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姓名: 刘磊 出生年月:


性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程:


职称: 教授

学位: 理学博士






办公地址:作物遗传改良国家重点实验室 A219-1




1. 主持科技部十三五“七大农作物育种”试点专项:“玉米优异种质资源形成与演化规律研究”子课题“玉米行粒数/穗行数基因鉴定与演化研究”;项目编号:2016YFD0100303;执行年限2016/07-2020/12;总经费120万。

2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,KRN4调控玉米穗行数的分子机理研究;项目编号:31701431;执行年限:2018/01 -2020/12,经费25万。

3. 主持“博士后国际交流计划”学术交流项目,获批年份2016年,经费3万。

4. 主持“博士后国际交流计划”派出项目,执行年限2018/11-2021/10,经费30万。



国家发明专利:控制玉米穗行数和穗粒数的DNA片段、分子标记与应用;授权日期:2016.08.24;专利号:CN 104651494 B;第二发明人。


1)  Liu L, Gallagher J, Arevalo ED, Chen R, Skopelitis T, Wu Q, Bartlett M, Jackson D*. Enhancing grain-yield-related traits by CRISPR–Cas9 promoter editing of maize CLE genes. Nature Plants, 2021, 7:287–294.

2)  Ning Q#, Jian Y#, Du Y, Li Y, Shen X, Jia H, Zhao R, Zhan J, Yang F, Jackson D*, Liu L*, Zhang Z*. An ethylene biosynthesis enzyme controls quantitative variation in maize ear length and kernel yield. Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1):5832 (* 共同通讯作者).

3)  Liu L, Chen R, Fugina CJ, Siegel B, Jackson D*. High-throughput and Low-cost Genotyping Method for Plant Genome Editing. Current Protocols, 2021, 1(4):e100.

4)  Liu L#, Lindsay PL#, Jackson D*. Next Generation Cereal Crop Yield Enhancement: From Knowledge of Inflorescence Development to Practical Engineering by Genome Editing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(10):5167

5)  Liu L, Huang J, He L, Liu N, Du Y, Hou R, Du H, Qiu F, Zhang Z*. Dissecting the genetic architecture of important traits that enhance wild germplasm resource usage in modern maize breeding. Molecular Breeding, 2019, 39: 157.

6)  Liu L, Du Y, Shen X, Li M, Sun W, Huang J, Liu Z, Tao Y, Zheng Y, Yan J, Zhang Z*. KRN4 controls quantitative variation in maize kernel row number. PLoS Genetics, 2015, 11(11):e1005670.

7)  Liu L, Du Y, Huo D, Wang M, Shen X, Yue B, Qiu F, Zheng Y, Yan J, Zhang Z*. Genetic architecture of maize kernel row number and whole genome prediction. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2015, 128(11):2243-2254.

8)  Du Y, Liu L, Peng Y, Li M, Li Y, Liu D, Li X, Zhang Z*. UNBRANCHED3 Expression and Inflorescence Development is Mediated by UNBRANCHED2 and the Distal Enhancer, KRN4, in Maize. PLoS Genetics, 2020, 16(4):e1008764.

9)  Yang N#, Liu J#, Gao Q#, Gui S, Chen L, Yang L, Huang J, Deng T, Luo J, He L, Wang Y, Xu P, Peng Y, Shi Z, Lan L, Ma Z, Yang X, Zhang Q, Bai M, Li S, Li W, Liu L, Jackson D, Yan J*. Genome assembly of a tropical maize inbred line provides insights into structural variation and crop improvement. Nature Genetics, 2019, 51: 1052–1059.

10)  Rodriguez-Leal D#, Xu C#, Kwon CT, Soyars C, Demesa-Arevalo E, Man J, Liu L, Lemmon ZH, Jones DS, Van Eck J, Jackson D*, Bartlett ME*, Nimchuk ZL*, Lippman ZB*. Evolution of buffering in a genetic circuit controlling plant stem cell proliferation. Nature Genetics, 2019, 51(5):786-792.

11)  Jia H#, Li M#, Li W#, Liu L, Jian Y, Yang Z, Shen X, Ning Q, Du Y, Zhao R, Jackson D, Yang X, Zhang Z*. A serine/threonine protein kinase encoding gene KERNEL NUMBER PER ROW6 regulates maize grain yield. Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1):988.

12)  Xu X, Crow M, Rice BR, Li F, Harris B, Liu L, Arevalo ED, Lu Z, Wang L, Fox N, Wang X, Drenkow J, Luo A, Char SN, Yang B, Sylvester AW, Gingeras TR, Schmitz RJ, Ware D, Lipka AE, Gillis J, Jackson D*. Single-cell RNA sequencing of developing maize ears facilitates functional analysis and trait candidate gene discovery. Developmental Cell, 2021, 56(4):557-568.e6.

13)  Wu Q#, Xu F#, Liu L, Char SN, Ding Y, Je BI, Schmelz E, Yang B, Jackson D*. The maize heterotrimeric G protein β subunit controls shoot meristem development and immune responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020, 117(3):1799-1805.

14)  Du Y, Liu L, Li M, Fang S, Shen X, Chu J, Zhang Z*. UNBRANCHED3 regulates branching by modulating cytokinin biosynthesis and signaling in maize and rice. New Phytologist, 2017, 214(2):721-733.

15)  Huang J, Lu G, Liu L, Raihan MS, Xu J, Jian L, Zhao L, Tran TM, Zhang Q, Liu J, Li W, Wei C, Braun DM, Li Q, Fernie AR, Jackson D*, Yan J*. The Kernel Size-Related Quantitative Trait Locus qKW9 Encodes a Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein That Aaffects Photosynthesis and Grain Filling. Plant Physiology, 2020, 183(4):1696-1709.

16)  Je BI#, Xu F#, Wu Q, Liu L, Meeley R, Gallagher JP, Corcilius L, Payne RJ, Bartlett ME, Jackson D*. The CLAVATA receptor FASCIATED EAR2 responds to distinct CLE peptides by signaling through two downstream effectors. Elife, 2018, 7:e35673.

17)  Zhu C, Liu L, Crowell O, Zhao H, Brutnell TP, Jackson D, Kellogg EA*. The CLV3 Homolog in Setaria viridis Selectively Controls Inflorescence Meristem Size. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:636749.

18)  Shen X, Zhao R, Liu L, Zhu C, Li M, Du H, Zhang Z*. Identification of a candidate gene underlying qKRN5b for kernel row number in Zea mays L. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2019, 132(12):3439-3448.

19)  Huang J, Gao Y, Jia H, Liu L, Zhang D, Zhang Z*. Comparative transcriptomics uncovers alternative splicing changes and signatures of selection from maize improvement. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16(1):363.


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