉参考基因组,揭示了棉花驯化历程,为全基因组育种奠定了基础。在Nature GeneticsNature CommunicationsNature PlantsAdvanced ScienceNucleic Acids ResearchTrends in Plant SciencePlant CellPlant Physiology、中国科学、作物学报等学术期刊发表研究论文300多篇,主编/参编教材或专著9培育出华杂棉H318”18个棉花新品种,其中2个品种获国家审定。相关科研成果获国家科技进步二等奖1项,湖北省自然科学奖一等奖1项(公示中),湖北省科技进步一等奖2项,湖北省技术发明奖二等奖1项。任作物学报副主编、棉花学报副主编、Plant People Planet副主编、Plant Biotechnology Journal等多个国内外学术期刊编委。长期坚持科研与教学融合,潜心人才培养,指导的博士学位论文获2008全国优秀百篇博士学位论文,另有两篇博士论文获全国优秀百篇博士论文提名,作为主要完成人之一获国家教学成果奖一等奖1项,湖北省教学成果奖特等奖1项。获何梁何利科学与进步奖全国创新争先奖状国家教学名师奖、全国优秀教师全国先进科技工作者等奖励和荣誉称号。Elsevier国际出版集团近6年发布的统计结果,在农业与生物科学领域,张献龙都在高被引学者之列。

1. 教育背景

1980.09-1984.06 yl23455永利,作物遗传育种,获学士学位

1984.09-1987.06 yl23455永利,作物遗传育种 获硕士学位

1987.09-1990.06 yl23455永利,作物遗传育种 获博士学位



2. 工作经历

1990.07-1992.12  yl23455永利,讲师

1993.01-1996.12  yl23455永利,副教授

1997.01-2002.05  yl23455永利,教授

2002.06-2008.02  yl23455永利,植物科技学院经理,教授

2008.03-2018.08  yl23455永利,副董事长,教授

2018.09-至今       yl23455永利,教授

1993.10-1994.10  加拿大曼尼托巴大学农学院植物科学技术系访问学者

1998.11-1999.04   美国阿拉巴马农工大学植物科学系访问学者

2001.11-2002.02   英国杜伦老员工物系访问学者



3. 学术兼职

2012.07- 至今     中国农学会理事

2002.07- 至今     中国农学会棉花分会副理事长

2014.06-2019.10   中国作物学会常务理事

2008.10- 至今     中国遗传学会理事

2004.09-2018.12   湖北省棉麻学会理事长

2002.01- 至今     作物遗传改良国家重点实验室副主任

2011.01- 至今     作物学报  副主编

2015.01- 至今     Plant Biotechnology Journal  编委

2018.12- 至今     Plant People Planet  副主编





国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目:棉花抗枯黄萎病关键遗传位点解析与基因功能鉴定, 2018-2021

国家棉花产业技术体系:多抗材料创新岗位科学家, 2016-2020





1) 张献龙,聂以春,陈妹幼,吴家和:一种快速棉花转基因的方法。专利授权号:ZL01131087.1

2) 张献龙,林忠旭,聂以春,贺道华:一种棉花分子遗传连锁作图的方法。专利授权号:ZL03119012.X

3) 张献龙,朱龙付,涂礼莉,聂以春,郭小平,曾范昌,刘迪秋:从棉花组织中抽提RNA的方法。专利授权号:ZL200410060637.6

4) 张献龙,金双侠,聂以春,郭小平,朱华国:超声波辅助农杆菌转化棉花胚芽的方法。专利授权号:ZL200710063650.0

5) 张献龙,林忠旭,刘传祥:利用EST-SSR标记-棉花纤维转录。专利授权号:ZL201010196031.0

6) 涂礼莉,李阳,张献龙,朱龙付,邓锋林:两个棉花纤维伸长期优势表达的启动子及应用。专利授权号: ZL201010582387.8

7) 张献龙,谭家福,涂礼莉,朱龙付,邓锋林:利用棉花基因GbF3H改变花瓣颜色,专利授权号: ZL201010582448.0

8) 张献龙,邓锋林,涂礼莉,朱龙付,谭家福:两个棉花纤维发育起始优势表达的强启动子及其应用。专利授权号:ZL201010582335.0

9) 张献龙,王彦芹,金双侠,朱龙付;聂以春:利用花花柴KcNHX1基因培育耐高温拟南芥的方法。专利授权号:ZL201310160491.1

10) 张献龙,杨细燕,周婷,王丽晨:GhTZF1在增强植物抗旱性及延缓干旱诱导的衰老中的应用。专利授权号:ZL201310365814.0

11) 朱龙付,高巍,龙璐,张献龙,聂以春,袁道军:棉花硬脂酰去饱和化酶GbSSI2基因及应用。专利授权号:ZL201310019959.5

12) 张献龙,朱龙付,孙龙清. 一种棉花细胞色素P450基因及应用. 专利授权号:ZL 201210084887.8

13) 朱龙付,张献龙,高巍,龙璐. 棉花同源结构域转录因子基因GbHDTF1及应用. 专利授权号:ZL 201310345168.1

14) 张献龙,朱龙付,闵玲,胡琴. 介导棉花广谱抗性的棉花Lac1基因及应用. 专利授权号:ZL 201310109621.9

15) 张献龙,李阳,涂礼莉:袁道军:“棉花细胞壁伸展蛋白基因GbEXPATR 及应用”,专利授权号:ZL201410073300.2

16) 张献龙,韩杰,谭家福,涂礼莉:“一种棉花Phytosulfokine前体基因GhPSKP及制备方法和应用”,专利授权号:ZL 201210260715.1

17) 涂礼莉,胡海燕,谭家福,张献龙:“一种纤维伸长期优势表达的启动子及制备方法和应用”,专利授权号:ZL 201210288775.4














1) 2017获得全国创新争先奖状

2) 2016年获得全国优秀科技工作者称号

3) 2015年获湖北省五一劳动奖章

4) 2014年获湖北十佳师德标兵称号

5) 2013年入选首批国家百千万工程领军人才

6) 2011棉花原生质体不对称融合研究及原生质体细胞壁重建相关基因的表达谱分析获全国优秀百篇博士论文提名奖

7) 2010年获国务院政府特贴

8) 2010棉花体细胞胚发生与合子胚发育相关基因的鉴定、克隆与功能分析获年全国优秀百篇博士论文提名奖

9) 2008棉花原生质体培养和原生质体对称融合研究获全国优秀百篇博士论文奖

10) 2008年获湖北省第四届优秀科技工作者称号

11) 2007年入选新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选

12) 2006年获国家教学名师奖

13) 2005年获湖北省教学成果特等奖

14) 2005年获国家教学成果一等奖

15) 2005年获第四届大北农科技促进奖

16) 2005年入选湖北省新世纪人才工程

17) 2004年获湖北省政府专项津贴

18) 2004年入选教育部新世纪人才支持计划

19) 2004年获全国优秀教师称号

20) 2004年获武汉市新长征突击手称号

21) 2001年获湖北省杰出青年科学基金支持

22) 2000年入选教育部骨干教师支持计划

23) 1993年获教育部霍英东青年教师基金






1. Wang M, Tu L, Yuan D, Zhu, Shen C, Li J, Liu F, Pei L, Wang P, Zhao G, Ye Z, Huang H, Yan F, Ma Y, Zhang L, Liu M, You J, Yang Y, Liu Z, Huang F, Li B, Qiu P, Zhang Q, Zhu L, Jin S, Yang X, Min L, Li G, Chen LL, Zheng H, Lindsey K*, Lin Z*, Udall JA*, Zhang X*. Reference genome sequences of two cultivated allotetraploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense. Nature Genetics, 2019, 51(2):224-229 IF= 27.603

2. Wang M, Tu L, Lin M, Lin Z, Wang P, Yang Q, Ye Z, Shen C, Li J, Zhang L, Zhou X, Nie X, Li Z, Guo K, Ma Y, Huang C, Jin S, Zhu L, Yang X, Min L, Yuan D, Zhang Q, Lindsey K* , Zhang X*. Asymmetric subgenome selection and cis-regulatory divergence during cotton domestication. Nature Genetics, 2017, 49(4):579-587 IF= 27.603

3. Li X, Jin X, Wang H, Zhang X, and Lin Z*. Structure, evolution, and comparative genomics of tetraploid cotton based on a high-density genetic linkage map. DNA Research, 2016, 23 (3): 283-293 IF=4.009

4. Yuan D, Tang Z, Wang M, Gao W, Tu L, Jin X, Chen L, He Y, Zhang L, Zhu L, Li Y, Liang Q, Lin Z, Yang X, Liu N, Jin S, Lei Y, Ding Y, Li G, Ruan X, Ruan Y*, Zhang X*. The genome sequence of Sea-Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense) provides insights into the allopolyploidization and development of superior spinnable fibres. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 17662 IF= 3.998


1.Li Z, Wang P, You C, Yu J, Zhang X, Yan F, Ye Z, Shen C, Li B, Guo K, Liu N, Thyssen GN, Fang DD, Lindsey K, Zhang X, Wang M*, Tu L*. Combined GWAS and eQTL analysis uncovers a genetic regulatory network orchestrating the initiation of secondary cell wall development in cotton. New Phytologiust, 2020, 226(6):1738-1752 IF= 8.512

2.Wang M, Wang P, Liang F, Ye Z, Li J, Shen C, Pei L, Wang F, Hu J, Tu L, Lindsey K, He D*, Zhang X*. A global survey of alternative splicing in allopolyploid cotton: landscape, complexity and regulation. New Phytologist, 2018, 217(1):163-178 IF= 8.512

3.Hu H, Wang M, Ding Y, Zhu S, Zhao G, Tu L*, Zhang X. Transcriptomic repertoires depict the initiation of lint and fuzz fibers in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(5):1002-1012 IF= 8.154

4.Wang M, Wang P, Lin M*, Ye Z, Li G, Tu L, Shen C, Li J, Yang Q*, Zhang X*. Evolutionary dynamics of 3D genome architecture following polyploidization in cotton. Nature Plants, 2018, 4(2):90-97 IF=13.256

5.Huang C, Nie X, Shen C, You C, Li W, Zhao W, Zhang X* and Lin Z*. Population structure and genetic basis of the agronomic traits of Upland cotton in China revealed by a genome-wide association study using high-density SNPs. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 15, 1374-1386 IF= 8.154

6.Hu H, He X, Tu L, Zhu L, Zhu S, Ge Z, Zhang X*. GhJAZ2 negatively regulates cotton fiber initiation by interacting with the R2R3-MYB transcription factor GhMYB25-like. Plant Journal, 2016, 88(6):921-935 IF= 6.141

7.Wang M, Wang P, Tu L, Zhu S, Zhang L, Li Z, Zhang Q, Yuan D and Zhang X*. Multi-omics maps of cotton fibre reveal epigenetic basis for staged single-cell differentiation. Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, 44(9):4067-4079 IF=11.501

8.Wang M, Yuan D, Tu L, Gao W, He Y, Hu H, Wang P, Liu N, Lindsey K, Zhang X*. Long noncoding RNAs and their proposed functions in fibre development of cotton (Gossypium spp.). New Phytologist, 2015, 207(4):1181-1197 IF= 8.512

9.Liu N, Tu L, Tang W, Gao W, Lindsey K, Zhang X*. Small RNA and degradome profiling reveals a role for miRNAs and their targets in the developing fibers of Gossypium barbadense. Plant Journal, 2014, 80(2):331-344 IF= 6.141

10.Tang W, Tu L, Yang X, Tan J, Deng F, Hao J, Guo K, Lindsey K, Zhang X*. The calcium sensor GhCaM7 promotes cotton fiber elongation by modulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. New Phytologist, 2014, 202(2):509-520 IF= 8.512

11.Tan J, Tu L, Deng F, Hu H, Nie Y, Zhang X*. A genetic and metabolic analysis revealed that cotton fiber cell development was retarded by flavonoid naringenin. Plant Physiology, 2013, 162(1):86-95 IF=6.902

12.Hao J, Tu L, Hu H, Tan J, Deng F, Tang W, Nie Y, Zhang X*. GbTCP, a cotton TCP transcription factor, confers fibre elongation and root hair development by a complex regulating system. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(17):6267-6281 IF=5.908

13.Deng F, Tu L, Tan J, Li Y, Nie Y, Zhang X*. GbPDF1 is involved in cotton fiber initiation via the core cis-element HDZIP2ATATHB2. Plant Physiology, 2012, 158(2):890-904 IF=6.902



1.Wang Q, Du X, Zhou Y, Xie L, Bie S, Tu L, Zhang N, Yang X, Xiao S*, Zhang X*. The β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase GhKCS13 regulates the cold response in cotton by modulating lipid and oxylipin biosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, eraa254 IF=5.908

2.Ma Y, Min L*, Wang M, Wang C, Zhao Y, Li Y, Fang Q, Wu Y, Xie S, Ding Y, Su X, Hu Q, Zhang Q, Li X, Zhang X*. Disrupted genome methylation in response to high temperature has distinct affects on microspore abortion and anther indehiscence. Plant Cell, 2018, 30(7):1387-1403 IF= 9.618

3.Hu Q, Min L, Yang X, Jin S, Zhang L, Li Y, Ma Y, Qi X, Li D, Liu H, Lindsey K, Zhu L*, Zhang X*. Laccase GhLac1 modulates broad-spectrum biotic stress tolerance via manipulating phenylpropanoid pathway and jasmonic acid synthesis. Plant Physiology, 2018, 176(2):1808-1823 IF=6.902

4.Hu Q, Zhu L, Zhang X, Guan Q, Xiao S, Min L, Zhang X*. GhCPK33 negatively regulates defense against Verticillium dahliae by phosphorylating GhOPR3. Plant Physiology, 2018,178(2), 876-889 IF=6.902

5.Zhang L, Wang M, Li N, Wang H, Qiu P, Pei L, Xu Z, Wang T, Gao E, Liu J, Liu S, Hu Q, Miao Y, Lindsey K, Tu L, Zhu L, Zhang X*. Long non-coding RNAs involve in resistance to Verticillium dahliae, a fungal disease in cotton. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(6):1172-1185 IF= 8.154

6.Xu L, Zhang W, He X, Liu M, Zhang K, Shaban M, Sun L, Zhu J, Luo Y, Yuan D, Zhang X, Zhu L*. Functional characterization of cotton genes responsive to Verticillium dahliae through bioinformatics and reverse genetics strategies. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(22):6679-6692 IF=5.908

7.Sun L, Zhu L, Xu L, Yuan D, Min L, Zhang X*. Cotton cytochrome P450 CYP82D regulates systemic cell death by modulating the octadecanoid pathway. Nature Communications, 2014, 5:5372 IF=12.121

8.Li C, He X, Luo X, Xu L, Liu L, Min L, Jin L, Zhu L*, Zhang X. Cotton WRKY1 mediates the plant defense-to-development transition during infection of cotton by Verticillium dahliae by activating JASMONATE ZIM-DOMAIN1 expression. Plant Physiology, 2014, 166(4):2179-2194 IF=6.902

9.Min L, Li Y, Hu Q, Zhu L, Gao W, Wu Y, Ding Y, Liu S, Yang X, Zhang X*. Sugar and auxin signaling pathways respond to high temperature stress during anther development as revealed by transcript profiling analysis in cotton. Plant Physiology, 2014, 164(3):1293-1308 IF=6.902

10.Gao W, Long L*, Zhu L, Xu L, Gao W, Sun L, Liu L, Zhang X*. Proteomic and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) analyses reveal that Gossypol, Brassinosteroids and Jasmonic acid contribute to the resistance of cotton to Verticillium dahliae. Molecular Cellular Proteomics, 2013, 12(12):3690-3703 IF=4.870

11.Min L, Zhu L, Tu L, Deng F, Yuan D, Zhang X*. Cotton GhCKI disrupts normal male reproduction by delaying tapetum programmed cell death via inactivating starch synthase. Plant Journal, 2013, 75(5):823-835 IF= 6.141

12.Xu L, Zhu L, Tu L, Liu L, Yuan D, Jin L, Long L and Zhang X*. Lignin metabolism has a central role in the resistance of cotton to the wilt fungus Verticillium dahliae as revealed by RNA-Seq-dependent transcriptional analysis and histochemistry. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(15):5607-5621 IF=5.908



1.Li B, Liang S, Alariqi M, Wang F, Wang G, Wang Q, Xu Z, Yu, Zafar MN, Sun L, Si, Yuan D, Guo W, Wang Y, Lindsey K, Zhang X*, Jin S*The application of temperature sensitivity CRISPR/LbCpf1 (LbCas12a) mediated genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (G. hirsutum) and creation of nontransgenic, gossypol-free cotton. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13470. IF= 8.154

2.Manghwar H, Li B, Ding X, Hussain A, Lindsey K, Zhang X*, Jin S*. CRISPR/Cas Systems in Genome Editing: Methodologies and Tools for sgRNA Design, Off-Target Evaluation, and Strategies to Mitigate Off-Target Effects. Advanced Science (Weinh), 2020, 7(6):1902312 IF= 15.840

3.Manghwar H, Lindsey K, Zhang X*, Jin S*. CRISPR/Cas System: Recent Advances and Future Prospects for Genome Editing. Trends in Plant Science. 2019, 24(12):1102-1125 IF= 14.416

4.Li J, Manghwar H, Sun L, Wang P, Wang G, Sheng H, Zhang J, Liu H, Qin L, Rui H, Li B, Lindsey K, Daniell H, Jin S*, Zhang X. Whole genome sequencing reveals rare off-target mutations and considerable inherent genetic or/and somaclonal variations in CRISPR/Cas9-edited cotton plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2019,17(5), 858-868 IF= 8.154

5.Wang PC, Zhang J, Sun L, Ma YZ, Xu J, Liang SJ, Deng JW, Tan JF, Zhang Q, Tu LL, Daniell Henry, Jin SX*, Zhang XL*. High efficient multisites genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) using CRISPR/Cas9 system. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(1):137-150 IF= 8.154



1.Xu J, Yang X*, Li B, Chen L, Min L, Zhang X*. GhL1L1 affects cell fate specification by regulating GhPIN1-mediated auxin distribution. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(1):63-74 IF= 8.154

2.Zhou T, Yang X, Guo K, Deng J, Xu J, Gao W, Lindsey K, Zhang X*. ROS homeostasis regulates somatic embryogenesis via the regulation of auxin signaling in cotton. Molecular Cellular Proteomics, 2016, 15(6):2108-2124 IF=4.870

3.Min L, Hu Q, Li Y, Xu J, Ma Y, Zhu L, Yang X, Zhang X*. LEAFY COTYLEDON1-CASEIN KINASE I-TCP15-PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4 network regulates somatic embryogenesis by regulating auxin homeostasis. Plant Physiology, 2015, 169(4): 2805-2821 IF=6.902

4.Jin F, Hu L, Yuan D, Xu J, Gao W, He L, Yang X, Zhang X*. Comparative transcriptome analysis between somatic embryos and zygotic embryos in cotton: evidence for stress response functions in somatic embryo development. Plant Biotechology Journal, 2013, 12(2):161-173 IF=6.1

5.Yang X, Wang L, Yuan D, Lindsey K and Zhang X*. Small RNA and degradome sequencing reveal complex miRNA regulation during cotton somatic embryogenesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013, 64(6):1521-1536 IF=5.908

6.Hu L, Yang X, Yuan D, Zeng F, Zhang X*. GhHmgB3 deficiency deregulates proliferation and differentiation of cells during somatic embryogenesis in cotton. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2011, 9: 1038-1048 IF= 8.154

7.Yang X, Zhang X*. Regulation of somatic embryogenesis in higher plants. Critical Review in Plant Science, 2010, 29(1):36-57 IF=6.235

8.Yang X, Tu L, Zhu L, Fu L, Min L, Zhang X*. Expression profile analysis of genes involved in cell wall regeneration during protoplast culture in cotton by suppression subtractive hybridization and macroarray. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2008, 59(13):3661-3674 IF=5.908

9.Sun Y, Zhang X*, Nie Y, Guo X, Jin S, Liang S. Production and characterization of somatic hybrids between upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton (G. klotzschianum Anderss) via electrofusion. Theoretical and  Applied Genetics, 2004, 109(3):472-479 IF=4.439




1) Genome Sequencing, In: Cotton, 2nd edition. 2015, edited by David D. Fang and Richard G. Percy. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science of America. p. 289-302

2) 《植物生物技术》第二版主编,2012,科学出版社

3) Developmental and molecular aspects of somatic embryogenesis (nonzygotic embryogenesis), In: Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology, 2011, Robert N. Trigiano and Dennis J. Gray Eds., CRC Press, p. 307-325

4) Cotton Biotechnology: Challenge the Future for Cotton Improvement, In: Biotechnology in Crop Improvement, 2008, GP Rao (ed.), Studium Press, LLC, Houstan, Texas, USA. p. 241-301

5) 《遗传学》副主编,2007,科学出版社

6) 《湖北棉花》参编,2004,中国农业出版社

7) 《作物育种学总论》副主编,2003,农业出版社

8) 《中国棉花遗传育种学》参编,2003,山东科学技术出版社

9) 《植物细胞组织培养》参编,2002,中国农业大学出版社




1)华杂棉1号   鄂审棉2005002号

2)华杂棉2号   豫审棉2005009号

3)华惠103     赣审棉2006008号(与惠民种业合作)

4)华杂棉H318  国审棉2009018号

5)华杂棉4号   赣审棉2009001号

6)华棉3109    鄂审棉2014006号

7)华棉3097    鄂审棉2017005

8)华杂棉H116  赣审棉20180001

9)华杂棉H922  赣审棉20180002

10)华杂棉H834  鄂审棉2019003

11)华杂棉H922  鄂审棉2019002

12)华棉9153   赣审棉20190003

13)华棉1126   鄂审棉2019006

14)华杂棉H329  鄂审棉2019001

15)华棉2270   赣审棉20200007

16)华杂棉H834 赣审棉20200007

17)华杂棉H116 通过国家棉花专业组初审(2020)

18)华棉8119   通过湖北省初审(2020)





1. 戴宝生,郭欢乐,尤春源,张献龙,林忠旭*.棉花陆海杂种标记偏分离染色体上重要农艺性状的QTL定位, 棉花学报, 2018, 30(6):435-447

2. 张伯阳, 简逸楠, 李梦, 杨细燕*, 张献龙. 棉花GhSEDEG38基因调控棉花耐盐性的功能研究, yl23455永利学报, 2018, 37(5): 1-5.

3. 张云超, 杨细燕, 何良荣, 李乐斌, 周婷, 金芳燕, 张献龙. 鲁棉6号体细胞胚胎发生过程及植株再生, yl23455永利学报, 2014, 02: 22-27.

4. 付小勤, 原保忠, 张献龙, 聂以春, 刘燕, 柯昌煌, 叶圣池. 钾肥分期施用对棉花产量及构成因素影响, 中国农学通报, 2014, 18: 95-103.

5. 刘琳琳, 张文文, 周易, 苗玉焕, 许莲, 刘敏, 张坤, 张献龙, 朱龙付. 棉花与番茄抗棉花黄萎病不依赖于Ve1, 中国科学: 生命科学, 2014, 08: 803-814.

6. 涂礼莉, 谭家福, 郭凯, 李中华, 张献龙*. 类黄酮代谢途径与棉花纤维发育, 中国科学:生命科学, 2014, 08: 758-765.

7. 付小勤, 原保忠, 刘燕, 张献龙, 聂以春. 钾肥施用量和施用方式对棉花生长及产量和品质的影响, 农学学报, 2013, 02: 6-11.

8. 杨国正, 王德鹏, 聂以春, 张献龙. 钾肥用量对棉花生物量和产量的影响(英文), 作物学报, 2013, 05: 905-911.

9. 惠慧, 郭小平, 朱龙付, 张献龙. 落叶型棉花黄萎病菌的致病力分化, 植物保护学报, 2013, 05: 445-449.

10. 朱华国, 张献龙, 金双侠, 刘冠泽. 两种常用激素组合下棉花体细胞胚胎发生过程的组织学观察, 棉花学报, 2012, 02: 159-166.

11. 白静, 聂以春, 林忠旭, 郭小平, 张献龙, 王斌, 刘传祥. 棉花杂交种SSR核心引物的筛选与评价, 棉花学报, 2012, 03: 207-214.

12. 徐理, 朱龙付, 张献龙*. 棉花抗黄萎病机制研究进展, 作物学报, 2012, 09: 1553-1560.

13. 刘燕, 原保忠, 张献龙, 周欢, 彭龙. 整枝与化控对棉花产量和品质的影响, 中国棉花, 2012, 11: 10-12.

14. 徐泽俊, 聂以春, 张献龙, 郭小平, 吴家和.转双价抗虫基因棉花的主要农艺性状的遗传变异, 植物遗传资源学报, 2011, 01: 125-130.

15. 杨国正, 张献龙, 黎青, 段银庭, 张羽, 刘任华, 刘道红, 曾武峰. 华杂棉H318极产探索及其关键配套栽培技术. 中国棉花, 2011, 01: 23-24.

16. 张献龙*. 湖北省棉花育种十二五研究构思, 中国棉花, 2011, 03: 5-7.

17. 彭龙, 原保忠, 周欢, 崔颖, 张献龙. 钾对棉花生长发育生理特性以及产量品质的影响研究, 中国农学通报, 2011, 12: 227-231.

18. 王德鹏, 祝珍珍, 陈求柱, 卢怀玉, 李召虎, 杨国正, 张献龙. 华杂棉H318 F1高产栽培技术, 湖北农业科学, 2011, 10: 1961-1963.

19. 聂以春, 张献龙, 郭小平. 转基因抗虫杂交棉-华杂棉4, 江西棉花, 2010, 01: 49-50.

20. 聂以春, 张献龙, 郭小平. 高产抗虫杂交棉-华杂棉H318, 中国棉花, 2010, 02: 26.

21. 李雪林, 刘冠泽, 聂以春, 郭小平, 张献龙*. SNAC1基因作为筛选标记基因用于棉花的遗传转化, 棉花学报, 2010, 01: 36-41.

22. 朱再清, 张献龙. 我国转基因抗虫棉推广与生产优势区域变化实证分析, yl23455永利学报(社会科学版), 2010, 02: 12-17.

23. 宋俊乔, 孙培均, 张霞, 张献龙, 聂以春, 郭小平, 朱龙付. 棉仁高油分材料筛选及其脂肪酸发育分析, 棉花学报, 2010, 04: 291-296.

24. 余渝, 张艳欣, 林忠旭, 张献龙. 棉花种间BC1群体偏分离的遗传剖析(英文), 作物学报, 2010, 10: 1657-1665.

25. 曹景林, 朱龙付, 谭家福, 邓锋林, 李允静, 郝娟, 徐士成, 张献龙*. 适用于蛋白质双向电泳的棉花胚性培养物蛋白质提取技术, 棉花学报, 2009, 01: 3-9.

26. 李雪林, 林忠旭, 聂以春, 郭小平, 张献龙*. 盐胁迫下棉花基因组DNA表观遗传变化的MSAP分析, 作物学报, 2009, 04: 588-596.

27. 王振宇, 马奇祥, 郭小平, 张献龙. 试验地点选择对棉花产量鉴别的影响, 河南农业科学, 200904: 55-58.

28. 张培培, 王夏青, 余杨, 余渝, 林忠旭, 张献龙. 首批海岛棉基因组来源的微卫星标记的分离、评价和定位, 作物学报, 2009, 06: 1013-1020.

29. 付莉莉, 杨细燕, 张献龙, 王志伟, 冯常辉, 刘传祥, 江培勇, 张金龙. 棉花原生质体- 受体双失活融合产生种间杂种植株及其鉴定, 科学通报, 2009, 15: 2219-2227.

30. 林忠旭, 冯常辉, 郭小平, 张献龙. 陆地棉产量、纤维品质相关性状主效QTL和上位性互作分析, 中国农业科学, 2009, 09: 3036-3047.

31. 余渝, 王夏青, 冯常辉, 林忠旭, 张献龙*. 棉花纤维特异/优势表达基因的染色体定位, 棉花学报, 2009, 06: 435-441.

32. 曹景林, 张献龙*, 金双侠, 杨细燕, 朱华国, 付莉莉. 棉花高效体细胞胚发生及同步控制培养体系研究, 作物学报, 2008, 02: 224-231.

33. 朱华国, 涂礼莉, 金双侠, 徐理, 谭家福, 邓锋林, 张献龙*. 棉花细胞初始脱分化的基因差异表达分析, 科学通报, 2008, 20: 2483-2492.

34. 余渝, 王志伟, 冯常辉, 张艳欣, 林忠旭, 张献龙. 草棉EST-SSRs的遗传评价, 作物学报, 2008, 12: 2085-2091.

35. 王江林, 胡征国, 郭小平, 高敏, 聂以春, 张献龙. 棉花新型D8胞质雄性不育的细胞质效应研究, 棉花学报, 2008, 02: 83-87.

36. 周志林, 聂以春, 张献龙, 胡婷婷. 棉花体细胞培养中染色体的变异, 江苏农业学报, 2008, 02: 126-129.

37. 李武, 倪薇, 林忠旭, 张献龙. 海岛棉遗传多样性的SRAP标记分析, 作物学报, 2008, 05: 893- 898.

38. 林忠旭, 王锦峰, 张献龙*. 瑟伯氏棉和异常棉的陆地棉导入系的EST-SSRgSSR分析(英文), 棉花学报, 2008, 04: 243-248.

39. 谢德意, 金双侠, 郭小平, 张献龙*. 长江和黄河流域棉区棉花品种体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生比较研究, 作物学报, 2007, 03: 394-400.

40. 谢德意, 金双侠, 郭小平, 张献龙*. 棉花胚性愈伤组织的转化及转基因胚状体的有效萌发与成苗技术研究, 作物学报,2007, 05: 751-756.

41. 李武, 林忠旭, 张献龙*. 亚洲棉种内群体异常偏分离的分子标记检测(英文), 遗传学报, 2007, 07: 634- 640.

42. 金双侠, 韩杰, 刘小云, 刘冠泽, 王一娴, 唐文鑫, 张献龙*. SDS-蛋白酶法分离棉花cpDNApsbA基因启动子、终止子克隆, 分子植物育种, 2007, 05: 683-689.

43. 张艳欣, 林忠旭, 李武, 涂礼莉, 聂以春, 张献龙*. 海岛棉EST- SSR引物的开发与应用研究, 科学通报, 2007, 15: 1779-1787.

44. 涂礼莉, 张献龙*, 刘迪秋, 金双侠, 曹景林, 朱龙付, 邓锋林, 谭家福, 张存斌. 棉花纤维发育和体细胞胚发生过程中实时定量PCR内对照基因的筛选, 科学通报, 2007, 20: 2379-2385.

45. 周小凤, 张碧瑶, 刘冠泽, 高巍, 余渝, 邓福军, 李保成, 孔宪辉, 张献龙, 金双侠. 新疆棉花高体细胞胚胎发生能力基因型的筛选, 分子植物育种, 2007, 06: 819-826.

46. 王国英, 郭小平, 张献龙. 4个陆地棉雄性核不育系育性稳定性观察, yl23455永利学报, 2006, 04: 351-354.

47. 郭小平, 赵元明, 吴家和, 张献龙*, 聂以春. 棉花Bt转基因品系的配合力和杂种优势表现(英文), 棉花学报, 2006, 05: 304-308.

48. 贺道华, 张献龙*. 数量性状由表型变异到基因发现的研究进展, 遗传, 2006, 12: 1613- 1618.

49. 夏启中, 张明菊, 张献龙, 郭小平. 高浓度细胞分裂素诱导棉花悬浮细胞程序性死亡, yl23455永利学报, 200504: 334-338.

50. 王红梅, 张献龙*, 贺道华, 林忠旭, 聂以春, 李运海, 陈伟. 陆地棉对黄萎病抗性的分子标记研究, 植物病理学报, 2005, 04: 333-339.

51. 夏启中, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 郭小平, 朱龙付. 在自然衰老和诱导条件下棉花悬浮细胞程序性死亡的发生, 实验生物学报, 2005, 04: 33-38.

52. 朱龙付, 涂礼莉, 曾范昌, 刘迪秋, 张献龙*. 一种适合于cDNA文库构建的高质量棉花RNA的简单抽提法(英文), 作物学报, 2005, 12: 1657-1659.

53. 金双侠, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 郭小平, 孙玉强, 黄超, 梁绍光. 启动子诱捕在棉花基因组中的功能分析(英文), 遗传学报, 2005, 12: 1266-1274.

54. 夏启中, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 郭小平. 棉花胚性细胞悬浮系的建立及其影响因素分析, 棉花学报, 2005, 01: 12-17.

55. 聂以春, 张献龙, 杨细燕, 郭小平. 抗虫杂交棉的光合及经济性状的优势及配合力研究,yl23455永利学报, 2005, 01: 5-9.

56. 夏启中, 吴家和, 张献龙*. 与植物超敏反应(HR)相关的细胞编程性死亡, yl23455永利学报, 2005, 01: 97-103.

57. 夏启中, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 郭小平. 撤除外源生长素诱发棉花胚性悬浮细胞程序性死亡,植物生理与分子生物学学报, 2005, 01: 78-84.

58. 朱龙付, 涂礼莉, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 郭小平, 夏启中. 黄萎病菌诱导的海岛棉抗病反应的SSH文库构建及分析, 遗传学报, 2005, 05: 528-532.

59. 吴家和, 张献龙*, 罗晓丽, 聂以春, 田颖川, 陈正华. 转几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶基因棉花的获得及其对黄萎病的抗性, 遗传学报, 2004, 02: 183-188.

60. 王红梅, 张献龙*, 李运海, 聂以春. 陆地棉黄萎病抗性遗传分析, 棉花学报, 2004, 02: 84-88.

61. 曹凑贵, 张献龙, 傅廷栋. 改造传统农学专业创新人才培养模式, 中国农业教育, 2004, 01: 21-23.

62. 贺道华, 林忠旭, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 郭小平. 陆地棉纤维品质遗传基础的分子标记剖析, 棉花学报, 2004, 03: 131-136.

63. 林忠旭, 张献龙*, 聂以春. 新型标记SRAP在棉花F2分离群体及遗传多样性评价中的适用性分析, 遗传学报, 2004, 06: 622-626.

64. 张献龙*, 孙玉强, 吴家和, 金双侠, 聂以春, 郭小平. 棉花细胞工程及新种质创造, 棉花学报, 2004, 06: 368-373.

65. 聂以春, 张献龙, 郭小平, 蔡明历. Bt基因抗虫杂交棉的光合性状遗传分析, 作物学报, 2004, 11: 1173-1175.

66. 朱龙付, 张献龙*. RNAi及其在植物遗传改良中的应用, yl23455永利学报, 2004, 04: 472-477.

67. 李定国, 聂以春, 张献龙. 陆地棉棕色纤维色泽的遗传分析, yl23455永利学报, 2004, 06: 606-609.

68. 林忠旭, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 贺道华, 吴茂清. 棉花SRAP遗传连锁图构建, 科学通报, 2003, 15: 1676-1679.

69. 高玉千, 聂以春, 张献龙. 棉花抗黄萎病基因的QTL定位, 棉花学报, 2003, 02: 73-78.

70. 李惠英, 张献龙*, 聂以春. 珂字201胚性愈伤组织cDNA文库的构建和分析(英文), 棉花学报, 2003, 04: 235-237.

71. 吴家和, 张献龙*, 罗晓丽, 肖娟丽. 两个陆地棉体细胞胚胎发生新品系的选育, 棉花学报, 2003, 04: 254-256.

72. 李惠英, 张献龙*. 陆地棉体细胞胚胎发生过程中的mRNA差异显示分析, 棉花学报, 2003, 05: 264-268.

73. 吴茂清, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 贺道华. 四倍体栽培棉种产量和纤维品质性状的QTL定位(英文), 遗传学报, 2003, 05: 443-452.

74. 吴家和, 张献龙*, 罗晓丽, 田颖川. 转新型双抗虫基因棉花的遗传分析, 遗传学报, 2003, 07: 631-636.

75. 涂礼莉, 张献龙*, 朱龙付, 聂以春, 郭小平. 海岛棉NBS类型抗病基因类似物的起源、多样性及进化, 遗传学报, 2003, 11: 1071-1077.

76. 吴家和, 田颖川, 罗晓丽, 郭洪年, 石跃进, 陈晓英, 贾燕涛, 肖娟丽, 张献龙*. 转两类抗虫基因棉花优良纯合品系的选育, 中国农业科学, 2003, 06: 651-656.

77. 朱龙付, 张献龙*, 聂以春. 利用RAPDSSR标记分析陆地棉种质资源的遗传多样性, 农业生物技术学报, 2003, 05: 450-455.

78. 吴家和, 张献龙*, 聂以春. 棉花体细胞增殖和胚胎发生中的细胞程序性死亡, 植物生理与分子生物学学报, 2003, 06: 515-520.

79. 张美冬, 詹先进, 张献龙. 彩色棉品种资源的RAPD多态性分析, yl23455永利学报, 2003, 05: 427- 430.

80. 左开井, 张献龙, 聂以春, 刘金兰, 孙济中. 转基因抗虫棉Bt基因插入区碱基组成分析, 遗传学报, 2002, 08: 735-740.

81. 徐秋华, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 冯纯大. 我国棉花抗枯萎病品种的遗传多样性分析, 中国农业科学, 2002, 03: 272-276.

82. 聂以春, 周肖荣, 张献龙. 转基因抗虫棉的产量、品质及抗虫性比较研究, 植物遗传资源科学, 2002, 3(4): 8-12.

83. 朱龙付, 张献龙*, 聂以春, 吴家和. 转基因抗虫棉品种()的遗传多样性初步研究, yl23455永利学报, 2002, 05: 401-405.

84. 陈妹幼, 聂以春, 张献龙*. 转化棉花胚性愈伤可以有效缩短转基因周期, yl23455永利学报, 2002, 05: 406-408.

85. 王武, 聂以春, 张献龙*, 孙济中. 转基因抗虫组合在棉花杂种优势利用中增产原因剖析, yl23455永利学报, 2002, 05: 419-424.

86. 王武, 张献龙*, 孙济中, 聂以春. 转基因抗虫组合F2代群体农艺性状变异及其利用价值评估, 棉花学报, 2002, 01: 8-12.

87. 聂以春, 张献龙, 杨德华. 陆地棉×辣根棉后代主要性状的遗传变异, 棉花学报, 200204: 219-222.

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1. Li B, Liang S, Alariqi M, Wang F, Wang G, Wang Q, Xu Z, Yu L, Zafar M, Sun L, Si H, Yuan D, Guo W, Wang Y, Lindsey K, Zhang X*, Jin S*. The application of temperature sensitivity CRISPR/LbCpf1 (LbCas12a) mediated genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (G. hirsutum) and creation of nontransgenic, gossypol-free cotton. Plant Biotechnol J, 2020

2. Wang Q, Alariqi M, Wang F, Li B, Ding X, Rui H, Li Y, Xu Z, Qin L, Sun L, Li J, Zou J, Lindsey K, Zhang X, Jin S*. The application of a heat-inducible CRISPR/Cas12b (C2c1) genome editing system in tetraploid cotton (G.hirsutum) plants. Plant Biotechnol J, 2020

3. Qin L, Li J, Wang Q, Xu Z, Sun L, Alariqi M, Manghwar H, Wang G, Li B, Ding X, Rui H, Huang H, Lu T, Lindsey K, Daniell H, Zhang X, Jin S*. High-efficient and precise base editing of C•G to T•A in the allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genome using a modified CRISPR/Cas9 system. Plant Biotechnol J, 2020, 18(1):45-56

4. Manghwar H, Li B, Ding X, Hussain A, Lindsey K, Zhang X*, Jin S*. CRISPR/Cas Systems in Genome Editing: Methodologies and tools for sgRNA design, off-target evaluation, and strategies to mitigate off-target effects. Adv Sci (Weinh), 2020, 7(6):1902312

5. Li B, Chen L, Sun W, Wu D, Wang M, Yu Y, Chen G, Yang W, Lin Z, Zhang X, Duan L*, Yang X*. Phenomics-based GWAS analysis reveals the genetic architecture for drought resistance in cotton. Plant Biotechnol J, 2020

6. Li B, Tian Q, Wang X, Han B, Liu L, Kong X, Si A, Wang J, Lin Z, Zhang X, Yu Y*, Yang X*. Phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation of cotton yield and its related traits under water-limited conditions. Crop J, 2020

7. Si H, Liu H, Sun Y, Xu Z, Liang S, Li B, Ding X, Li J, Wang Q, Sun L, Zhang X, Jin S*. Transcriptome and metabolome analysis reveal that oral secretions from Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura influence wound-induced host response in cotton. Crop J, 2020

8. Li Z, Wang P, You C, Yu J, Zhang X, Yan F, Ye Z, Shen C, Li B, Guo K, Liu N, Thyssen G, Fang D, Lindsey K, Zhang X, Wang M*, Tu L*. Combined GWAS and eQTL analysis uncovers a genetic regulatory network orchestrating the initiation of secondary cell wall development in cotton. New Phytol, 2020, 226(6):1738-1752

9. Deng J, Yang X, Sun W, Miao Y, He L, Zhang X*. The calcium sensor CBL2 and its interacting kinase CIPK6 are involved in plant sugar homeostasis via interacting with tonoplast sugar transporter TST2. Plant Physiol, 2020, 183: 236-249

10. Wang Q, Du X, Zhou Y, Xie L, Bie S, Tu L, Zhang N, Yang X, Xiao S*, Zhang X*. The β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase GhKCS13 regulates the cold response in cotton by modulating lipid and oxylipin biosynthesis. J Exp Bot, 2020, eraa254

11. Chen L, Sun H, Wang F, Yue D, Shen X, Sun W, Zhang X, Yang X*. Genome-wide identification of MAPK cascade genes reveals the GhMAP3K14–GhMKK11–GhMPK31 pathway is involved in the drought response in cotton. Plant Mol Bio, 2020, 103: 211-223

12. Liu N, Wu S, Li Z, Khan A, Hu H, Zhang X, Tu L*. Repression of microRNA 160 results in retarded seed integument growth and smaller final seed size in cotton. Crop J, 2020, 8(4): 602-612

13. Guo K, Li Z, Tian H, Du X, Liu Z, Huang H, Wang P, Ye Z, Zhang X, Tu L*. Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidases (cAPXs) play a critical role in photosynthesis by modulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in stomatal guard cell. Front Plant Sci, 2020, 11:446

14. Wang M, Tu L, Yuan D, Zhu, Shen C, Li J, Liu F, Pei L, Wang P, Zhao G, Ye Z, Huang H, Yan F, Ma Y, Zhang L, Liu M, You J, Yang Y, Liu Z, Huang F, Li B, Qiu P, Zhang Q, Zhu L, Jin S, Yang X, Min L, Li G, Chen L, Zheng H, Lindsey K*, Lin Z*, Udall J*, Zhang X*. Reference genome sequences of two cultivated allotetraploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense. Nat Genet, 2019, 51(2):224-229

15. Manghwar H, Lindsey K, Zhang X*, Jin S*. CRISPR/Cas System: Recent Advances and Future Prospects for Genome Editing. Trends Plant Sci. 2019, 24(12):1102-1125

16. Hu L, Xu Z, Wang M, Fan R, Yuan D, Wu B, Li W, Saski C, Daniell H, Wendel J, Lindsey K, Zhang X, Hao C*, Jin S*. The chromosome-scale reference genome of black pepper (Piper nigrum) provides further insight into piperine biosynthesis. Nat Commun, 2019, 10: 4702

17. Li B, Rui H, Li Y, Wang Q, Alariqi M, Qin L, Sun L, Ding X, Wang F, Zou J, Wang Y, Yuan D, Zhang X, Jin S*. Robust CRISPR/Cpf1 (Cas12a)-mediated genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Biotechnol J. 2019, 17(10):1862-1864

18. Li J, Manghwar H, Sun L, Wang P, Wang G, Sheng H, Zhang J, Liu H, Qin L, Rui H, Li B, Lindsey K, Daniell H, Jin S*, Zhang X. Whole genome sequencing reveals rare off-target mutations and considerable inherent genetic or/and somaclonal variations in CRISPR/Cas9-edited cotton plants. Plant Biotechnol J. 2019,17(5), 858-868

19. Zhou Y, Sun L, Wassan GM, He X, Shaban M, Zhang L, Zhu L*, Zhang X. GbSOBIR1 confers Verticillium wilt resistance by phosphorylating the transcriptional factor GbbHLH171 in Gossypium barbadense. Plant Biotechnol J, 2019,17(1), 152-163

20. Li J, Wang M, Li Y, Zhang Q, Lindsey K, Daniell H, Jin S*, Zhang X. Multi-omics analyses reveal epigenomics basis for cotton somatic embryogenesis through successive regeneration acclimation process. Plant Biotechnol J, 2019, 17(2):435-450

21. Xu J, Yang X*, Li B, Chen L, Min L, Zhang X*. GhL1L1 affects cell fate specification by regulating GhPIN1-mediated auxin distribution. Plant Biotechnol J, 2019, 17(1):63-74

22. Xu J, Chen L, Sun H, Wusiman N, Sun W, Li B, Gao Y, Kong J, Zhang D, Zhang X, Xu H*, Yang X*. Crosstalk between cytokinin and ethylene signaling pathways regulates leaf abscission in cotton in response to chemical defoliants. J Exp Bot, 2019, 70(5):1525-1538

23. Shen C, Wang N, Huang C, Wang M, Zhang X, Lin Z*. Population genomics reveals a fine-scale recombination landscape for genetic improvement of cotton. Plant J, 2019, 99:494-505

24. Miao Y, Xu L, He X, Zhang L, Shaban M, Zhang X, Zhu L*. Suppression of tryptophan synthase activates cotton immunity by triggering cell death via promoting SA synthesis. Plant J, 2019, 98(2):329-345

25. Miao Y, Zhu L, Zhang X*. Down regulation of cotton GbTRP1 leads to accumulation of anthranilates and confers resistance to Verticillium dahliae. J Cotton Res, 2019, 2:19

26. Li J, Hull J, Liang S, Wang Q, Chen L, Zhang Q, Wang M, Mansoon S, Zhang X, Jin S*. Genome-wide analysis of cotton miRNAs during whitefly infestation offers new insights into plant-herbivore interaction. Int J Mol Sci, 2019, (20):5357

27. Khan A, Li Z, Ahmed M, Wang P, Zhang X, Tu L*. Eriodictyol can modulate cellular auxin gradients to efficiently promote in vitro cotton fibre development. BMC Plant Biol, 2019, 19(1):443

28. Qin T, Liu S, Zhang Z, Sun L, He X, Lindsey K, Zhu L*, Zhang X. GhCyP3 improves the resistance of cotton to Verticillium dahliae by inhibiting the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of GhPUB17. Plant Mol Biol, 2019, 99:379-393

29. Wu Y, Li Y, Li Y, MaY, Zhao Y, Wang C, Chi H, Chen M, Ding Y, Guo X, Min L*, Zhang X. Proteomic analysis reveals that sugar and fatty acid metabolisms play a central role in sterility of the male-sterile line 1355A of cotton. J Biol Chem, 2019, 294(17):7057-7067

30. Wang M, Wang P, Lin M*, Ye Z, Li G, Tu L, Shen C, Li J, Yang Q*, Zhang X*. Evolutionary dynamics of 3D genome architecture following polyploidization in cotton. Nat Plants, 2018, 4(2):90-97

31. Ma Y, Min L*, Wang M, Wang C, Zhao Y, Li Y, Fang Q, Wu Y, Xie S, Ding Y, Su X, Hu Q, Zhang Q, Li X, Zhang X*. Disrupted genome methylation in response to high temperature has distinct affects on microspore abortion and anther indehiscence. Plant Cell, 2018, 30(7):1387-1403

32. Hu H, Wang M, Ding Y, Zhu S, Zhao G, Tu L*, Zhang X. Transcriptomic repertoires depict the initiation of lint and fuzz fibers in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Biotechnol J, 2018, 16(5):1002-1012

33. Wen T, Wu M, Shen C, Gao B, Zhu D, Zhang X, You C*, Lin Z*. Linkage and association mapping reveals the genetic basis of brown fibre (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Biotechnol J, 2018, 16(9), 1654–1666

34. Wang P, Zhang J, Sun L, Ma Y, Xu J, Liang S, Deng J, Tan J, Zhang Q, Tu L, Henry D, Jin S*, Zhang X*. High efficient multisites genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) using CRISPR/Cas9 system. Plant Biotechnol J, 2018, 16(1):137-150

35. Zhang L, Wang M, Li N, Wang H, Qiu P, Pei L, Xu Z, Wang T, Gao E, Liu J, Liu S, Hu Q, Miao Y, Lindsey K, Tu L, Zhu L, Zhang X*. Long non-coding RNAs involve in resistance to Verticillium dahliae, a fungal disease in cotton. Plant Biotechnol J, 2018, 16(6):1172-1185

36. Song Y, Liu L, Wang Y, Valkenburg D, Zhang X, Zhu L, Thomma B*. Transfer of tomato immune receptor Ve1 confers Ave1-dependent Verticillium resistance in tobacco and cotton. Plant Biotechnol J, 2018, 16(2):638-648

37. Wang M, Wang P, Liang F, Ye Z, Li J, Shen C, Pei L, Wang F, Hu J, Tu L, Lindsey K, He D*, Zhang X*. A global survey of alternative splicing in allopolyploid cotton: landscape, complexity and regulation. New Phytol, 2018, 217(1):163-178

38. Ullah A, Sun H, Hakim, Yang X*, Zhang X. A novel cotton WRKY-gene, GhWRKY6-like, improves salt tolerance by activating the ABA signalling pathway and scavenging of reactive oxygen species. Physiol Plant, 2018, 162(4):439-454

39. Hu Q, Min L, Yang X, Jin S, Zhang L, Li Y, Ma Y, Qi X, Li D, Liu H, Lindsey K, Zhu L*, Zhang X*. Laccase GhLac1 Modulates Broad-Spectrum Biotic Stress Tolerance via Manipulating Phenylpropanoid Pathway and Jasmonic Acid Synthesis. Plant Physiol, 2018, 176(2):1808-1823

40. Hu Q, Zhu L, Zhang X, Guan Q, Xiao S, Min L, Zhang X*. GhCPK33 Negatively Regulates Defense against Verticillium dahliae by Phosphorylating GhOPR3. Plant Physiol, 2018,178(2), 876-889

41. Wang L, Liu N, Wang T, Li J, Wen T, Yang X*, Lindsey K, Zhang X. The GhmiR157a-GhSPL10 regulatory module controls initial cellular dedifferentiation and callus proliferation in cotton by modulating ethylene-mediated flavonoid biosynthesis. J Exp Bot, 2018, 69: 1081-1093

42. Wang L, Liu N, Wang T, Li J, Wen T, Yang X*, Lindsey K, Zhang X. The Ghmir157a/GhSPL10 regulatory module controls initial cellular dedifferentiation and callus proliferation in cotton by modulating ethylene-mediated flavonoid biosynthesis. J Exp Bot, 2018(5), 1081-1093.

43. He X, Zhu L*, Wassan G, Wang Y, Miao Y, Shaban M, Hu H, Sun H, Zhang X. GhJAZ2 attenuates cotton resistance to biotic stresses via the inhibition of the transcriptional activity of GhbHLH171. Mol Plant Pathol, 2018, 19(4): 896-908

44. Sun H, Hu M, Li J, Chen L, Li M, Zhang S, Zhang X, Yang X*. Comprehensive analysis of NAC transcription factors uncovers their roles during fiber development and stress response in cotton. BMC Plant Biol, 2018, 18(1):150

45. Sun L, Alariqi M, Zhu Y, Li J, Li Z, Wang Q, Li Y, Rui H, Zhang X, Jin S*. Red fluorescent protein (DsRed2), an ideal reporter for cotton genetic transformation and molecular breeding. Crop J, 2018, 4: 366-376

46. Zhu L, Li J, Xu Z, Manghwar H, Liang S, Li S, Alariqi M, Jin S*, Zhang X. Identification and selection of resistance to Bemisia tabaci among 550 cotton genotypes in the field and greenhouse experiments. Front Agr Sci Eng, 2018, 5(2): 236-252

47. Keerio A, Shen C, Nie Y, Ahmed M, Zhang X, Lin Z*. QTL mapping for fiber quality and yield traits based on introgression lines derived from Gossypium hirsutum × G. tomentosum. Int J Mol Sci, 2018, 19(1):243

48. He X, Wang T, Xu Z, Liu N, Wang L, Hu Q, Luo X, Zhang X, Zhu L*. The cotton HD-Zip transcription factor GhHB12 regulates flowering time and plant architecture via the GhmiR157-GhSPL pathway. Communications Biology, 2018, 1: 229

49. Li Y, Min L*, Zhang L, Hu Q, Wu Y, Li J, Xie S, Ma Y, Zhang X, Zhu L*. Promoters of Arabidopsis Casein kinase I-like 2 and 7 confer specific high-temperature response in anther. Plant Mol Biol, 2018, 98: 33-49

50. Wang M, Tu L, Lin M, Lin Z, Wang P, Yang Q, Ye Z, Shen C, Li J, Zhang L, Zhou X, Nie X, Li Z, Guo K, Ma Y, Huang C, Jin S, Zhu L, Yang X, Min L, Yuan D, Zhang Q, Lindsey K* , Zhang X*. Asymmetric subgenome selection and cis-regulatory divergence during cotton domestication. Nat Genet, 2017, 49(4):579-587

51. Ullah A, Sun H, Yang X*, Zhang X. Drought coping strategies in cotton: increased crop per drop. Plant Biotechnol J, 2017, 15(3): 271–284

52. Huang C, Nie X, Shen C, You C, Li W, Zhao W, Zhang X* and Lin Z*. Population structure and genetic basis of the agronomic traits of Upland cotton in China revealed by a genome-wide association study using high-density SNPs. Plant Biotechnol J, 2017, 15, 1374-1386

53. Luo J, Liang S, Li J, Xu Z, Li L, Zhu B, Li Z, Lei C, Lindsey K, Chen L*, Jin S*, Zhang X. A transgenic strategy for controlling plant bugs (Adelphocoris suturalis) through expression of double- stranded RNA (dsRNA) homologous to Fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) in cotton. New Phytol, 2017, 215(3): 117

54. Ding Y, Ma Y, Liu N, Xu J, Hu Q, Li Y, Wu Y, Xie S, Zhu L, Min L*, Zhang X. microRNAs involved in auxin signalling modulate male sterility under high-temperature stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant J, 2017, 91: 977-994

55. Guo K, Tu L, He Y, Deng J, Wang M, Huang H, Li Z, Zhang X. Interaction between calcium and potassium modulates elongation rate in cotton fiber cells. J Exp Bot, 2017, 68(18): 5161-5175

56. Sun H, Chen L, Li J, Hu M, Ullah A, He X, Yang X*, Zhang X. The JASMONATE ZIM-domain Gene Family Mediates JA Signaling and Stress Response in Cotton. Plant Cell Physiol, 2017, 58(12): 2139-2154

57. Guo K, Tu L*, Wang P, Du X, Ye S, Luo M and Zhang X. Ascorbate alleviates Fe deficiency-induced stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) by modulating ABA levels. Front Plant Sci, 2017, 4(7):1997

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